Author Topic: Inhuman (Complete)  (Read 7676 times)

Offline Darinost
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Inhuman (Complete)
« on: January 15, 2016, 02:07:28 PM »
Disclaimer: this story is entirely fictional, and describes events that would never be condoned in real life. If you have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy, please seek help. If you find this material shocking or disgusting, I sincerely apologize for the unpleasant experience, and wish you well in the future. This writing was never intended to horrify, only to provide enjoyment for those of us who are into this sort of thing.

A valiant knight runs afoul of vile orcs. Or something like that.

Story Codes: M+/F, F/F, Fantasy, Nonhuman, Rape, Humiliation, Bondage, Slavery, Watersports


The only good orc was a dead orc.

The saying had fallen out of favor in recent times, but was still Anera's favorite.  And completely true; orcs were nothing more than man-sized vermin, filthy creatures that would eat or steal whatever they could get their hands on.  There was no sense in attempting to reason or treat with monsters like them.  When you had an infestation of orcs, the only effective solution was to kill them before they killed you.

And Anera enjoyed killing orcs.  The money was certainly good, thanks to the bounties on ears offered by her guild and others.  But she wasn't in it for the silvers.  She would have happily killed them for free, even paid for the privilege.  Orcs disgusted her on a fundamental level, in much the same way some people couldn't abide spiders or rats.  She loathed their very existence, and felt like the world got a little bit brighter every time she exterminated one.

If things went as planned, the world would be positively glowing by day's end.

Anera moved deeper into the brush, keeping an eye on the cave in front of her.  It looked just like any of the hundreds of others that dotted the mountain region here, but she believed it was something more, the entrance to one of their lairs.

Lairs were notoriously difficult to find.  Orcs didn't live above ground like humans did, in visible settlements protected by guards and fortifications.  They relied instead on secrecy, crafting burrows far beneath the surface.

Anera had tracked one of the brutes to this general area from the city of Sondar, five miles away.  They'd begun appearing there a few weeks ago, trying to offer their crude trinkets for trade and find work as laborers.  The city guard should have killed them on sight, or at least driven them away, but for some reason the governor had allowed them entrance instead.

He was probably one of those insane orc lovers, whose numbers seemed to grow day by day.  They had the audacity to claim orcs were just people, no different from humans deep down.  That was obviously pure nonsense.  All it took was one look at their ugly features, or one sniff of their repulsive body odor, or one listen to that horrible grunting they pretended was language, to know that they were nothing but animals.

An orc lover was nearly as deserving of death as an orc himself.  The law frowned on that, but sometimes the law and justice didn't see eye to eye.  On more than one occasion, Anera had taken it upon herself to mete out such vigilante justice.  And yet she had never been arrested, or even suspected of any of those killings.  What more proof could one need that the gods were on her side?

This was the fifth possible lair entrance she had scouted so far today.  Simply going in and exploring was not a viable option.  Even orcs weren't stupid enough to leave their homes completely unguarded.  They usually had someone hiding near the entrance, not to ward off invaders, but to act as sentry.  If they sounded the alarm, the entire burrow would scatter through a dozen different tunnels.  Depending on the size of the burrow, they might return in a few days, or they might not.  Anera didn't want to take that chance.

So she had no choice but to hide and wait, watching each possible entrance for a hidden sentry without revealing herself.  It had taken five hours to scout the first four long enough to conclude that they were dead ends, but Anera was nothing if not persistent.

This fifth time proved to be the charm.  She did her best to keep quiet as a lone orc emerged from behind a rocky outcropping that hadn't looked big enough to conceal a dog.

The thing's face was a hideous mix of man and animal features.  A protruding brow nearly concealed his sunken eyes, which were a uniform black without pupil or iris.  Below them were a snout and a pair of yellowed tusks.  A glimpse of his teeth revealed them to be a jagged landscape.

Like the rest of his kind, he was monstrously fat, his skin a sickly grayish-green.  Easily seven feet tall, and as wide as any two men, his flesh bulged weirdly in places, giving him a lumpy, misshapen look, like a wax figure left under the sun.  He wore only a simple loincloth that just barely covered his genitalia.  That he was wearing any clothes at all was a relief.  She'd seen orc cocks before, grotesque and twisted things nearly as long and thick as a man's arm, and had no desire to see one again.

Still, his lack of modesty infuriated her.  Didn't they even realize how disgusting their bodies were?  Anera held great pride in her own appearance, knowing no one took her for a warrior at first glance.  She was a tall woman, skin tanned from her frequent time outdoors, with golden blonde hair that fell far past her shoulders.  Her face was a touch narrower than most, but still fair and lovely.  The only outward sign of her steely nature was her piercing blue eyes, which glittered like sapphires.

For this outing, she had put on leather breeches and shirt, both dyed in various greens that would blend well with the nearby foliage.  They wouldn't provide much protection against a blow, but they were light, and easy to move in.  At her hips was her trusted longsword, which she had used to expunge so much filth from the world already.  For that, she had dubbed it “Reckoning”.

In another life, her beauty might have made her a famous bard, or a nobleman's mistress.  Or perhaps she would have found a husband, putting her wide hips and generous cleavage to good use as a mother of many children.

But things like that held no interest to Anera.  No, from an early age, she had developed a propensity for violence.  Nothing could match the joy of winning a fight.  It wasn't the honor or the challenge that appealed to her, it was the dominance.  Beating an opponent down, seeing them grovel before her, snuffing their pitiful lives like they were nothing... she would be lying if she claimed a kill had never made her wet.  And knowing that she was visually superior, in addition to physically, only made victory that much sweeter.

The orc lumbered towards a nearby bush, tugged down the loincloth, and began to urinate.  Thankfully, he was facing away from Anera, sparing her the sight.  While he was preoccupied, she crept closer toward the cave entrance, putting a hand on Reckoning's hilt.  The orc's scent reached her, and she scrunched her nose in distaste, fighting the urge to gag.

When she was close enough, she drew the blade and leaped out of hiding, putting herself between the orc and the entrance.  The beast looked terrified as he backed away from her, holding his empty hands up in the air and grunting quickly.  She grimaced to see his long flaccid member swinging in the empty air.

She wasn't surprised that he made no move to attack her, despite his superior mass and muscle.  Orcs were notorious cowards, no different from rats.  That was why she felt no fear taking on an entire nest of them on her own.  She'd heard some orc lovers claim they were "peaceful", but Anera knew the truth: they were just too stupid to know better.

Anera smiled at him. “Come on, you fat son of a bitch,” she taunted.  “At least put up a fight.”  The orc just continued to back away, so she sprang forward, sword flashing as she opened his stomach with one smooth motion.

He slumped to the ground, his hands clutching uselessly at his wound as his insides spilled out.  Anera crouched down next to him.  “Don't worry,” she said.  “I'll make sure you have plenty of company.”

The beast reached a shaking, bloody hand out toward her, and she quickly darted back, shuddering, her confident poise gone in an instant.  That thing had almost touched her.  The thought alone made her skin crawl.

Anera forced herself to close her eyes and take a deep breath.  She was okay.  Nothing had happened.  She opened her eyes, feeling calmer, and focused on the dying orc.  He was trying to grunt something, but it turned into a choking sound, and he coughed up blood.  Should she put him out of his misery?

No.  What would be the point?  It wasn't like he'd done anything to deserve that kind of mercy.  And besides, whatever foul hell this monster was destined to end up in would offer worse than this.  When she thought of it that way, letting him bleed out slowly was really a kindness.

Conscience clear, Anera drew out a torch from her pack, lit it, and began her descent into the cave, the creature's rattling breaths following her down.

She walked quietly as she made her way, wary of any additional sentries, but found none.  The passage twisted this way and that, never going in the same direction for very long, but always leading further down.

