Author Topic: The Discovery of the Planet of the Worms (Prequel to Worm Plane)  (Read 2481 times)

Offline SoftGameHunter

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WARNING!    You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non-consensual sex. This story is all fiction and no characters in it are meant to resemble any real person. That’s the legal part. Here’s the important part to me. This is fantasy, by the author, to be shared with readers who share in such fantasies. That is the story’s sole purpose for being here. In the real world, this sort of behavior is simply not acceptable, period, by any of the laws or morals of any humane people. That means you too. If you actually hurt someone without their informed consent, just stop. Take a deep breath and stop right now. That’s not your right. A surprising number of subs exist out there, so take the time to meet one and make your corner of the world a better place. Don’t trash two lives letting your frustrations get the better of you.

I wanted to write a long and detailed story to prequel Worm Plane, going through the discovery of these planets, exploring what happens and who/what is behind them. Sadly, it's just not coming together at all, so that project will just have to wait. The story below was an earlier chapter, and the only piece that survived the many cuts.

The Discovery of the Planet of the Worms (Sci Fi, mc, nc, bond)

Earth Reference Date Feb 5, 2145

Ria Simone shook the grogginess from her head, trying to focus on the displays. She hated coming out of hyperspace. Everyone had the sluggish mental response and the poor visual focus. That went away in under five minutes. She had the most godawful hot churning in her belly every time, responding neither to attempts to shit nor attempts to vomit. It was just a sickening gastrointestinal problem that would fade only after the rest, in ten minutes or so.

“Ronnie, you back to life now yet?” she asked. There was no reply from her partner’s seat. She heard a dull moaning. He was probably going through delirium tremens. A man who barely drank endured DT’s every single exit. He’d come back to life in five minutes or so, probably sooner than she did. She sank into her seat, willing her belly to behave. As long as they were in space, it didn’t matter. They could drift until their health returned. But if there was an error… Ria jabbed at the buttons on the display, letting the screen readout fill the otherwise darkened cockpit. The start charts started to correlate. Everything looked good. One by one the stars were verified in the right spot. Or close enough. A few A.U. didn’t matter. She almost moved to the communications protocol when she caught sight with her focusing eyes on the error values. Thirty seconds ago they were barely off target. They were still barely off target, but increasingly off by the second.

It took a moment for the reality to sink in. “Ronnie, we’re in a gravity well! Transient planet!” she nearly screamed, cursing and frothing at their back luck. To be knocked out by a transient planet, a one in a million phenomenon; there was no crueler galactic joke. They emerged in space, only to start falling towards the surface as they slowly got over their respective illnesses.

“Trying hyperspace,” Ronnie groaned. She could hear him trying to type. The DTs made his efforts pointless. Ria tried to activate the rockets. Activate something with thrust. The startup times were all wrong for them. The planet was too close. It had obviously bent their hyperspace trajectory and pulled them close. Until they hit the atmosphere, the freefall of a planet and the weightlessness of space were indistinguishable.

And now they were hitting the atmosphere. The ship started to tumble. “Too close to the planet for a gate,” Ronnie groaned.

“Trying rocket startup,” Ria croaked. “Damn protocols.” She kept pushing the override, but nothing overrode. The fuel would not ignite. Again and again Ria tried to give them some boost, but the process would not be hurried. They were encased inside a barely shielded shell, heated to three thousand degrees, give or take. If the heat got to the fuel, it wouldn’t be shy about igniting that way. But finally Ria’s panel read green. The rockets blazed, and the control system returned to life. Ria jumped in, trying to stabilize their descent, hopefully before they discovered the planet’s surface. But they were buffeted around beyond her ability to compensate. The main computer was still trying to boot. Then they grazed something.

The ship went into a rapid spin, far beyond Ria’s ability to control any of it. “Prepare for impact!” she screamed, her guts in an extra uproar. They smashed into the surface again, changing their tumble, jerking Ria and Ronnie both in their pilot seats. At least the impact response system was up. Even so, Ria could only pray the belts would hold. Their g-forces were rocking between plus and minus six, shaking her to her core. Finally they slid to a stop, a very long stop.

“You okay?” Ronnie asked.

“Just fine.” She checked the system. They were upright, and the bottom seemed to have minimal damage. She guessed they slid to a stop on something soft. But the engines were down again. Her own mental state was little better. Transitioning back was taking longer than usual, probably because of the crash landing.

“I think we’re in a swamp,” Ronnie said.

