Author Topic: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves {Gang}  (Read 12958 times)

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2018, 03:37:14 PM »
Wow wasn't expecting a pregnancy. Going be one hell of a paternity test needed to determined who the daddy is! How soon before another starts to show?

Offline Rachel_Thornton

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2018, 10:40:44 AM »
A wonderful plot twist, you have done such a good job that I can't help feel jealousy from the rest of us as CeCe begins to be treated better and put as off limits during the pregnancy forcing them to abuse the rest more. I personally think Sophie is getting off very light thus far!

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In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves (Part 7B)
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2018, 09:12:59 AM »
And here's the second half of this part, also known as: what will happen now that CeCe is pregnant. Now, the small thing between Sophie and Rachel is probably closer to how they currently are with each other in real life, so yeah.

I'm also getting a little (unrealistically?) creative with the girls' punishments.

This story contains group rape scenes in a militaristic setting. The author does not condone rape, in any setting, in real life.

As soon as Sophie returned, they told her about CeCe's pregnancy, and they all promised to keep it secret from the soldiers as much as possible.

Sadly, the secret didn't last very long. And Kobaki was the one who revealed it, in front of all the soldiers at dinner.

Rachel turned to her sister, the look of fiery betrayal in her eyes. "You bitch! You told them!" And she flew straight at her, fists swinging.

"I did no such thing, you stupid bitch!" came Sophie's reply, deflecting her sister's attempts while trying to land some of her own.

"She didn't tell us." Kobaki's voice made the girls stop and look at him. "We found out our own way. Your guards heard you girls talk, and relayed the information on to me." The look on his face then became stone cold. "Take these girls away; if they want to fight each other again, then we can show them a worse fate." Soldiers came and picked up the sisters by the arms and took them away.

Kobaki then looked at CeCe. "We need to celebrate this marvellous news!" A roar sprung up from the militia, and CeCe was carried bodily from the tables, leaving Chris all alone to eat.

A hand fell on her shoulder; she knew whose it was and what it meant. "Come with me; let me make you feel lonely no longer," offered the hand's owner.


The sisters were tied, Sophie atop of Rachel, to each other by the hands and knees, collars on their necks chaining them together in close proximity. Neither of them liked this, and struggled.

One of the soldiers approached them with what looked like a large four-pronged fork; in reality, the "prongs" were rather large dildos, as the girls found out the hard, and painful, way.


CeCe was placed on her hands and knees on a table, as Kobaki stood behind her on a chair and announced, "Today, we shall see the start of our chief M'butu's plan to bring more soldiers into our fold, as this young white girl is now pregnant with either the first of our future soldiers, or another vessel to produce soldiers from."

CeCe remembered what Sophie had said that first night. She had almost forgotten in the seemingly endless gangrapes.

"So, to celebrate, we shall use this girl's mouth and ass for as long as we please." Another roar erupted, and her eyes went wide. She was hoping they would just leave her alone, at worst put her on display for a bit. But no, they were going to use her still.

She was left little time to ponder, as one soldier's charcoal-coloured cock spread open her sphincter, while another parted her lips, both going to town on the two holes she had left to use.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2018, 11:40:14 AM »
She should be glad that they plan to feed her nutrients, after all some ladies suffer from lack of proper nutrients!

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2019, 05:44:27 AM »
Eavesdrops on Rachels suggestions using my very own super secret pm peeker thingie and gasping.."is that even possible? You go Rachel! :emot_thedrool.gif:

And still remain ultra hot

Offline Army of One

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #35 on: February 17, 2019, 05:57:14 AM »
Eavesdrops on Rachels suggestions using my very own super secret pm peeker thingie and gasping.."is that even possible? You go Rachel! :emot_thedrool.gif:

And still remain ultra hot
Thanks Dawn.

I still have two more planned parts to write, but things have been busy here, so they'll be up a lot later than planned (obviously). But rest assured, they should be good.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves, Part 8
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2019, 04:08:36 AM »
It's been four months since I contributed a chapter to this tale, and in that time, chrisrap22 has moved over to RapeCage, while CC00 has disappeared off the face of the site. Still, I shall continue this, and hopefully they will return and read this and like/love it.