She felt like she had walked about two miles by the time the tunnel widened and gave way to a vast underground cavern.  Through the light of the torch she could see crude buildings, most of thatch and mud, a few of wood.  Anera had reached the nest.  

This was it.  This was what she lived for.  Her whole body thrummed with a sense of divine purpose.  She tossed her torch into a nearby house and it flared up, illuminating most of the cavern.  Gripping Reckoning in both hands now, she strode forward to do her job.

The next few minutes were a scene of glorious destruction.  All around her, orcs screamed and ran.  Most didn't even notice her, intent on the spreading flames.  Her blade was in constant motion, leaving a trail of corpses behind her.

Ahead of her, a small fleeing figure tripped over a bump in the cavern floor and crashed to the ground.  It was an orc child of indeterminate gender, barely a foot tall and probably only a few years old.  It stared up at her with wide black eyes, firelight reflected in the tears streaming down its cheeks.

Anera brought her sword up, but hesitated.  In the flickering light, it was hard to make out any of the features that distinguished it as an orc. It could almost be taken for a human child, frightened and alone.  Did this one really pose a threat?  Perhaps she should...

She shook her head, dismissing the notion.  The only good orc was a dead orc.  She separated the monster's head from its body with a flick of her wrist and moved on.

The whole nest seemed to be aware of her presence by now, and orcs fled in every direction.  She ran down as many as she could, sinking her sword into their backs.  She was in too much of a hurry to make sure everyone she attacked was dead, and had to hope that the injuries she was inflicting proved fatal.

That moment of doubt had passed, and now Anera felt a rush of euphoria so intense she nearly burst out laughing.  This was what she had been born to do.  To kill orcs, to purge them from the world.  To be a hand of justice, doing what fools and cowards could not.

She pictured how the monsters she was killing must be seeing her.  Compared to their own wretched features, she had to look like a goddess to them.  Her long, flowing blonde hair.  Her lithe, supple body, made strong by years of training but still soft and warm in all the right places.  Her breasts, full and firm, completely different from those saggy, wrinkled things the orc females had.  Yes, to them, she must be a goddess indeed.  A goddess of war, shining in the firelight, dealing out heavenly justice to the wicked and the unclean.  They were probably thankful to be killed by her, grateful just to be allowed to look upon such a vision of loveliness at the end of their short, brutish lives.

Anera was so focused on that vision of herself that she almost didn't notice the orc in front of her.  He was still and kneeling on the ground, cradling a small headless body.  She realized she must have gotten turned around at some point, and gone back the way she came.  Not far ahead, she could now see the tunnel she'd come through.

She couldn't see or hear any other living creatures at this point.  No doubt they'd made it to the other exits.  It was no matter.  Even if she hadn't wiped out their nest completely, she'd sent them a clear message.  They'd know better than to show their ugly faces around humans again.

One last orc to take care of.  He didn't stir as she approached, his attention completely focused on the corpse.  Anera felt something akin to frustration as she brought Reckoning down toward his head.  He could at least try to run.  It was disappointing to end with such a boring kill.

And at the last moment, the orc raised his arm to block the strike.

The blow nearly severed the limb, but wasn't strong enough to shear through the bone.  If Anera had been more clear headed, she would have drawn the blade back and struck again, finishing the job.  But by hitting the beast so close, his blood had sprayed back onto her.  She could feel it on her face, in her mouth.  Suddenly and overwhelmingly nauseous, she gagged.

It only took her a moment to recover, but that was enough.  The orc grabbed the blade with his other hand, blood running down his wrist as the steel bit deep into his fingers.  With a bellow he ripped the sword out of both her grip and his flesh, and then flung it away.

She saw the sword clatter to the ground, fifteen or twenty feet away, and sprinted for it.  Behind her, the beast's steps thundered as he chased her.  Anera felt him catching up, and dove toward her weapon, scrambling to reach it in time.  A heavy fist came down on her neck, and everything went black.

Chapter One

They didn't keep her in a cell.  Anera doubted they were even smart enough to have cells.  Instead, she was left out in a large open space between some of the buildings, what probably would have been a town square if this had been a real town.  She couldn't tell the time, but her surroundings were quiet and empty, so it seemed to be whatever passed for night.  There were a few torches burning here and there, enough to see by.  Iron manacles bound her wrists behind her, and there was an iron shackle affixed to her neck. The chain that ran from it had been tied around a stake and pounded deep into the hard earth.  She could sit or lay down, but the chain didn't provide enough slack for her to stand.

They'd taken her clothes, which was no surprise, given their lack of modesty.  Or perhaps they were trying to shame her.  But the cavern was warm enough that her nakedness didn't leave her cold, and besides, she was proud of her body.  Let them look if they wanted, and see her superiority for themselves.

“Twenty eight lives you have taken,” one of the orcs had said.  That was a number to be proud of, at least.  Twenty eight vermin destroyed.

Ubik, he had called himself.  He was an older orc, with a pair of scars that ran down one cheek, and half his left ear missing.  He had spoken in a halting, awkward tone, obviously not used to speaking a real language.    He had told her that many of the orcs had demanded she be executed for what she'd done, but that their elders had decided her death would be meaningless.  “Make life is harder than take life,” Ubik had intoned.  “You must learn the value of life.  Must understand what you have taken.  Only then will you be released.”

They were planning to let her go eventually?  Anera nearly laughed when she heard that.  Stupid, stupid animals.  They'd soon regret not killing her in her sleep.  She didn't know what their plan was, but it didn't matter.  She had no intention of being a prisoner any longer than necessary.  She tested her bonds, hoping to spot some physical flaw in them she could exploit, but they were unyielding.

She was sitting, trying to consider ways to get that stake out of the ground without her hands, when two orcs approached and grunted at her.  One of them had a large bandage wrapped around his arm, another on his opposite hand, and she realized he was the one who'd knocked her out before.  She pointedly turned her head away and ignored them.  They were probably here to laugh at her, to mock the valiant hero who'd slain so many of their foul kind.  Well, she wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

Anera heard the rustle of cloth, and the sound of them drawing closer, but refused to look in their direction.  Then she felt a large hand pushing her backside, forcing her to fall forward onto her knees.  She struggled to get away, but two hands were holding her hips now, keeping her in place, and she felt something between her legs.

She kicked backwards, and was rewarded with a groan of pain when she struck one squarely in the balls.  The creature staggered back, his hands cupping his injured crotch.  She noted with satisfaction that it was the bandaged one.  The kick wasn't nearly enough to repay him for what he'd done to her, but it was a decent start.

“I'm not some orcish bitch,” she snarled at him.  “Find somewhere else to stick yo-” Her words were cut off by the orc in front of her holding her ears and pushing his filthy cock into her mouth.  It tasted awful, like greasy, rotting meat, and smelled even worse, a cloying stench that made her eyes water.  The unwashed phallus was already hard, and so big it nearly dislocated her jaw.  She gnawed at it with her teeth, but the skin was thick and rubbery, and the beast gave no sign of discomfort.  He humped her mouth, each thrust banging against the entrance of her throat.

She felts hands on her thighs now, holding her legs in place, and the orc behind her began to prod at her again, trying to penetrate her, but his cock was just too big.  She heard him spit, and then a fat wet finger poked into her tight slit.  Anera winced as it roughly groped her, loosening her up.  Since her attacker had to let go of one of her legs to finger her, she tried kicking again, but the beast was too close now, and her heel hit his legs with no effect.  A second finger joined the first, then a third, and then they pulled back and the cock began to press against her again.  This time it found purchase, the head slipping into her pussy, and Anera had to hold back a scream.

It hurt.  Oh gods, it hurt.  She wasn't a virgin by any definition, but all her past partners had been gentle and loving, not to mention smaller.  And sex had always been on her terms, with her in complete control.  But not this time.  Anera had made love many times, but now, for the first time in her life, she was getting fucked.