“Depth?” she asked in alarm.

“I don’t know. I just see a bunch of water on the readouts. But these readouts don’t make sense. Everything’s wonky.”

“Wonky? Got precision, Ronnie?”

“Wonky is precise,” he replied. “Let’s get the cameras on.” Their monitors flickered to life, but it was pitch black outside. A moment later the external floodlights kicked on. Or rather, one kicked on. The rest were dead. It was aimed above parallel, but it revealed a fair bit of fog and a lumpy, shiny ground surface.

“What the fuck are we sitting in?” Ria asked out loud. She was staring at the monitor, transfixed. “Is it alive out there?”

“Want to start are lifeform contact protocol?” Ronnie asked.

“Yeah, for sure,” she replied, staring hard.

“You alright there, Ria?”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry,” she said. She heard Ronnie getting up from his seat. His DTs seemed to be over. She wished she felt mentally all there. He was soon behind her.

“Getting up?” he asked.

“Yeah, of course,” she said. He took her hand and helped her up. “Whoa, my head is still wonky like.”

“It’s been ten minutes,” Ronnie said, frowning. “But that was with a planetary crash land. Hit your head?”

“No, thanks,” she replied. She took a step towards the passage from the cockpit, walking a bit unsteadily but confidently nonetheless. They made their way to the airlock and pulled out the suits. Both began undressing.

“Hey, careful there,” Ronnie said. Ria looked at him, questioning. “Forget to stop somewhere?” he asked. She looked down and saw that she was completely naked. It took her a moment, seeing Ronnie, to recognize the problem. She took off too much. Her skivvies would have been plenty. They weren’t using long-run suits.

“Oh. Huh. Yeah, sorry. My mind’s kind of out of it,” she said.

“Want to stay behind?”

“No,” she said, putting on the space suit, still naked. The cool plastic felt funny and odd against her naked skin. Ronnie watched her dress, but said nothing further. Both placed their helmets on and inspected the other.

“Opening the outer hatch,” Ronnie said. The panel opened, and native atmosphere rushed in. The readout on the airlock scream spit out the composition.

“That looks fine,” Ria said.

“It’s also completely different from what it said in the cockpit readout,” Ronnie said. “Leave your helmet on.” He trained the spotlight out and at the surface. It took a moment for him to register what he was seeing, but then he nearly puked from revulsion. It was a gut instinct, and he recovered in time. But outside the ship, as far as the light could shine, they were sitting in a vast pool of worms.

He stared at the slithering, writhing motion of the surface. Worms was all he could describe it as, though they were mostly much larger than what Ronnie thought of as an earthworm. There were plenty that small, but as many that were thicker, fatter, some with feet or antennae. Some were longer still and thicker, or even enormous in width and sometimes length. Some python worms undulated out there, as did mimicries of centipedes and millipedes. Primarily, though, they were short, fat, slimy energetic worms.

“They’re wonderful!” Ria cried out. “This is a planet of life! This is a find!”

“It’s a find. I wouldn’t call it wonderful,” Ronnie said. “Come on, step back from the door. We don’t need to make an excursion. It’s pretty clear now what’s out there.”

“Is it?” Ria asked. She suddenly popped her helmet off and sucked in a huge breath of the local air.

“Ria! For god’s sake!” Ronnie shouted. He jabbed at the buttons to close the door and re-pump their own oxygen in, but Ria suddenly took a step forward and leapt out the airlock, falling out of Ronnie’s sight. He lunged forward, seeing her landed in the worm pool, apparently unharmed. Then the door closed in his face. The pumps began running.

“Abort, abort!” he hissed, mostly to himself, jabbing further at the buttons trying to reverse the emergency pump. At least the air was now known to be breathable. But he left his helmet on while the dueling emergency protocols fought for primacy. A half minute later, the door slid back open. Ronnie looked out, but Ria was not right outside.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he swore, getting a portable light and extending the ladder. He climbed down and tried to take a step into the worms. It was an awkward step, with no real firm surface, but down below seemed to be larger pieces of live flesh, suitable for finding purchase. He took a few steps out and shone the light around. Ria was nowhere to be seen. He began running, sort of, around the ship. He didn’t know which way she would have gone, or why. After a minute he saw her up ahead, lying down in the worms. But as he approached, he saw only her suit. An empty suit with no Ria in it or anywhere around. Which meant that for whatever reason, Ria was out there somewhere, in a pool of slimy, disgusting worms, completely naked. But why?

