Author Topic: third person me. {Gang}  (Read 2524 times)

Offline KrysG84

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third person me. {Gang}
« on: November 08, 2017, 02:19:28 PM »
*My true story. Painful as it is; I've now written it out more or less. I felt more comfortable writing it as 3rd person POV*

Late Summer; a warm early evening. K, in her early 20s and wearing a slinky, glamorous, gold flower pattern embroidered on black, glittery dress, yapped excitedly with the ten friends travelling with her to the party, smoking and already sipping on a bottle of champagne in the hired stretch limo.
Paid for by Henry, a young yet successful art photographer host of the party, and good friend to Brent, a budding tog but in the modelling industry. K and a few others had just finished a shoot at the beach and got invited along with Brent.   
Other togs, models and agents etc r to b at this lavish Bournemouth villa, a great opportunity to network and boost these young girls' careers.

Amidst a kept garden there's a pool as well as some band playing raucous industrial type music.
A conservatory led indoors to the two storey villa with an expansive front lounge, with a bar area and a small dancefloor, that led to a myriad of other smaller rooms and studios, as well as the kitchen and toilets. Rising up the flight of stairs to the upper floor, situated some 4 guest en suite bedrooms, in addition to the massive luxurious master bedroom. Paintings and the odd bit of art sculpture littered the residence. Booming mixture of house, dance and cheesy pop music played to the delight of those attending the party.

Ponytailed K, and her other friends banded together with various models, and courted frequent glances and lusty stares from the majority of the male population, giggling and enjoying the attention and their prick teasing, in various stages of drunkenness...


She didn't recall, nor think, she had that much to drink. K moaned and gave a pained grunt as she felt something big and hard thrust deep inside her and begin battering in and out of her at a fast pace. Vaguely she was aware she was in some darkly illuminated room...on some bed..? Feeling ever so heavy, groggy and confused, weakly she endeavoured to keep both eyes open. K groaned some more as a pained expression screwed up her features and she struggled to push the guy on top of her off only to dimly realise her hands were restrained onto..a hard cock?..made to rub it up and down. She peered up side to side at the faces the two cocks belonged to...sort of recognising one as Clive and the other one familiar those she can't quite remember his name.
The two stared down at the fresh faced, Anglo Mauritian model, grinning darkly as they continued to force her hands to shake their pulsating manhoods off, waiting rather patiently for their turn to plow into K.

"Fuck the lube! What's the fun in that?!"
K half opened her eyes, feeling exceptionally dizzy and rather nauseous, finding herself bent over the bed face down. Again, she struggled and tried to rise up but realised she was restrained by her wrist at either side of her, and a hand to her back firmly forced her back down onto a pillow.
"Besides she'd b well lubricated up there soon enough!"
Someone giggled.
"Damn ur nasty Steve!"
"C'mon man do it to her!"
K mumbled incoherently, lolling her head up and down and side to side, very much confused.
"Fuck yeah bet the nigger bitch is gagging for it really!" Someone sniggered.
"Heh yeah listen to the whore moan, man"
She felt someone clamber onto the bed in front of her and raised her head, her blurry vision barely able to focus on the two guys gazing down at her with sour smirks, just as she felt something firmly nudge against the brown hole in between her arse cheeks.
It was a pain like none other that she felt in her entire life! A bitterly small mercy with her being so drugged up or it could've been more agonising. Still, especially without lubrication, it was most certainly painful enough, as Steve forcedly broke his stiff cock's bulbous head into K's splincter, smiling in satisfaction and grunted at the effort.
"Mmmmm oh hell yeah she's fucking tight! U a virgin up there u cunt?"
K cried out sharply.
"Yeah man, fuck the bitch hard!"
Try as she did, K was hardly able to move as Steve lay on top of her from behind, pinning her down with his weight.
"Oh yeah baby, u ready huh? U gonna scream for daddy? Huh? Yeah?!"
Anglo Caribbean Steve thrust himself deep and hard inside K's arse...


Snapping her wide eyes open, the dazed K didn't know the time, or indeed hardly even remembered where the fuck she was. All she knew was that she was sore as fuck in every hole she had. A somewhat nightmarish and confused flashback jolted her awake from unconsciousness...

...She was sandwiched in between two guys, Mike and Alex, a dull persistent ache in her arse and vagina as she gave a long and agonised groan of dismay, while she felt the two pumping steadily in and out of her.
"Noooo...sto-" K managed to yell out before feeling a hand clamped around her mouth and cutting her off and another hand squeezing round her long throat, sending her into a blind panic. She struggled with more vigour and Mike gripped her wrists and held them out to the sides.
Alex bottomed out behind her as they both shoved deeper, harder and faster inside her abused orifices.
Before blacking out, K vaguely felt them simultaneously cum inside her with loud grunts,  as her muscles involuntarily gripped around the wildly throbbing cocks, milking their balls...