Each thrust from the orc behind her was enough to make her body shake, and each one forced his cock in deeper.  Anera gasped as it finally banged against her cervix.  If anything, the creature started pounding her even harder after that, and she began to feel her cervix widening.  She shook her head in disbelief. This couldn't be happening.  It just couldn't.  But moments later, the orc's cock punched past her cervix and into her womb.

Pain like nothing she'd ever felt before erupted inside her.  It was pure, blinding agony, so great she forgot about everything else, even the beast raping her mouth.  She shook with anger, mentally beseeching the gods to strike down the unholy creature that had dared to defile her like this.  No one answered her as the orc pulled all the way back, a slow motion that made it clear just how absurdly deep he had been in her, and then thrust forward again.

Her whole body bucked in protest.  Feet scrabbled in the dirt.  Hands strained against their bonds.  She had to stand, she had to get her sword, she had to fight, she had to get away... but all of these were impossible.  She could do nothing but kneel there while the two orcs used her as their plaything.  She screamed around the invader in her mouth, an inhuman sound of frustration and rage.

The rape seemed to go on forever, the underground cavern giving her no sense of time.  Her pussy had eventually begun to lubricate, purely out of self defense, and the pain had died down to a steady dull sensation.  Thankfully, the orc in her mouth never tried to push his cock in any deeper, seeming content to just rub his head against the inside of her cheeks.   She could feel a syrupy liquid leaking from the tip: orcish precum.  It was sour, bitter, and slimy, and already it coated her tongue and the inside of her mouth.

She nearly sighed in relief when she felt the one behind her begin to cum, eager for this horrible obscenity to be over, then went rigid as the full sensation hit her.  Orcish semen sprayed the inside of her womb and the raw walls of her abused pussy, hot enough to scald the sensitive flesh.  Anera couldn't hold back a scream at this new terrible agony, but only a quiet murmur made it past the cock still wedged in her mouth.  Long seconds passed as the cock continued to spurt in her, each pulse stretching her ravaged pussy a little wider.  There was so much cum that it began to overflow, steady rivulets streaming down her thighs.  It took several agonizing minutes before the cock gave a final jerk and stopped.

The orc at her front let go of her ears, and she let her head fall to the ground.  The hard packed dirt and stone offered her no comfort, and the spreading pool of semen soon covered most of her body.  Unlike human sperm, it was a dark gray color, and far thicker in consistency, like a sludge.

Anera curled in on herself as she lay prone, adopting a nearly fetal position.  Her whole body ached, inside and out.  She longed to wake up from this nightmare, to find herself back in her own soft bed, warm and safe.  But the cold, hard ground remained.

Her eyes grew hot and wet, but she blinked the tears away before they could form.  She would not cry.  Crying meant giving up. It meant being a victim.  She was stronger than that.

One of the orcs grunted something and the other grunted back.  She snarled back at them and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore them.  They'd already abused and humiliated her.  She prayed that they would hurry up and leave, so she could at least be alone.

Instead, they switched places.

The bandaged orc wrapped a meaty paw around her throat and lifted her up, then began feeding her his softened cock.   Anera barely stopped herself from whimpering when she saw that her ordeal wasn't yet over.  She didn't bother trying to bite this time, her jaw already tired and sore.  The taste was slightly different than the other's, and she felt a wave of nausea when she realized that was due to the beast's cum and her own juices.  She dimly noticed that only about three-quarters of the creature's cock was wet and shuddered.  The thing had been so large that even her womb hadn't been deep enough.

The orc now behind her slipped into her easily, breaching her cervix in his first thrust.  Knowing this was possible, that her pussy had been so stretched and ruined, was terrifying in its own right.  She feared that she would never fully heal down there after this.

Instead of pulling back, the orc stayed still, and Anera suddenly felt a hot liquid filling her insides.  At first she thought the beast was already cumming, but it felt different.  With a sense of horror, she realized that the creature was... it was...

Oh gods, it was pissing in her.

Her cheeks flushed red with humiliation.  She had heard stories of animals that did this sort of thing.  When they mated with a female and found another male's seed in her, they would piss in order to wash away the other's semen and leave only their own.  For the first time she considered the possibility that they weren't simply raping her, they were trying to impregnate her, and her blood ran cold.  She couldn't think of any worse fate than her body being forced to birth another of these monstrosities into the world.

The actions of the orc that had used her mouth first made a sick sort of sense now.  Of course he hadn't tried to do anything further, or make himself cum.  He had just been killing time, saving his seed for her womb.

Anera's bruised and scalded pussy burned as the salty urine filled it, exacerbating the damage it had suffered from the first brutal rape.  When the stream had stopped and the orc began to fuck her, his thrusts were even more painful than the other one's had been, his rough dick scrubbing against her bleeding flesh.

She struggled even harder than she had the first time, now that she knew the stakes.  “You must learn the value of life,” that orc had said, and now Anera was certain she knew what that meant.  She would not be used as a... a breeding animal.

Meanwhile, the cock in her mouth had begun to stiffen.  Unlike the other orc, this one was not content to just stay in her mouth.  His cock had been thin enough at the beginning to slip into her throat, and as it swelled, the dick forced her throat to expand around it.  Anera found herself gagging, fighting just to draw breath.

She could feel him pushing, trying to drive even deeper into her.  And she could feel him succeeding, the soft flesh being forced aside.  He pulled back until only the head was still in her mouth, and before she had time for more than a quick breath the beast slammed forward, ending up about an inch deeper than he had been before.  The impact made her retch, her head swimming with nausea and pain.

He repeated this action again and again, each time getting a little further, until her nose was buried in his wrinkly pubic hair and her forehead pressed against his fat belly.  She had completely swallowed the orc's cock, her throat wrapped around it in an airtight seal.  She could acutely feel every vein and ridge on it, every pulse and twitch.

Unable to get any oxygen at all now, she thrashed about, trying to dislodge the disgusting intrusion.  But the orc still had a firm grip on her throat, and her head barely moved at all.  Soon her movements slowed, and her vision grew dark.

Anera gave in to it, welcoming the chance to escape this nightmare, but before she could pass out, the bandaged orc finally pulled back enough to allow a trickle of air through.  She sputtered, chest heaving, and her lungs burned as the orc pushed forward again and set about actually fucking her.

His movements were now even harder and fiercer, long powerful strokes that she was sure were destroying her delicate throat.  With her air supply cut off when the mammoth cock was more than a few inches in her, her only oxygen came from short breaths during his out strokes.  His head wasn't even in her throat anymore, it was in her stomach.  She could feel the sickening sensations of it popping in and out of her esophagus.

Her stomach reacted by trying to vomit, which only made matters worse.  It rose up in her throat and was subsequently forced back down by the invading cock.  The bile kept going up and down like that, bringing with it nausea so intense it made her dizzy.  She couldn't stop her body from shuddering with disgust and panic, and the orc behind her responded with a light slap on her ass, clearly enjoying the pleasure her frenzied movements were unintentionally giving him.

The two beasts fell into rhythm, and Anera almost began to feel as if she'd been spitted by a single cock.  It entered her mouth, traveled through her body, and exited out of her pussy.  Then it would repeat the journey in reverse.  Back and forth.  Back and forth.

She no longer felt her scraped knees, or the cold iron around her wrists.  Her entire world had been reduced to those two cocks raping her, to her worn throat and bleeding pussy.  Back and forth.  Anera knew she didn't deserve this.  This wasn't how things were supposed to go.  She was the hero, and they were the monsters.  She couldn't lose.  That just wasn't right.  There had to be a mistake.  Any moment now, something would save her.

Any moment now.

Back and forth.  Back and forth.