He stood there, training fighting against instinct. Ria was nowhere to be seen, and the foggy pitch blackness made looking for her utterly impossible. There was nothing to do but return to the ship, make repairs, try to contact the network, and wait for morning. Reluctantly he headed back, carrying her suit with him. She seemed unlikely to grab it for herself. Once on board, he cycled himself in, but then left the airlock open to the outside, in case whatever was happening to Ria stopped. Repairs needed making, and wouldn’t make themselves.

And as it soon became clear, he wouldn’t be making most of them either. The ship wasn’t going anywhere without time in a repair bay. Ronnie sighed and focused on the communication links. If he could contact the network, all would be fine. Alastur-Raum maintained a quality net in the area, if he was still in the right area. No, that was wrong thinking. They were in the right area, but the planet wasn’t. It shouldn’t be there at all. How far would a transient planet carry him? He worked on the links for hours, and finally managed to return a ping from the network. Voice was out. He sent out a slow Morse SOS and set the computer to notify him of a reply. Then he went to work on the food and preparation units, the gas exchange, and the hydraulics.

Hours later a return message came in. “Identify yourself.”

“Finally,” Ronnie said out loud. He relayed, slowly, his name and the ship’s identification, reported on the faulty re-entry, the existence of a transient planet, and Ria Simone’s inexplicable behavior. He saw from the relay stamp that it would take more hours to get a further reply. No matter. They knew where he was now. He returned to work. The next message came hours later, as before.

“Effect repairs. Locate crewman Ria Simone at first light and return to ship. Expect rescue in 24-30 hours.” Ronnie nodded. Help was coming. The ship would hold easily that long. And it seemed to be getting lighter outside. As soon as he could see further by ambient light than by floodlight, Ronnie suited up and went outside to seek his missing crewmate. It turned out to be an easier search than he planned. He hadn’t been outside more than a few minutes when he heard her voice, crying out, moaning, screaming, but utterly incoherent.

He found her about two hundred yards from the crash site, lying totally nude in the worms. Her skin was slick with slime as they crawled all over her. She was writhing in obvious ecstasy, flailing her arms and legs to encompass more and more worms. As Ronnie watched, she picked one up and held it to her face, stroking the worm until its head suddenly popped, spraying white goo all over her face. She licked her lips, dropping the worm body into the writhing mass where it quickly sank out of sight. He stood, repulsed, and watched as a worm slowly crawled out of her vagina. It had obviously already been inside. Ria caught hold of it and licked it with her tongue, lovingly, eyes glazed and pupils dilated.

“Ria!” he shouted at her. She didn’t even look at him. “Ria!” he shouted again, even louder. Slowly she turned her head to look at him, towering over her in his encounter suit.

“Werrrr,” she said slowly. “Werrrrr.” Worms, Ronnie concluded. She was trying to say worms. Was she asking him to save her from worms? Warn him about worms? Express love for the worms? It was all possible. Ronnie knew the encounter protocols. Ria was clearly under a mental effect, probably from something in the air that affected her quickly but him slowly or not at all.

“Worm,” she said slowly, grabbing a fat one and pushing it into her pussy. It resisted for just a moment, then slithered up into her. Ria’s face was pure joy. She was clearly intoxicated on whatever they were doing to her.

“Ria, can you come with me?” Ronnie asked. “Can you understand me?” Her only response, if it was even to him, was to roll over and stick her ass into the air. Her anus relaxed, and a cluster of skinny little worms came sliding out of her, vanishing into the pool. They kept coming out of her butt. Ronnie had to fight the urge to puke. They finally stopped. Ria lowered her butt for a sizeable legged creature to wiggle over to her and push its way up into her ass, inserting with a flourish and vanishing up inside her, a flick of the tail end just before vanishing from sight. Ria just rolled back over, making swimming motions through the worms.

Ronnie realized they had a problem. Ria was in no way fit to pass the quarantine protocols. But she clearly needed help. He decided to hell with the protocols. Let the next ship, the rescue ship, worry about it. He just needed to get her back on board. As he pondered, a great big thick worm with a wide opening at the end slithered up to her. She leaned over and pressed her face to the hole. A wad of greenish slime spurted out, all over her. She laughed and wiped the goo all over her body, on her breasts especially, and stuffed it into her mouth to swallow quickly.