...K was lying on her stomach. Dazed and too tired to move. Eventually, she shivered, and whimpered softly to herself, tears slowly falling down her cheek.
So confused. What to do?
She was raped right?...No....gangraped...right? K closed her eyes as further flashbacks assaulted her.....


I did go to the authorities. The rapists I did remember were arrested. Usual examinations -rape kit etc were carried out.
My rapists did not say they didn't fuck me -they knew their DNA would b found on me, I wouldn't b surprised they did do that as a further deliberate act of humiliation.
Two weeks before trial, the CPS dropped the case.
Citing myself- the only witness, would b ripped apart by defence as unreliable, due to my profession and lifestyle.
-The culprits r still out there today. Free.

xxx K
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 11:07:39 PM by The Claire »
Strong is fighting. Its hard and its painful. And its everyday...The hardest thing to do in this world is to live in it...
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Re: third person me.
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 02:31:10 PM »
There's times i'm ashamed to be called a male. Told you this before in the chatroom, just give me names and i'll pass them along to relatives who'll get justice for you anytime you want!- offer still stands!

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 04:03:14 PM »
This (3rd person disassociation) is a good, if not reliable (Nothing is) way to distance yourself from.  Well, there's no other way to put it, Horror.  This is right around the same basic Lovecraft level as Atrocity Wars survivor.  I knew you're strong, but Damn!  I'm gonna have nitemares tonight.  

Congratulations on your courage.  Also, hugs.

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 04:11:41 PM »
Kudos for having the courage to share that.  Fantasy is one thing, but in the real world, no one should have to endure that.

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2017, 05:26:54 PM »
thank for sharing my friend
nerd milf of 3

Offline Shab

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2017, 11:21:47 PM »
And now I know why u have nitemares.

Fuuuuck sweetness.  How many others they don ethis 2?? But 2 u? They done this 2 my friend? Them people do not dezerv 2 be breathing rite now. Sum1 should see wot they can do about that.

Warm hugs n soft kisses, sweetness.

Ur bull xxx

Offline vile8r

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2017, 08:26:08 AM »
Very powerful Krys!  :(
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline John

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2017, 11:43:59 PM »
Sadly, I’ve been involved in several cases like this, where the prosecution will not take a case forward for fear of the damage it might do to the victim. In sexual offence cases, in the UK, unlike almost every other branch of criminal law, the victim must be put first, above any need to convict the accused.

This can sometimes mean that, where there is weak or circumstantial corroboration and the defence have their case prepared and shored up with accused corroborating each other in their account of the victim’s actions or willingness, any prosecution would be futile and only serve to smear the victim’s reputation publicly and to heap indignity and - unfortunately - legal abuse upon her, in a court of law. Defence take no prisoners in such cases and in Scotland, the harshest such practitioner is hereself a woman who was formerly a top crown lawyer, and so knows the system inside and out. She is a fearsome opponent for a seasoned courtroom visitor, let alone to some victim of such an appalling attack such as that which you suffered, Krystle.

The prosecution take on such a matter would be that where there is not even a glimmer of hope of conviction - and sometimes not even a chance of charging the evil bastard/s who perpetrate such actions, any court case would be pointless and likely to lead to claims against the system, by those who routinely exploit “human rights”.

It’s horrible, I know, believe me. I’ve had to look too many people in the eye and explain this to them, after investigating their cases and even arresting or detaining and charging the evil shits that do such things.

One can only hope that somehow, sometime, somewhere, a form of justice will be meted out upon the predators by those who would prey upon them. As a retired law enforcement officer, I shouldn’t think that way, I am told. But then, I always was the one who stood slightly outside the ranks.

I am so sorry for what you went through, Krystle. You are an exceptionally brave young woman to share such a tale, and even more so, as people here know who you are. I often said to victims in such cases, you are stronger than you know. You have proved me right. You should be justifiably proud of yourself. You are an inspiration to others.

J xx
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Offline KrysG84

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2017, 06:17:35 AM »
I thankyou for ur reply John, and I do hear u.

However, I so wished I had my day in court. I may have lost should I have been given the chance to but I would not have minded too much as it would also have served as a line of closure to me. I felt all the CPS cared about was them gaining their victory and not really my needs or wants.

I've never had anything but utmost respect for those in the armed forces and law enforcement. Having said that however, I did feel one or two of the male officers to my case were can I put it?...well sorta like dismissive and dare I say, had that pervy look? As if to say "hell I wouldn't mind abit of u, or I'd do u, if I were there!" I may have been too sensitive...I was quite uncomfortable though around these individuals.

I dunno about stronger, proud or inspiration and what not, just kinda wanted to get my story out there actually..