Oh, and of course, a disclaimer: This story contains rape scenes in a militaristic environment. The author does not condone this in situation in real life.

Rachel sat naked in the dark and the rain. She had heard the news that another regiment had won their battle with the Army, and were now returning so that another regiment could take their place on the front line. So she decided to battle rain and cold to do what she felt she needed to do.

She briefly looked back at the hut that the girls had reluctantly called their own piece of sanity. She didn't want to do this; CeCe still needed help, and her relationship with Chris had flourished. Even her sister, with whom she had been rivals back in civilistion, had become more amicable since they arrived here. Those three reasons alone made what she was about to do all the harder.

The regiment filed into the camp, mud caking their uniforms. They stopped when they saw Rachel sitting on the ground in the rain, crying. "Please," she pleaded to them, "take me! Use me however you please! Just please spare the others!"
"Where is she? Where's Rachel!?" Chris was in a panicked state, which had woken up the other two girls. "What's wrong?" Sophie asked.

"Rachel's not here." Chris kept searching, looking out of the window towards the courtyard.

Sophie finally got up. CeCe, being four months pregnant, found it a little harder, and was lifted up by Sophie. By this time, Chris had already run out to try and find her lover.

It was only just before breakfast, so the whole of M'Butu's militia were assembled ready to be fed when she reached the courtyard. "Looks like one of them wants to get in early!" one of the soldiers called out; the comment was met with laughter while the men surrounded her.

"Do you know w...I'm trying to...I'm loo..." Chris couldn't get a word in before she was forced to her knees. As soon as she opened her mouth again to ask where Rachel had gone, it was filled with a soldier's cock, and she was having her face fucked violently.

Sophie and CeCe had finally made it down to the breakfast area, Chris had taken on several of the soldiers, and they had now spotted the other two as they approached. "Look who's joined the party, boys," another voice boomed outy across the gang, and almost immediately the girls were surrounded and forced to kneeling, servicing every cock that was put to their mouths.

"What's going on here?" came M'Butu's booming voice, just as it seemed the oral abuses were reaching their peak. Every male backed away, leaving the three girls exposed and on their knees, unswallowed cum drooling from their mouths. "I remember saying that these girls were not to be touched until after breakfast."

"She star—" one of them started, but was quickly cut short by Chris running up to M'Butu, falling into a pleading position. "Please, M'Butu, I don't know where Rachel has gone," she cried at his feet. Sophie and CeCe slowly stood.

"Thankfully, I do," M'Butu assured, and took Chris' hand. "Girls, come with me. Men, return to your breakfast. You've had your fill of them this morning."
They saw Rachel, bent double, hands bound behind her back and pulled up towards the ceiling by another rope, taking two soldiers at the same time. They noted that they were part of the regiment that had been at the front line; they had evidently returned overnight. The two militiamen finished up, then, spotting M'Butu, took their leave, allowing Rachel to regain her composure.

"How long has she been here for?" CeCe asked, noting that Chris was in no state to ask.

"Three hours," M'Butu answered. "She volunteered herself for this, in order to spare you girls of this fate."

Chris immediately ran over to her, and threw her arms around her neck. The pair cried. "I did this for you," Rachel quietly told her. "I didn't want you to suffer this, so I chose to take it instead."

"That's nice, sister," Sophie sneered, her arms crossed. "You 'take one for the team' so as to spare us. But that exposes what you really are, doesn't it?"

"Sophie, what are you saying?" CeCe's voice made obvious her concern for where the young girl was going with her diatribe.

"You've given up. You're no longer fighting this. You've become weak. But then, you were always weak, weren't you? You say you would fight them oif they took you, but that's not true, is it? Look at us. CeCe fought. Chris would've fought. I would've fought. You did the exact opposite; you willingly gave yourself to them, because you're weak."

Chris was quick to take Sophie by the shoulders and push her to the walls of the hut. "What would you know? She did this so we didn't have to fight. And you can't see it. CeCe has been through this already herself, and she barely survived. Tell us, would you have if this were you?"