“Sorry, babe,” Ronnie said. “You need to come with me, now.” He reached down and picked her up out of the worm pool. Infinitely glad for the protective suit, he began carrying her back. For a few moments Ria seemed to not care. But she soon began to squirm, getting agitated.

“Worms,” she said. “Worms!” Again, and louder. She jerked her head, looking around and seeing herself off the ground. Then she twisted her body and fell back down into the worm pool. “Worms! Worms!” she cried happily, thrashing about in the pile. Ronnie reached down to pick her up again, but this time she resisted, pushing him away. When he got her up, she kicked and thrashed until he dropped her. Now she turned over and tried to dive down into the worm mass. And to Ronnie’s shock, she seemed to be vanishing into the depths of the worms, actually swimming through them.

In desperation he lunged and grabbed both feet. He held tight, pulling her out of the worm mass and dragging her, face down, back to the ship. Ria screamed and tried to kick. She wasn’t a tall girl, or a strong one. Ronnie held tight, aided by the suit itself. Finally he had her at the ladder. Ria was still hysterical, fighting his every move as he tried to figure out how to get her up. There was a winch, but it was up in the airlock. By the time he climbed up and lowered the cable down, Ria would surely be gone.

“Ria, Ria! Listen to me!” He shouted through the helmet. “I’m so sorry for this! I’m really sorry!” Then he slammed her head against the hull, hard. She went limp in an instant. He leaned her against the ship, hurried to get the winch and a body harness, and had her up inside the ship in under five minutes. The sick bay had but one bunk, but it was all he needed. He used the straps to secure her body to the bunk before she awoke. He began scanning, and he sealed the doors airtight. She had worms inside her body. They would eventually want to exit her.

“Aaahhh!” she suddenly screamed, awake again. She looked around frantically, trying to move despite the bonds holding her.

“Can you hear me, Ria?” Ronnie asked. “Do you understand my words.”

“Worms,” she said softly. “Need, worms! Where? Worms!”

“Well that’s better,” he said.

She stared at him, her eyes pleading. “Go, to, worms! Must, have, worms!”

“No, sorry. I know you’re still in there, and I’m going to help you out, Ria. The rescue ship is coming in a day or so. We’ll get off this planet. We’ll get help.

“Happy worm!” she cooed, suddenly relaxed and happy. “Oooh. Worm worm good.” Ronnie looked at her and saw movement. In her belly, somewhere under her skin. Movement of something crawling around, and suspiciously near her vagina. He saw bulging down there. To get a better look, he used some clipper and, not without huge embarrassment, shaved her pubic hair off to get a better look. Ria didn’t seem to mind or even notice. There was definitely something down in her pussy. He considered trying to grab it, but it was deep and he didn’t have a clue what would happen. Even when a tiny bit of the worm poked outside her crotch for a moment, he left it alone. It always slid back in quickly.

There was little else to do at that point. The ship would sustain them. The sick bay was sealed off. Ronnie sat beside her and waited, monitoring her. For the rest of the day, Ria alternated between agitated and sedate, but always semi-coherent at best. The hours passed slowly, but that was sometimes the nature of the space service.

Many hours passed before Ronnie heard anything. Locked in the sick bay and unwilling to break the quarantine, he was away from the communications station. There was only local radio in the bay, but it finally squawked to life.

“Yes, I’m here!” Ronnie almost yelled into it. “Ronald Tarsham, FGS Equestrian. To whom am I speaking?”

“This is Captain Hiller, of the FGS Vincent,” said the cautious voice on the other side.

“I thought you guys would never get here,” Ronnie said. “I’ve got a medical issue here.”


“My partner, yes. Ria Simone. She been affected somehow by those worms on the surface.”

“Our landing craft has the same problem. We landed a quarter mile from you six hours ago. We haven’t been able to reach you yet.”

“The women are having the same reaction?”

There was a pause. “Women? Were you exposed, Tarsham?”

“Neither of us was, but Ria pulled off her helmet and dove into the worms. I was right beside her and felt nothing.”

There was another pause. “We had two women on the EVA team. Both didn’t get a hundred feet. We’re sending a male rescue team now.”

“Is it daylight? I’ve been stuck in sick bay.”

“Yes, it’s light out.”

“Can you fly?”

“We didn’t crash, if that’s what you mean. We read your message, Tarsham. We came out of hyperspace well away from this planet.”

“I’ll try to make it to you with my partner.”

“If you can, that would be best. I think we have limited time here.”

