Warning! You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt
This is a sequel to an earlier story of mine: "Take one for the team!" Thanks to
vile8r for making the suggestion to follow up on it.
Story tags: MF, gang-rape
Payback's a Bitch!
A story by Algore
Our leading ladies will be:
SarahJ: Ill-fated star of "Take-one for the Team!"

The cock-teasing Jordan Daigle:

And Eliza Guess-who:

With a supporting cast of, well, I needed some bikers so...
A turn for the worse "Why me?" Sarah demanded. "Why did it have to be me?"
It had been a month since the events in the girl's locker room: the forced strip and cavity-search of the entire cheer squad which had culminated in Sarah being handed over to the football team for a brutal gang-rape. Unsurprisingly she had quit cheerleading and taken a few weeks off class while she recovered - physically at least. She would always bear the emotional scars from her ordeal. Jordan had been somewhat relieved - she thought that Sarah would simply drop out of sight, sparing Jordan the awkwardness of having to explain herself. But now Sarah had confronted her, finding Jordan in one of those rare moments when she was alone - and she wanted answers.
Jordan didn't know what to say. What excuse could she give? What could she possibly say that would justify the terrible thing she had done? She had chosen Sarah to be a sacrifice, allowing the football team to use her in every possible way just so Jordan and the rest of the squad could escape the consequences of the weed that had been found during the locker search.
"Look, I'm sorry about that-"
"You're SORRY?" Sarah yelled. "I got raped six ways from Sunday and you're SORRY? It was your fucking idea! That weed wasn't mine, I'm probably the only one who's never touched it. So why THE FUCK did you hand me over?"
Jordan couldn't tell her the truth. She had chosen Sarah because out of all the girls she represented the least threat of retaliation. Sarah had no wealthy parents or connections that might have enabled her to make a complaint about what had happened - not when the rest of the cheer squad had vowed to stick together with their cover story. She would be one girl against eleven, little chance of getting people to believe her, and if she tried to make her rape public she would be forever branded as a cheap slut who had voluntarily (according to the cheer squad) gone into the boy's locker room for some gang-bang action.
With typical selfishness Jordan actually thought the whole affair had been hardest on herself. She had been publicly paddled by Coach, was the first to subjected to a cavity-search, and worse still she had had to deal with the disruptive effect of the incident on her cheer squad! Sarah hadn't been the only one to quit: Shelby had resigned out of shame and humiliation, Eliza because she was royally pissed, and a couple of others had turned in their pom-poms because they were scared something similar might happen again. So Jordan had not only had to deal with the resentment of her remaining girls (who inexplicably blamed her for going along with Coach's demands) but also had been forced to find five replacement cheerleaders. This had been harder than she expected. Rumors had circulated about the incident and few girls of cheer-quality seemed eager to sign up for a squad who's captain believed she had the right to use them as bargaining chips. Jordan felt she had enough to deal with without Sarah getting in her face.
"I had to do something." Jordan said eventually. "You saw how things were - they were going to rape all of us if I didn't find a way out. I thought it was better that one girl cop it rather than the entire team."
"So why ME?" Sarah wasn't satisfied. "Why not Jenna - she's fucked most of those guys already. For that matter, why didn't YOU volunteer? It was your idea to hand someone over - why not yourself?"
Jordan was dumbfounded. Hand herself over? Be used by the entire football team to save other girls from humiliation? The mere thought offended her. She was used to a life of privilege and preferential treatment - she would never dream of degrading herself for the sake of others! She looked at Sarah in genuine disbelief.
"Me? Offer
myself up? I'm the Captain! You can't expect ME to take one for the team! That's what the rest of you are for!"
Sarah's mouth dropped open in astonishment. She had never realised what a self-centered bitch Jordan was until now.
She really didn't think she had done anything wrong! Sarah meant nothing to her - nor apparently did the other girls. Jordan was all about Jordan - and Sarah would never get the apology or contrition that she wanted to see. Her eyes narrowed - for a moment she thought of slapping Jordan - but spat in her face instead.
"I wish I'd never met you Jordan Daigle! Or your slutty cheer squad!" She spun around and marched off, her face crimson with anger.
Shaking slightly Jordan wiped herself off with a monogrammed handkerchief. She recovered quickly though. It had been an unpleasant conversation, but now it was done - she could put Sarah out of her mind and concentrate on her own ambitions. She still had hopes for a modelling career and she knew that being pretty wasn't enough - she had to be captain of a starring cheer squad to get the recognition that she needed. The new girls weren't as good as they should be - and the others were somewhat lacking in enthusiasm. She brightened as a though occured to her - perhaps she could get Coach to "encourage" them with his paddle! Surely he would be happy to spank the cheerleaders if she asked him to! Jordan headed towards the sporting grounds to make her proposal.