An eternity later, the bandaged orc started to cum, pumping semen directly into her stomach.  Then he pulled back to spray her face, thick ropy strands that clung to her like mud.  She was finally able to vomit then, bile and semen splattering the ground.  The other one began to shoot his wad too, the sensation already disgustingly familiar.

Before they left, the bandaged orc bestowed one last humiliation by pissing on her.  He ran his stream over most of her body, washing away some but not all of the semen.  The only place he ignored was her face, which he left covered in his cum.

Anera glared at him silently the whole time, barely even noticing the piss.  All of this was his fault.  She would make him pay, she knew.  She didn't know how or when, but she vowed that someday she would make him suffer for everything he'd done.

Then they left her like that, in a puddle of cum, piss, bile, and blood.  She longed to at least wipe her face clean, but her hands were still bound, and the pool of filth had spread wider than her shackles allowed her to move.  Soon dried, gray semen covered her features like a mask.  She closed her eyes and tried to will herself away.

No more than ten minutes after the two had left, the sound of orcish grunting made her open her eyes again.  A new group of orcs stood around her, five of them this time, and all with stiff cocks.  “No,” she whispered, her throat too hoarse to speak.  “You can't.  Not again.  I just... you can't!

They could.  They did.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 06:36:35 PM by Darinost »
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Re: Inhuman (Part 1)
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 10:42:42 PM »
Bravo. Great story.
Writing for the pleasure of others derives no pleasure at all.

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Offline MrFlash999

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Re: Inhuman (Part 1)
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2016, 06:18:14 PM »
good read
just when you think you have all the answers, i change the questions!!!

Offline Darinost
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Re: Inhuman (Part 1+2)
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2016, 07:58:37 PM »
Chapter Two

Several more groups of orcs arrived that night, and all treated Anera exactly the same.  It was almost like a ritual.  Each pissed in her and then raped her womb.  The ones not using her pussy first amused themselves with her mouth, then fucked her throat later.

Many hours had passed by the time she was finally left alone.  She tried to sleep, but there was simply too much pain, and so when morning arrived and orcs began to fill the square, Anera was watching them with bloodshot eyes.

She struggled to move when she first saw them, dried flakes of semen scattering from her body, but these orcs mostly ignored her, busy going about their own business and grunting conversations.  She saw many of them glancing at her, their twisted features doing nothing to mask the satisfaction in their eyes.  A few, mostly females, looked at her with sympathy, which she liked even less.  What could be worse than being pitied by abominations like them?  She tried to curse at some of them, but her voice was barely more than a whisper, so she settled for spitting at them.  At least the children looked at her with fear.  That she liked.

She spent that first day struggling against her bonds until her wrists and neck were chafed and bloody.  She tried to pull the chain up with her teeth, but the stake was embedded far too deeply.  Clawing at the ground with her hands earned her nothing but broken nails and bleeding fingertips.  The day passed with maddening slowness, nighttime agony replaced with excruciating tedium.  An orc brought her water in a bowl, and she was thirsty enough to drink it, even though her bound arms meant she had to slurp at it like an animal.  At some point exhaustion overcame pain, and she managed to get a few hours of sleep.

Until night fell and they came for her again.

The second day was spent in prayer.  She offered herself up to each and every god she had ever heard of, and to any others that might be listening.  She promised her eternal devotion, swore to do whatever they might ask in return, if only they would grant their aid.  She offered them her soul, her firstborn, anything, everything.

On the third day, she planned the death of every orc she saw.  Some she imagined choking to death, feeling their windpipe crushed beneath her fingers.  Others she cut up a few pieces at a time, until they were no more than lumps of flesh.  In her mind, she killed them again and again, each death more gruesome and violent than the last.

On the fourth day, she merely waited for the inevitable.

Her imprisonment fell into an awful routine.  Days of doing nothing but watching the vermin scurry around, nights of being raped and abused by those same vermin.  Ubik came to check on her after the first week, and after poking and prodding her for several minutes, confirmed her worst fear: she was pregnant.

She paid little attention to the creature as he tried to explain human/orc reproduction to her.  Orc females were only fertile once a year, for a period lasting several days.  Their potential suitors would vie to be their mates during this time.  Because there was such a short window of opportunity, a male orc's semen was especially thick and potent, to help guarantee conception.  It was also considered to be extremely nourishing, and was traditionally a staple of a female's diet while she was pregnant.

Because of their potency, half-orc children were not only possible, they were extremely likely whenever a male orc coupled with a human female.  The pregnancy period was longer than a typical orc female's, which was only about a month, but shorter than a normal human pregnancy.  On average, it took about four months.

Anera felt sick as she thought of the thing growing inside her, and of giving birth to it.  She had to find a way out of here before that happened.  Then she'd find a doctor, someone who would be able to destroy this parasite in her.  If necessary, she'd do it herself, rip the wretched thing right out of her.

“You think this is justice?” she snarled at Ubik.  “You’re just a bunch of filthy rapists.  Rapists!”  She shouted the last word, pleased at the attention it drew from the passer-byes.

“I... do not know if it is justice,” the orc told her, unfazed by her outburst.  “But it is our way.  There must be balance.  The orc who come at night, they have all lost loved ones to you.  You cause them much pain, and they will return the pain to you, and take pleasure as you took pleasure.  It is cruel, yes, but it is only your own cruelty given back.”

“And I need to be publicly humiliated for that?  You have to pin me down in the middle of this... this filthy nest so everyone can watch and laugh?!”

The orc shook his head. “We do not have same... problem with us that human have with human.  We do not fear our bodies, do not feel shame over what is natural.  Do not need to cover truth of self with cloth.  Sex is natural.  Sex is life.  What you will go through will be pain, and will be cruel, but is not a thing to be hidden.”

He gave her a little water, but no food.  After being force fed sperm every night, she wasn't actually hungry, but the lack of anything solid to eat was still frustrating.  No one else came to speak with her, and the rest of the day passed by as uneventfully as usual, with nothing for her to do but lay there and dwell on her pain.

Anera hoped that her pregnancy would at least mean an end to the rapes.  She was already exhausted and sore, and just lying on the cold ground was a slow torture.  But an hour after the square had emptied for the night, they came for her again.

There were four of them this time, and there was an anger to them that she had not felt from the others, even when they were viciously raping her.  Like the previous rapes, they forced her into what seemed to be the orcs' favored sex position, bent over on her knees.  Unlike the others, they didn't immediately start fucking her.  Instead, they held their dicks like cudgels and began beating her with them.  Their cocks were already stiff, and swung hard enough to sting.

One of them stood in front of her.  His left hand gripped her hair, holding her head up.  His other hand swung his cock, slapping her cheeks with it.  Each blow carried enough force to make her head rock, and this seemed to amuse him.  He boxed her face over and over, making her head swing from side to side.

Two others stood behind her to the left and right, beating her ass cheeks, which Anera could already feel growing red and sore.  One of them grunted and they shifted.  The one on her left began to swing his cock up, paddling her pussy lips.  The other swung down, striking her asshole.  She tried to squirm and wriggle her hips to avoid their blows, but this only seemed to make the game more entertaining to them.

The last one was doing something different.  He crouched down on her left, pawing at her swaying chest.  Compared to the others, this was nothing, and she could almost ignore him, until she felt a sudden stabbing pain in her left tit.  She tried to look down, a task made difficult by the orc still slapping her face, and saw a long needle going through her nipple!

There were small things hanging off the needle, but she couldn't make out what they were.  The orc continued to push the needle, until she felt the end of it brush against her right nipple.  As she knew he would, the beast held the nipple still with one hand and used the other to push the needle forward and skewer it.  The pain of the piercing felt even worse this time, now that she was expecting it.