Sophie retreated from her standpoint a bit. "No," she admitted reluctantly and sullenly.

"Then you better be thankful for what she just did, because she could've left either of us to suffer in her place, as you said." Chris turned to M'Butu. "We'd better go." She then turned back to her lover. "Thank you for doing this. You didn't have to, and I wish you didn't, but I'm glad you did." She gave Rachel one last hug, then the three of them left with M'Butu back to the camp.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline Rachel_Thornton

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2019, 07:51:17 AM »
I cannot describe how pleased I am that you are continuing this story. I have noticed how you have really crafted your characters in the time away and I greatly admire how you write the desperation of the plight. The sacrifice of one for the group only to have it thrown back was inspired and disturbing at the same time. Merit for this when able!

Offline Army of One

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In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves, Part 9
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2019, 10:21:20 PM »
The final part! Yes, it's short, but I'm mostly spewing ideas at this point. I may have stuffed up a few things here; I'm also certain some things I've hit on the head.

Now, before you start asking if this is the end of the saga, I can assure you that no, this isn't. I will be doing one last story to add to this. However, I will not reveal any additional details, like who's involved in this tale, until it is written, except that the story will be a single-parter.

This part doesn't actually contain any sex scenes, but I will still include this warning for safety's sake: The author does not condone rape, regardless of setting or situation, in real life. The militaristic characters (i.e., M'Butu's army), at least some of them are getting what I shall only call a punishment for their crimes in this part. You will be similarly punished if you attempt nonconsensual sex in real life.

The lights and gunfire woke the girls up from what had been a restless slumber. CeCe was in her eighth month, and Rachel was still recovering from her time tied up and used. The guards outside their door had raised their rifles, only to be shot down before they had a chance to use them. The soldiers responsible came in, rifles pointed at them, but not making a shot. "We have civilians!" one yelled back out the door. A couple of others came in, their arms packed away behind their backs, and took the girls by the arms. "We're here to get you out. You need to come with us."

"Who are you?" Chris asked, trying to be heard underneath all the noise.

"We've been looking for you ladies for months now. We found out about your disappearances after Interpol informed us of what was happening, and they only found out after investigations in England and America."

They had made it out of the hut they had called home for nearly a year, and were led between the soldiers and the cars to a van near the rear of the line. They were immediately herded inside the back of it, and the one who had spoken to Chris immediately ran to the front. "Go, get them out of here." The girls saw the camp disappear out of site, and immediately saw the jungle they had been denied a view of when they had been brought here.
The doctors at the medical centre had checked all four of them over, and found nothing that seemed inconsistent with the months of near-constant rape they had endured. Rachel and CeCe were given more thorough examinations, with CeCe's pregnancy not showing any unusual signs. Rachel was more shocked when she found out she had now fallen pregnant herself.

All four of them were sitting in a ward of the centre, CeCe and Sophie on their own beds while Chris and Rachel shared one, leaving the fourth one empty. The doctor came in, clipboard in hand. "Well, ladies, I can safely say you four are able to be discharged now. We'll just have these written up, then we can get you a fresh change of clothes each and get you sent back home what on earth is going on out there?" He turned towards the noise that had been coming from, only to be met with a bullet between his eyeballs. Mobutu, one of M'Butu's sons, stormed into the room, shocking the girls again.

"Do you really think we'd let them take our girls from us?"
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline vile8r

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2019, 10:31:49 PM »
OH NO!  It seems the girls have not escaped after all. Great ending, Army!  And look forward to the sequel.
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2019, 10:33:51 PM »
Incredible story all the way through. 

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2019, 01:22:29 PM »
Merit earned for this amazing tale. Loved that they were impregnated, maybe the next part should be a Maury Povich show style DNA testing to identify who the father is! :emot_rotf.gif:

Offline Rachel_Thornton

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Re: In the Honour of the Great African Warlord M'Butu, His Sex Slaves
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2019, 02:53:01 PM »
And a very well crafted tale reaches its conclusion. Have enjoyed the story from its inception and it never ceased to impress me. I have been enjoying your return and your words and look forward to any continuation that you may be considering. The twist at the end was both surprising and apropos. Merit for you fine work.