Wrapped as usual in her cloud of self-absorbtion she though only of her future prospects. Everyone else was merely a means to an end - and she soon forgot about Sarah.
Two weeks later...Jordan was in a good mood as she drove home after an evening practice session. Things were looking up again. Having Coach apply the paddle to any cheerleader who didn't perform to Jordan's high standards had had the desired effect - the team was back in form. Some of the camaraderie was gone of course, the girls had been highly indignant about having to bare their butts and accept discipline from the openly leering man, but Jordan didn't care. The football team was still on a winning streak and the cheer squad was famous by association. She only had to hold things together til the end of the year - she had spoken to a few agents and had a photoshoot lined up for the coming month, showing her in all her cheerleading glory. During the summer break she would begin modelling in earnest, next year she would graciously "step down" as captain so she could pursue her new career. If all went as planned she wouldn't even have to bother with the hassle of graduating - she could move straight into the high life of fame and fortune.
Her musings were interrupted by the sudden appearance of flashing blue-and-red lights in her rear view mirror.
Dammit! had she been speeding? She hit the brakes and pulled over. No big deal, she told herself. She had talked her way out of tickets before - few men could resist her beauty and charm. As the officer exited his vehicle and began his slow, deliberate walk to her window she took a quick look in the mirror. Hair, make-up, lipstick - all perfect. She hit the button to lower her window and smiled sweetly. "Is there a problem officer?"
"You were speeding miss. Five miles over the limit. License and registration please."
Jordan handed them over. "I'm sorry officer. I'll be more careful."
He ignored her, his eyes scanning the documents she had provided. To her alarm he frowned. "Are you aware that your license has expired miss?"
Expired? Jordan was startled. Her father's secretary was supposed to renew things for her - she couldn't be expected to spend time on trivial matters like that! "Let me see - " she reached for the license, only to have the stern-faced man tuck it into his pocket. "Step out of the car please miss."
"Out of the car. Now!" His tone was harder. Somewhat disconcerted Jordan obeyed. She had never had this happen before.
"Turn around, hands behind your back."
"WHAT?" Jordan couldn't believe her ears. "Are you arresting me?"
"I have to miss. Just hold still."
"But I - " her protest was cut off when the tall and well-built policeman grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "Hands behind your back!" The bewildered cheercaptain complied and felt the cold steel cuffs snap around her tiny wrists. "Back to my car" She was marched to his cruiser and swiftly deposited in the back seat. Her mind was reeling.
Arrested? For an expired license? This couldn't be happening!"Don't I get a phone call? My cellphone is in my purse. If you just let me - "
"You can make your call down at the station miss. Now just stay quiet please."
Jordan slumped back in her seat, fuming. Someone had fucked up - either her father's secretary or someone at the DMV. Whoever it was she was determined that she would have their head on a platter!
The officer drove in silence for several minutes. To her surprise he made a left-hand turn at the next intersection - taking them further out of town.
"Where are we going?" Jordan asked. "This isn't the way to the station."
"I have to use the restroom. There's a bar a few miles down the road here - just be a few minutes."
"Can't you just pull over and go behind a tree?"
"Certainly not!" The cop was indignant. "That would be public indecency. I am an officer of the law you realise?"
A regular Dudley Do-Right thought Jordan. This detour was just drawing out the whole process - she wanted things sorted quickly. but she wasn't in any position to argue. As the miles rolled by and the road became steadily worse it became clear that the bar was more than "a few minutes away". After a couple more turns Jordan realised she had no idea where they were. She tried to protest but was quickly shushed by the increasingly irritated cop. Evidently his full bladder was making him impatient.
Finally the bar came into view - a typical low-class drinking establishment of the kind Jordan wouldn't be seen dead in. The police car pulled into the dirt parking lot and officer "Do-Right" got out. Stepping to her door he opened it and motioned for her to get out.
"I'll stay here." Jordan told him.
"Can't leave you unattended miss. Regulations."
"What? You expect me to come into the john with you?"
"Of course not miss. But I'm sure I can find an upstanding citizen inside who I can deputize to keep an eye on you for a few minutes."
Looking around the collection of battered pickups and brightly polished Harley Davidson's that filled the parking lot Jordan got the impression that "upstanding citizens" were in short supply around here...