She felt the orc putting cork on both ends of the needle, locking it in.  Then he pushed the little things hanging off the needle up, so she could see what them.  Each was a small piece of wood, on which had been written a single letter.  Together they spelled out TOY.

And that's what she was to them, she realized.  The previous rapists had been there to breed her.  They'd probably been chosen beforehand, based on pedigree or something.  And now she was being given over to the losers, the ones that hadn't been good enough.  They were here to vent out their frustrations, to hurt her, to have fun with her.

The pain of what they were doing was a pale shadow compared to the humiliation.  Before, she could at least see herself as the brave hero enduring their wicked torture.  But this... they were just playing with her.  She was nothing to them but a slave to be beaten and fucked with their cocks.   Her stomach twisted, and she found herself blinking back tears again, a now familiar habit.

Anera was sickened, but not surprised, when she felt one rub her asshole with his finger, then push it in a little.  They must have been given orders not to touch her pussy, lest they damage her womb.  She almost would've welcomed another rape, if it meant extinguishing the thing in there.  Her anal ring was already swollen and sore from the cock-beating it was receiving, and the pain Anera felt when it involuntarily clenched around the invading fingertip was enough to make her gasp.

The orc that had pierced her now sat on the ground with his legs splayed out and his cock pointing straight up.  The one that had a fistful of her hair used it to pull her head down to the sitting orc's crotch.  He pushed her face against the standing cock, rubbing the shaft with her cheek.  "Lick," the sitting orc rumbled.  His accent was even heavier than Ubik's, his voice so guttural she could barely make out what it was saying.  "Lick or dry."

Anera paled.  Their cocks had already done serious, perhaps permanent damage to her throat and genitals.  If they tried to force one of those into her ass without lubrication, she would die, plain and simple.  It would tear her muscles, cause massive internal bleeding, and kill her.

But the alternative, to follow his command, to lubricate him with her own mouth... it would turn her into an active participant.  She'd be helping them to rape her.  She could think of no greater disgrace.  In many ways, death seemed the better option.  She'd been defiled and degraded, had her own body used against her.  Perhaps it would be better to die.  Better to be free of their filth.

But for all that had happened to her, her spirit was still too strong to give up like that.  She refused to let this end here.  No matter what it took, no matter what humiliations or trials she had to endure, she would survive and take her revenge. She would see these orcs dead.  With grim determination she stuck out her tongue and licked the cock head.

The orcs around her grunted and laughed at her.   The two behind her were still cock-whipping her, alternating between her cheeks and her holes.  She did her best to ignore all of it as she ran her tongue up and down the shaft.  Somehow it managed to taste even worse than usual, and she struggled not to gag.

After a few minutes the one holding her hair yanked her back, and then repositioned her until she was crouching over the sitting one's cock.  That orc put one hand on her hips and guided her so that the tip of his cock kissed her swollen anal ring.  He made no attempt to push her down farther, and she understood that was the next stage of her humiliation.  They wanted her to put it in herself.

Gritting her teeth, Anera began to lower herself onto the waiting head.  The mere pressure of it on her beaten rosebud was enough to make her wince.  The hesitation earned her an open palm slap that made her ears ring, and she hurried to get it over with.  She lowered her hips again, pressing against it with all her weight, while pushing out with her muscles like she was taking a shit.  With a distinct popping sound, she felt the head wedge itself past her ring.

Being impaled with an actual sword would have hurt less.  The pain was more than she'd expected, worse than even the nightly womb rapes.  She jerked up, her body reflexively trying to get away from the source of agony, but both of the orc's hands were on her hips now, steadily forcing her further down.

Anera's reddened cheeks squirmed as the massive rod plowed ever deeper between them.  She gasped for breath, and let out a long pain-wracked moan that echoed through the cavern.  Still the cock pushed deeper, impossibly deep, until she was half-convinced it was going to come out her mouth.  A hundred years later, her bruised ass finally smacked against the creature's legs.

She felt unbelievably full.  The intrusion was making her cramp up, her guts churning, and she knew with disgust that her rapist would be enjoying the way her body twitched and convulsed around him.  Even the smallest movement sent spasms of pain through her, so she remained as still as possible, lying limply on the orc's lap like a broken doll.  She was certain that when the beast tried to pull out, he would take half her organs with him.

But the creature did not pull out.  Instead he just sat there for a time, clearly savoring the hot grip of her ass.  His callused hands found her tits again and began to knead them roughly.  Fingers tweaked her right nipple and she flinched despite herself, the movement sending fresh waves of pain through her.  Then the hand still in her hair lifted her head up, and she saw three more cocks pointed directly at her.

They wanted her to suck them off.  Anera hesitated for a long moment, but then reminded herself of her earlier resolution.  She had to stay alive.  If they thought she was broken and willing, that would only make them less attentive.  Making no attempt to hide her revulsion, she closed her soft lips over the nearest head.

She spent nearly an hour like that, the one orc's cock buried in her ass while her mouth worked to please the other three.  They constantly alternated, pulling out every time they were close to cumming so she could start all over on another, until she was practically screaming with frustration.

Her face was still coated in dried semen from all her past gang rapes, and the orcs began to peel pieces of it off, hard dry flakes that they fed to her.  Some pieces they simply shoved into her mouth.  Others they crumbled up in the palm of their hands and made her lick up.  Somehow this was an even worse humiliation to Anera than the actual rape.  She felt like a dog being fed scraps.

She had to deep throat them, of course.  At the beginning she'd tried to get away with only using her mouth, but they'd just forced themselves in anyway.  At least when she was doing it herself it was gentler, and could time it around her breathing.  Most of the time, anyway.  Occasionally the orc she was servicing would grip her ears and give her a few viciously hard thrusts.

Anera soon learned that a flick to the ear meant that they weren't satisfied by her performance, and that she was moments away having her throat drilled again.  She would redouble her efforts then, doing her best to dissuade them.  She hated herself for her submission, but her tortured throat felt like it was on fire, and each forced intrusion made it burn even hotter.  She wasn't surprised when she noticed a pinkish tinge to her saliva, her throat literally rubbed raw.

Meanwhile the orc she was sitting on was running his hands all over her body, exploring her flesh.  When it discovered how ticklish her stomach was, this became a source of constant amusement.  His fat stubby fingers pawed at her, making her squirm and milk his cock.  The involuntary laughter played havoc with her breathing, and despite her best efforts she couldn't stop choking and gurgling around the cocks she was swallowing.

At one point the one she was currently deep throating grunted something to another, and both shared a laugh.  Moments later, Anera felt him begin to piss straight down her throat.  Normally they would've saved their urine until it was their turn to try and impregnate her, but since her womb was off-limits, they were getting creative.

The others must have liked the idea, because as soon as the first was done, they did much the same thing.  One of them ordered her through mime to stick her tongue out so it could rest the head of his cock on there.  It would let out a little spurt, just a mouthful, and she'd be forced to swallow the scalding, bitter liquid.  Then it would let out another spurt, and another, and another.

The third didn't bother with her mouth or her throat.  It started pissing directly on her face, and then moved the flow down to her tits and stomach, bathing them with the foul liquid.

The orc in her ass had grunted something at that point, and she'd felt him begin to piss too.  The hot urine flooded her bowels and made her feel bloated, only a few drops trickling past the tight seal of her anal ring around his cock.

All four had laughed then, and Anera had been more humiliated than ever.  She'd sworn at them in every language she knew, promising them bloody retribution for their crimes.  The orcs took no notice of her words, either not understanding or just not caring, as they made her get back to work.

Eventually she'd gotten two of them to cum.  They'd filled her mouth, made her swallow their load, and then gone to the side to sit down and watch.  The third had grunted something, and one of them got up and disappeared for a moment, returning with a small wooden crate.  The third put the crate in front of Anera and stepped on it, towering above her.