“Over and out,” Ronnie said. He was curious about that last line, but didn’t want to ask. Not yet. Later. He used a powerful sedative to know Ria out again. Then he suited up again and carried her to the airlock. He would have preferred to suit her up, but that wasn’t feasible if he was to carry her. So she went naked. They cycled through and then descended to the field of worms. Once away from the door, Ronnie was able to spot the rescue craft. He saw the rescue operation playing out, with suited figures trying to catch two naked women who clearly preferred to play in the worms. They were laughing and screaming, depending on whether their rescuers were touching them or not. Ronnie walked to them, taking a good fifteen minutes in the uncertain footing. The other two women were making it harder. They were standing, staying out of reach, but not fleeing. Ronnie reached the other airlock and soon had Ria inside and secured.

“That’s her, you say? Her?” the medic asked. She was sweating and shaky.

“Yes. What’s wrong with you?” Ronnie asked.

She gave a nervous smile. “Whatever’s out there, it’s getting in here. All of us, the women, we’re all affected. I, I can’t focus. I can’t think. The air filters, with the bio filters. They’re failing.” She took a deep breath. “I can stabilize your partner. Don’t ask me to do surgery. And you should talk to the captain about, you know, the important, things. Okay.”

“Right,” Ronnie said. He left and headed for the cockpit, presumably where Hiller was. He passed two women, both looking drunk.



“Glad you made it. I’ve got five women losing their minds and soon their clothes. I’ve got three men including me to keep things together. We can’t leave until Esposito and Reynolds are back on board. So put your helmet on and go help catch them.”

“Aye, sir,” Ronnie said. He quickly headed out to join the others. The women were running further afield, now, sometimes diving into the worms, getting splattered with various shades of goo, and keeping away from the men in encounter suits. Ronnie caught up with them.

“We’re out num bered!” one of them cried in a breezy sing-song voice. She sprinted away for a bit, and then dove into the worms. The other woman did the same, dozens of meters away. Ronnie and the other two tried to grab them, but couldn’t find them. There was no arm or foot to grab hold of. They knelt down, scooping away armfuls of worms, but there was no sign of the women.

“Well that’s just fucking great!” one of them shouted at Ronnie. “What the hell did you do!”

“Hiller ordered me to help you!” Ronnie shouted back.

“They’ve got to come up for air,” the other guy said. “Form a circle, watch every direction.” They watched. Minutes went by. They watched but all was calm on the worm world.

“Return to the ship,” they all heard Hiller order over the radio. They reluctantly trudged back. Once through the airlock, they found Hiller waiting, and three now fully naked and blathering female crewmen.

“Secure them, gently,” Hiller said. “We need to get off this planet while we can.”

“But Lisa and Maria!” one of the men replied.

“Aren’t coming back to us right now! You have your orders.”

“Aye.” They handled the women, putting up no fight yet. Two went into the sickbay, but the medic, Ronnie noted, was taken to the captain’s quarters.

“Are they?” Ronnie asked.

“Officially married a year,” one of the men said. “As of tomorrow.”

“Hell of an anniversary,” Ronnie said.

“Your partner?”

“Just professional, but we’re good friends.”

“Right. Okay, you’ve flown. Here are the fun chairs.” They strapped in and soon the craft was racing away from the transient planet. Ronnie looked out the port, seeing it below, bathed in soft light on the day side.

“Lousy transients,” he mumbled. “One in a million chance of those bastards flying through the area, and it fucks up my run.”

“Us too.”

“Yeah, sorry. You guys lost more than I did. We’ll find them. Or someone will. The company doesn’t give up on its own.”

“I hope not.”

They sat and waited to get back to the Vincent, hoping against hope that the effect on their women would be either curable or temporary. With any luck, the jump into hyperspace would cure Ria. There was nothing to do but wait.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 09:04:29 PM by SoftGameHunter »
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

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Re: The Discovery of the Planet of the Worms (Prequel to Worm Plane)
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2017, 10:50:58 PM »
Great story, SoftGameHunter! Very imaginative and strangely erotic.

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Re: The Discovery of the Planet of the Worms (Prequel to Worm Plane)
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 11:13:27 PM »
Great story, SoftGameHunter! Very imaginative and strangely erotic.
Well thank you. And thanks for reading. I sometimes feel bad putting my good stories in the sections with fewer readers, but on the flip side I can only imagine clicking and expecting a traditional rape story and finding this one.

I seem to be on a wiggly worm kick lately.
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.