Violence never really solves much -though everyone does still resort to it. Heh hell even I do -hence why I've no telly till next week as I've smashed my tv up with a clawhammer. Karma may get my attackers someday- if one believes in such. I would rather b fighting verbally than say more physically aggressive. Sure it doesn't always work but ought to b used as last resort.
Mwah xxx K

Btw when am I going to c u in chat, John?! 
Strong is fighting. Its hard and its painful. And its everyday...The hardest thing to do in this world is to live in it...
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Re: third person me.
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2017, 06:37:42 AM »
"Protecting" the victim's reputation in rape cases?  We wouldn't want her REPUTATION to (Possibly) be compromised after she's been GANG RAPED professionally?  What about all those men's reputations, as not-gangrapists?  What about all the other women in the industry, who they can continue to seriously assault, because the courts decided to protect Kry's reputation? She built that reputation.  I know Justice is supposed to be blind, but she does have Scales.  Why the fuck would any court weigh the reputaion of the victim over the reputation of the abusers in England?

For the same reason why the Innocence of the rapist is assumed (And the guilt of the victim is implied) in America.  People don't want to believe it, and will make any, absolutely unbelievable excuse to cover it up.

"Her reputation."  Try protecting their reputation from Rapists, not Rape Accusations, see how that works.

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2017, 07:39:39 PM »
I’m not condoning the actions of the Crown Prosecution Service for a single second, Krys and Psi. I’m not and never have been a lawyer. I was a cop, a detective, in at the sharp end, spending a career hunting the sort of bastards who did this to Krys. I did what I do because someone had to. I worked long hours, foreswore my family (my choice) as did a fair few of my colleagues, in order to do our damndest to see this kind of scum behind bars. Few things ever gave me more satisfaction than looking these scumbags in the eye and then closing a cell door on them, letting them know they were no longer free - even if that was only for the six hours I could hold them under detention (arrest is a different matter in Scotland and England). Pile on the pressure, examine their stories with the finest tooth comb I could find. Gather every available piece of information, for and against the alleged perpetrator. That’s not always going to be an overnight thing (although I did just this, more than once). Then there is dealing with the victim. Not every cop can do that, nor should they! I wouldn’t trust some cops to interview a fence post, let alone a victim of such a serious crime. You cannot help but build a rapport with the victim, during that interview and the period after.

It’s an awful thing to see so much work, so much bravery on the part of the victims and/or any other victims and witnesses who might come forward, thrown on the scrapheap by some gutless lawyer, who simply wishes to keep in with their boss, or maintain a winning streak, scared of taking the risk of losing. No. The CPS is even worse than the Crown Office, in Scotland, for throwing in the towel at the mere slightest whiff of trouble.

But when I mentioned about reputation, I merely meant that defence solicitors will routinely savage and destroy victims of such crime, on the witness stand, despite the significant advances made in protective legislation for witnesses, in recent years. The defence is still ‘entitled’ to mount the best ‘reasonable’ defence allowed under law - for a judge to do otherwise is to risk a mistrial under European statute, in the Human Rights Act.

So, instead, the defence will dig and dig and dig until they have rooted through someone’s life, interviewing friends, relatives, colleagues and ex-colleagues, looking for those willing to throw muck on your reputation, so they can cast some doubt on your truthfulness in this instance. They’ll insist you’re doing it for notoriety, for money, for publicity for business, for a book or magazine deal, lawsuits or criminal injuries, etc, etc. You’re doing it because “you’re bad”, their client/s are the “real victims”. This is the sort of work they do and they are, sadly, good at it, in the eyes of the juries, swayed by their words.  It’s not for any accused to prove they are innocent. It is the prosecution who has to prove their guilt and they have to do that beyond a reasonable doubt.

But none of that excuses cowardice on the part of the CPS. Not for a second. And now that I’m retired, I can say I’d happily see all those bastards in body bags. Every last one. They rarely, if ever, stop, and there has never been a serial sexual predator reformed or rehabilitated, anywhere. Not without a bullet or something else to stop their vital signs, anyway.

But first, I’d have them get some of their own medicine. Let them know fear, powerlessness, lack of control, pain and humiliation that they visit on so many. Then just disappear them. They serve no valid viable purpose other than fertiliser, in my professional opinion.


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Re: third person me.
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2017, 07:43:13 PM »
As for chat, I have to confess to being a trifle shy, Krys. And in a rather significant amount of awe, I have to say.

J xx
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Offline KrysG84

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Re: third person me.
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2017, 07:47:26 PM »
Lol John only me and another girl in chat right now come join us? Xxx K
Strong is fighting. Its hard and its painful. And its everyday...The hardest thing to do in this world is to live in it...
is this Hell?!