He held his cock just above her head, pointing down towards her, and she didn't realize what he was doing until she felt the fourth orc, still in her ass after all this time, grab her hips and begin to raise her.  The pain of her anal rape, which had died down to a dull pressing ache, flared back up as his cock made a swift exit.  If anything, it hurt more than before, her insides now chafed and sensitive, but before she could even try to scream, her mouth was pushed up and onto the waiting orc's cock.

The orc above her put his hands on her ears and helped the other lift her up, until his cock was well in her throat and the other only had a few inches still in her ass.   Anera gurgled her protest, legs dancing wildly in the air as she tried to escape what she knew was coming.  But she remained helplessly impaled on the orc's cock, and then they were slamming her back down, the thick shaft ripping her open again until it was fully re-sheathed in her bowels.

They fucked her like that for a long time, bouncing her up and down between their cocks like a rag doll.  The constant movement left Anera dizzy and disoriented.  Her new piercings rattled and shook, reminding her that she was nothing but a sex toy to them, meat to wrap around their cocks and masturbate with.

The one raping her mouth came first, jamming her head into his crotch so hard he bloodied her nose.  Even after he came, he didn't move away, and continued to help push her up and down on the other orc's cock.  They moved her faster and faster, smashing her hips down with such force she feared they would break.  Then the orc finally began to cum, and the two pushed her down, grinding her ass against her rapist, forcing his cum as deep into her as possible.

For several minutes a steady spray of cum filled her bowels.  Anera could feel the warm goo being forced even deeper than the beast's cock had reached, soaking into her intestines.  By the time the spray came to a stop, her stomach was visibly bulging with piss and cum, the invading cock still functioning as an anal plug.

Anera weakly squirmed, trying to get the orc's cock out of her, but the beast wrapped her in a bear hug and began rocking his legs back and forth, gently humping her.  Even softened, the cock's movement inside her was agonizing.

To her horror, she felt it begin to twitch to life, to grow and harden again.  She renewed her attempt to get away, but she was already exhausted.  The other three orcs circled around her, their own cocks stiff once more, and she knew that the night's ordeal was far from over.

Hours later, after each had tried her ass at least once, after she'd sucked them to hardness and completion again and again, it was over.  The last one pushed her ass off his cock and let her collapse to the ground.  Anera could feel the air of the cavern on her asshole as it gaped obscenely open.  The four walked off, still grunting and laughing.  Sore all over, too weak to move, and once again in a puddle of cum, piss, and blood, Anera could do nothing but lay there and wait for the next group to arrive.

Chapter Three

Anera smiled broadly as a solitary orc approached.  As soon as he was close enough, she shuffled over and began licking his feet.  As she worked hard to clean the caked dirt and filth off, she raised her ass up as high as she could, and swayed it back and forth invitingly.

Inside she seethed.   She hated herself for doing this, hated the orcs even more for putting her in a situation where she had to.  But the growling of her stomach was a constant reminder, and she licked the stinking feet with all the faked enthusiasm she could muster.

She'd lost track of time, but she figured she'd been here for at least a couple months.  Aside from her rapes, she'd had little interaction with her captors.  They came by once a day or so to give her water and to collect the bucket they'd given her for her waste.  All too often that bucket was nearly empty.  Long nights of brutal sodomy had left her incontinent, and she frequently ended up soiling herself without realizing it.  Every few days she was washed by having some buckets of cold water poured on her.  Her “baths” got rid of most of the physical detritus, but the stench of sex and bodily waste clung to her and filled her nose all day and night.

Occasionally they would take the cuffs off of her arms for a little while, though the leash around her neck was never removed.  The long days of bondage had made her limbs nearly useless, and she made sure to exercise them as much as she could during those brief periods, lest the muscles atrophy completely.

The one thing her captors never gave her was food.   It soon became clear that the only sustenance she would be getting was the cum her rapists fed her, and after the first couple weeks of wanton sex, where they abused her every which way they liked, they'd started withholding that from her, starving her.

Semen became a thing to be earned.   If she performed well enough and obediently enough for the orcs that came to her, and remembered to smile the whole time and thank them, sometimes they would reward her with some at the end.  And sometimes they wouldn't.  Even when she was on her best behavior they never gave her enough to erase her hunger, only to dull its edge a bit, knowing its constant presence would make her eager to please.

A makeshift ball gag hung around her neck, made from clay and string.  They'd started using that after she'd tried licking up the semen that constantly dribbled out of her ass.  She had even resorted to calling out to passers-by during the day, using what little orcish she'd picked up to beg them for their cum, but none would take her up on the offer.

Sometimes, during those long drawn out days with nothing to do but think and wait, starvation seemed the better option.  But that meant defeat.  It meant losing.  As long as she was alive, there was hope, she told herself.  To pass the time now, she would recite a tally of all the things they'd done to her.  All the things that they would pay for, someday.

It felt like days since the last time one of her rapists had allowed her a meal, and her hunger had become a palpable thing.  She felt it pressing down on her as she debased herself for the orc in front of her, showing him what a docile pet she could be.

At least this one was a male.  It was rare, but sometimes orcish females showed up to abuse her, singly or in groups.  The first time, she'd hoped that they would be easier to deal with than the males, but they'd soon disabused her of that foolish notion.  At least the males would leave her alone after cumming a few times.  The last female to visit her had stayed the entire night, fist fucking her ass for hours.  The only “breaks” she had received was when males had stopped by looking to use her ass themselves.  She'd licked the female's arm clean while they rode her, desperate for the minute traces of semen stuck to the limb, and knowing that as soon as her rapist finished inside her, the fist would be going back in.

When that female was finally done torturing her, she'd squatted over Anera's face and made her get to work.  Orcish slit tasted as bad as orcish cock, and was even less rewarding; the juices that came out were barely more than water.  But Anera had gone at the task diligently anyway, even while a few more males came by to use her.  If the female was pleased, she might tell the others to reward her with some semen.

She hadn't.  After countless orgasms, she'd just stood up and waddled away.  Anera had mentally cursed at her, but on the outside, aware that there might be others watching, she'd only smiled and called out her thanks.

The male orc lifted Anera's head up, pulling her away from her task and bringing her mind back to the present.  He rubbed his shaft over her face, and she cooed in delight.  To her shame, her happiness was only partly feigned; blowjobs almost always ended with her getting fed.  She eagerly licked the shaft and kissed the head, even bent down to tongue bathe the hairy balls.  She was determined to convince this one that she was worthy of his cum.

The orc flinched slightly when she touched his balls, and she quickly pulled her head back, wondering what she'd done wrong.  Then she saw the fading bruise there, and the bandage still on his arm, and realized that she recognized this one.  It was him.  The one who'd bested her.  The first one to rape her pussy, the first one to shove his cock down her throat.  This was the creature responsible for all the pain and misery she'd suffered.

She hadn't seen him since that first night, but she still remembered the vow she'd made then.  And here was her chance.  Orcish skin was tough, but their balls were still fragile, as she'd proven back then, and she could probably tear a good chunk off with her teeth before he could stop her.  If she was lucky, maybe she could even rip them right off.  It would serve him right to be castrated like that.  She could finally get some revenge, prove that she wasn't the harmless slave they were trying to turn her into.  It was perfect.

But... she was just so hungry.  And this one had cum so much both times, even more than most orcs, with what had felt like gallons of thick, juicy seed...

“I'm sorry,” she told it in orcish, then brought her head back down and gently sucked on his balls.  She softly lapped them, careful not to touch the injured section.  “I'm sorry,” she repeated.  “Please feed me.  I'm so sorry I hurt you.”

Even as hungry as she was, and as familiar as it was by now, she still found the taste of orc flesh nauseating, especially their sweaty cocks mixed with that bitter precum.  But she didn't let that stop her from making pleased little purring noises while she worked, as if she was enjoying a delicious treat.

She opened her mouth and swallowed the massive cock, her throat easily opening to accept it.  Her gag reflex was long gone, worn away by hours of abuse, but she still made loud gagging and sputtering noises, gurgling and coughing around his prick.  They liked to hear that sort of thing.

As she fucked her throat on the orc's cock, he played with her tits.  Her pregnancy was far enough long to be visible, and her stomach and breasts had both swelled.  The orcs left her stomach alone, not wanting to hurt the thing inside her, but her breasts received no such mercy.  They loved to swat them, pinch them, twist them, bite them.

The rod between her nipples that marked her as a toy was still there.  Many of the orcs liked to grab hold of it during sex, using it to torture her nipples or just for leverage.  Some used it to direct her movements while she was sucking them.  When their cocks were completely buried in her, they would pull her close, forcing her to keep it lodged in her throat, unable to draw breath, until dark spots danced in front of her eyes.  Sometimes they would yank the rod back and forth, making her throatfuck them faster and faster.  Other times they used it to make her go slow, her lips softly sliding back and forth over the length of their shaft, the pace so agonizing she wanted to scream at them to just get it over with.

This one let her do all the work.  For over an hour she patiently knelt and serviced him, her movements passionate and loving, treating her rapist with more affection than she'd ever given any human partner.  At last she felt the cock pulse inside her, about to finish, and dared to hope that she would finally be fed.  The orc pulled his cock back and she opened her mouth expectantly, tongue hanging out.  She looked up into the orc's black eyes, silently begging him.

The first splash hit her tongue, and she immediately gulped it down, not wanting to miss any.  More cum spurted into her mouth, and she eagerly accepted all of it.  For several glorious minutes, Anera was allowed to drink her fill of semen.  And when the output finally slowed to a trickle, the beast was generous enough to let her suckle on his cock head, drawing out those last few precious drops.

“Thank you,” she breathed, and felt sick to her stomach as she realized that she meant it.  She still felt disgusted and humiliated about what had just happened, but more than anything else, she felt genuinely grateful that the orc had let her suck his cock and drink his sperm.  It wasn't even about the hunger; some awful part of her was proud just to have served one of her captors so well.  As he took his leave of her, she sank to the ground and let despair wash over her.
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Re: Inhuman (Complete)
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2016, 06:36:19 PM »
Chapter Four

Despite the endless guantlet of humiliations and agonies she was sujbected to, Anera's willpower never failed.  Each night only increased her resolve to escape and enact her revenge on them.  After she was freed, she wouldn't just kill dozens of them, she'd kill hundreds.

It didn't take long to lose track of the days.  The only measurement she had was her own body, as it swelled and deformed to accommodate the parasite inside her.  Her breasts began to give milk, and the orcs loved to suck on them.  If she positioned herself just right, she found she was able to get her own nipple in her mouth, and drink for herself.  Starving as she was, this was a wonderful discovery, but it only lasted a few days before one of the orcs realized what she was doing.  After that they attached weights to her nipples that pulled them down, and despite much effort, there was no act of contortion that could let her feed on them.

When the day of her labor finally arrived, she was unchained from the post in the ground for the first time.   After four months of sitting, laying, and kneeling, the simple act of standing made her dizzy.  She briefly considered making a run for it, but her swollen belly and emaciated limbs made escape impossible, so she allowed herself to be led, tottering on her two feet as she remembered how to walk.

They brought her into one of the buildings and laid her down on a bed, a real bed.  It felt so soft and warm that she didn't even care when they tied her arms and legs to its posts.  Two females came in with buckets of hot water and proceeded to gently bathe her, gradually washing away months worth of accumulated filth.  Anera very nearly wept with happiness when she realized that she could no longer smell orcish semen.

The pleasures of the day were quickly forgotten, however, when the labor pains began.  For hours she screamed nearly nonstop, her vagina stretched open so wide she doubted it would ever recover.  The spawn inside her was much larger than a real baby, and she was certain it would rip her apart getting out.

It nearly did, but in the end the midwives were able to deliver it successfully.  When the bloody, squalling thing finally came out, she refused to even look at it, not wanting to see the horrible creature she had been forced to house.

And then it was over, and the midwives left her alone.  Though she was still in great pain, Anera looked in relief her at her now empty stomach.  It was finally over.  She'd done what they wanted, and now they would let her go.  They didn't break me, she thought with triumph.  She had endured everything they'd put her through, and had not let her mind bend to their will or abandon hope.

“You have done well,” said a guttural voice.  Ubik stood beside her, and gently stroked her hair.  Anera felt a dim feeling of pride at his words, and tried to dismiss the feeling.

“This was the whole point, right?” she asked him.  “You wanted me to 'learn the value of life' by giving birth.”

“That is correct,” he rumbled.  “A long and painful lesson, but one you will not forget.”

“No,” she promised him.  “I won't.”  And after she got out of there, she would teach them a lesson of her own.  “And now you're here to take me home?”

“Yes.  But you are still weak from the birthing.  You may rest here tonight if you wish, and I will see you home in the morning.”

Anera shook her head.  It was true that she was exhausted, more exhausted than she could ever remember being, but now that freedom was so close, she felt like she couldn't bear another second of captivity.  “No, I want to go home now.  Please.”  She added the last part belatedly, not wanting to ruin things by being rude.

Ubik considered her for a moment.  “Very well,” he said finally, and began untying her from the bed.  He led her out on wobbling legs, and they walked slowly through the silent streets of the city.

When they reached the intersection she had spent the last four months in, a wave of different emotions rose up in her.  Happiness, fear, anticipation.  She stared warily at the chain still lying on the ground.  For so long, its length had defined her entire world.  But now it was just a chain.

Ubik gently pushed her to her knees, and she was too weak to stop him.  She looked up at him in a panic.  “Wh-what are you doing?” she asked, hating the way her voice quavered.

“Bringing you home,” he replied calmly, and snapped the collar back on to her neck.

She touched it disbelievingly with one hand.  No, no, this couldn't be happening.  She was done.  He was letting her go.  “But... but I learned my lesson.  You said so!”

“You have made a good beginning.  But there must be balance.”

A faint suspicion entered her mind, too terrible to be true.  “Beginning?”

“Twenty eight life you have taken.  One you have created.  That leaves twenty seven before your debt to us has been repaid.”

Paralyzing horror swept through her.  Twenty seven.  I have to give birth to twenty seven more of those monsters... another... another nine years...  As Ubik walked away, she began to laugh, a hollow empty noise.  She was still laughing when night fell, and the first group of orcs arrived to begin the cycle all over again.


Night was falling as a haggard woman stumbled through the streets of Sondar.  She was still young, but time had not been kind to her, and only faint traces of her former beauty remained.  After so much time in captivity, her body was pale and emaciated, her once fine hair wispy and graying.  She wore the leather uniform of a warrior, but it was now loose and ill-fitting.  An empty sheath hung at her side, the sword that had once rested there long gone.  Its absence didn't matter; her arms no longer had the strength necessary to wield a weapon.

Anera stopped in an alleyway to catch her breath.  Her legs were unsteady after so many years of disuse.  The walk back here from the orc lair had been long, and what little energy she'd had was all but gone.

They'd offered to give her a ride back to the city, but she'd refused.  They'd only made the offer to mock her, of course, to wave false generosity in her face.  Just like their other offer, to let her stay with them as a citizen instead of a prisoner.  As if she could stand to live in their filthy, stinking nest for one more second, let alone the rest of her life.

Eventually they had brought her outside, unchained her, and left, after giving her back her old clothes and some provisions.  As she'd stood on that hill, her first instinct had to been to head right back in to finish what she'd started.  Put them to the torch.  Kill every last one of those abominations they'd birthed on her.

Nine years.  Nine long, long years.  Only her hatred had sustained her, kept her whole and sane.  She'd nurtured it inside her, through all the dark nights and empty days.  She'd come close to giving up to many times, so many times, but hatred had always been there for her, whispering in her ear, reminding her of her purpose.  She had to make them pay for what they'd done to her.

But she was tired, and had to admit to herself that she no longer had the strength to do what must be done.  Not alone.  So she had begun the long walk to Sondar to find help.

Soon, she told herself.  They'd all be dead soon.  All she had to do was reach her guild.  They'd welcome her there, help her recover.  And she would tell them all about the orcs, how to find them, their numbers, their defenses.  Together they would wipe them out.

"Hey," an angry voice shouted behind her, "what the fuck do you think you're doing in our alley?"  Three young street toughs stood at the entrance, looking hostile.  Not wanting a confrontation, Anera tried to stumble past them, but one of them grabbed her neck in one hand, stopping her.  She tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong, and he marched her backward, further into the alley, pushing her up against a wall.

"What've we got here?" he asked, free hand running over her body.  "Looking for some customers, whore?"  He brought his head closer to her and then drew back sharply.  "God, bitch, you stink of orc!"

"I bet she's one of those orc fuckers," one of his companions suggested.  "They got them special brothels, you know.  I heard some women love them pig cocks.”

"Is that it, bitch?" the one groping her asked.  "You got yourself addicted to orc cock?"  He stopped groping her long enough to unlace his britches and let his cock stand free.  "Lucky for you, I got the cure right here."

"Gross, Reshi", his other friend said.  "She's like a million years old."

"Pussy is pussy," he replied, drawing a knife and starting to cut away her clothes.  "Besides, she ain't that old, are you whore?"  He finished slicing off her tunic and her breasts popped free.  Reshi whistled when he saw the rod going through her nipples.  She'd wanted to remove it, but her skin had grown around it long ago, and the one attempt she'd made had felt like she was trying to take her nipples off with it.

“Toy, huh?  Yeah, that looks nice.  I like that.”  He slapped her tits and watched them jiggle.  "See, Toy's got some damn fine breasts, right?   Freaky long nipples too."   Despite everything else, Anera found herself flushing with shame at his last comment.  It was true; after years of having weights attached to them, her nipples had become grotesquely stretched.  It was one more permanent horrible reminder of everything she'd been through.

Anera was having trouble breathing with his hand around her neck, and fought to speak.  "...please...," she made out.

Reshi hooted.  "Hear that, she's begging for it!  Bitch is hungry for some real cock."  He sliced through the seam of her pants and they fell around her, leaving her naked, and then without warning he was in her, driving himself in, both hands now cupping her rear.  He slammed her against the wall, making Anera cry out in pain and knocking the breath out of her.

Part of her viewed this latest violation with stoic resignation.  After being raped so many times, one more didn't mean much, and the boy's cock, though larger than the average human's, was still smaller than nearly all the orcish ones she'd been forced to take over the years.

"She's a pig fucker all right," Reshi grumbled sourly.  "Loosest cunt I've ever seen.  Gimme a hand, will ya?"  He turned the two of them around so that her back no longer against the wall, and then she felt another cock poking at her, worming his way into her asshole.

Anera's indifference vanished.  Despite nearly a decade of nightly abuse, this was a new experience for her.  The orcs had raped her pussy when they wanted to breed her, and her ass when they wanted to play with her, but never both at the same time.  Having two cocks ravaging her holes, grinding against the thin wall that separated them, was a sharp and unfamiliar agony.

Her body spasmed in pain as she hung in the air, held up only by the boys' hands on her hips and their pistoning cocks inside her.  She struggled to get free, to somehow avoid their thrusts, but her wiggling and bouncing only pleased them further, and they slapped her ass in encouragement.  “Yeah, that's much better,” Reshi commented.  “Toy's no good unless she's getting double stuffed.  We'll have to remember that."

Worst of all, Anera felt her holes gripping the invading cocks as tight as they could, despite the extra pain this caused.  After years of being conditioned to please her rapists, her body's response was completely involuntary.  She could sooner stop her own heartbeat than prevent her pussy from hungrily sucking on Reshi's dick, or her asshole from eagerly milking the shaft that was reaming her out.

“Fuck me,” said the boy using her ass, his voice a little strained.  “She's old and ugly, but damn if she don't give it her all!”

“That's what I've been saying this whole time,” said Reshi airily.  “The pretty whores, they can get the job done with a smile and a wink, but the used up ones like Toy, they really gotta go the extra mile if they don't wanna starve to death.  You work hard to satisfy your customers, don't you bitch?”

Her eyes were hot again.  She scrubbed at her face with both hands, trying to hold back the tide.  It wasn't supposed to be like this.  She was a warrior, a decorated knight, a hero.  And she was home, back with her own people, finally freed from those disgusting orcs.  She'd survived that long, terrible nightmare with her mind and body intact.  And yet, impossibly, nothing had changed.  She was still helpless.  She was still being raped.

Anera tried to see herself the way she once had.  She tried to recall that beautiful goddess of war, framed by firelight, bringing death to her enemies.  Had she really been like that once?  All she could see now was a filthy tramp entertaining men in an alley.  A woman who couldn't fight if her life depended on it, whose only skills lay in fucking and sucking.  That's what she was now.  That's all she'd ever be.  And with that realization, something deep inside of her finally crumbled.

The one boy who wasn't raping her, just watching them go at it while he played with himself, was the first to notice.  “Look at the old bitch go,” he said, chuckling.  “Bawling like a fucking baby!”

The others laughed.  “Aww, is the whore sad 'cause we're helping ourselves to some free samples?” asked Reshi in a mocking voice.  “Tell you what, crybaby, you suck me off real good later, I think I got a copper or two in my pockets I can donate.  You like that?”

“I'll give you a whole silver piece just for being my toilet for five minutes,” said the the boy behind her.  “I've been holding back a massive shit for hours!  And I promise it'll still taste better than Reshi's tiny prick!”

All three boys continued to mock and insult her, suggesting various ways she could earn their money.  Toy barely heard any of their words as she sobbed and sobbed, lost in her own private hell.   At last, she felt both cocks spurting inside of her at roughly the same time.  They let her go, and she collapsed to the ground, exhausted.  There were splatters of cum in the dirt around her, and she promptly began to lap them up.  Semen wasn't to be wasted.

"Yeah, she'll do," Reshi said, sounding as if he'd come to a decision.  "Won’t be the best we've had, but she'll make a decent cum dump for the gang."  One of his companions got out some rope.  She didn't bother trying to resist as he tied one piece around her wrists, and then a second rope around her neck.  They felt so... familiar, that Toy started to weep again.  He grabbed the other end of the neck rope and pulled on it to haul her up.

Reshi took her leash from him and tugged on it.  "Come on, Toy.  You had to be getting sick of orc cock, right?  Well, don't worry, we'll get you plenty of human ones from now on."  Whimpering and still crying, Toy followed behind them as they led her to her new life.
Like my stories?  Read more here!

Offline Beater

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Re: Inhuman (Complete)
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2018, 03:00:41 PM »
This is a real hidden gem. A slow and methodological, complete and utter destruction set in fantasy.

Offline Johnnee

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Re: Inhuman (Complete)
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2018, 06:46:15 PM »
Thanks!  This one took foreeeeeever to get right.  Almost every scene in it was rewritten from scratch at some point.  It's good to know it's appreciated.  Anera was a very fun character to abuse, especially because she comes so close to redemption at multiple points in the story, and chooses to double down on her awfulness each time, until all that's left is her just desserts.
Now publishing Lone Fox 2, a fantasy story that's part of a larger universe shared between myself and John Drake.  Updated every Monday.  The latest chapters can always be found first on my blog or his!