Author Topic: Payback's a Bitch! {Gang}  (Read 9160 times)

Offline Algore

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Payback's a Bitch! {Gang}
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:27:14 PM »
Warning!    You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt

This is a sequel to an earlier story of mine: "Take one for the team!" Thanks to vile8r for making the suggestion to follow up on it.

Story tags: MF, gang-rape

Payback's a Bitch!

A story by Algore

Our leading ladies will be:

SarahJ: Ill-fated star of "Take-one for the Team!"

The cock-teasing Jordan Daigle:

And Eliza Guess-who:

 With a supporting cast of, well, I needed some bikers so...

A turn for the worse

 "Why me?" Sarah demanded. "Why did it have to be me?"

It had been a month since the events in the girl's locker room: the forced strip and cavity-search of the entire cheer squad which had culminated in Sarah being handed over to the football team for a brutal gang-rape. Unsurprisingly she had quit cheerleading and taken a few weeks off class while she recovered - physically at least. She would always bear the emotional scars from her ordeal. Jordan had been somewhat relieved - she thought that Sarah would simply drop out of sight, sparing Jordan the awkwardness of having to explain herself. But now Sarah had confronted her, finding Jordan in one of those rare moments when she was alone - and she wanted answers.

 Jordan didn't know what to say. What excuse could she give? What could she possibly say that would justify the terrible thing she had done? She had chosen Sarah to be a sacrifice, allowing the football team to use her in every possible way just so Jordan and the rest of the squad could escape the consequences of the weed that had been found during the locker search.

"Look, I'm sorry about that-"

"You're SORRY?" Sarah yelled. "I got raped six ways from Sunday and you're SORRY? It was your fucking idea! That weed wasn't mine, I'm probably the only one who's never touched it. So why THE FUCK did you hand me over?"

Jordan couldn't tell her the truth. She had chosen Sarah because out of all the girls she represented the least threat of retaliation. Sarah had no wealthy parents or connections that might have enabled her to make a complaint about what had happened - not when the rest of the cheer squad had vowed to stick together with their cover story. She would be one girl against eleven, little chance of getting people to believe her, and if she tried to make her rape public she would be forever branded as a cheap slut who had voluntarily (according to the cheer squad) gone into the boy's locker room for some gang-bang action.

 With typical selfishness Jordan actually thought the whole affair had been hardest on herself. She had been publicly paddled by Coach, was the first to subjected to a cavity-search, and worse still she had had to deal with the disruptive effect of the incident on her cheer squad! Sarah hadn't been the only one to quit: Shelby had resigned out of shame and humiliation, Eliza because she was royally pissed, and a couple of others had turned in their pom-poms because they were scared something similar might happen again. So Jordan had not only had to deal with the resentment of her remaining girls (who inexplicably blamed her for going along with Coach's demands) but also had been forced to find five replacement cheerleaders. This had been harder than she expected. Rumors had circulated about the incident and few girls of cheer-quality seemed eager to sign up for a squad who's captain believed she had the right to use them as bargaining chips. Jordan felt she had enough to deal with without Sarah getting in her face.

"I had to do something." Jordan said eventually. "You saw how things were - they were going to rape all of us if I didn't find a way out. I thought it was better that one girl cop it rather than the entire team."

"So why ME?" Sarah wasn't satisfied. "Why not Jenna - she's fucked most of those guys already. For that matter, why didn't YOU volunteer? It was your idea to hand someone over - why not yourself?"

Jordan was dumbfounded. Hand herself over? Be used by the entire football team to save other girls from humiliation? The mere thought offended her. She was used to a life of privilege and preferential treatment - she would never dream of degrading herself for the sake of others! She looked at Sarah in genuine disbelief.

"Me? Offer myself up? I'm the Captain! You can't expect ME to take one for the team! That's what the rest of you are for!"

Sarah's mouth dropped open in astonishment. She had never realised what a self-centered bitch Jordan was until now. She really didn't think she had done anything wrong! Sarah meant nothing to her - nor apparently did the other girls. Jordan was all about Jordan - and Sarah would never get the apology or contrition that she wanted to see. Her eyes narrowed - for a moment she thought of slapping Jordan - but spat in her face instead.

"I wish I'd never met you Jordan Daigle! Or your slutty cheer squad!" She spun around and marched off, her face crimson with anger.

Shaking slightly Jordan wiped herself off with a monogrammed handkerchief. She recovered quickly though. It had been an unpleasant conversation, but now it was done - she could put Sarah out of her mind and concentrate on her own ambitions. She still had hopes for a modelling career and she knew that being pretty wasn't enough - she had to be captain of a starring cheer squad to get the recognition that she needed. The new girls weren't as good as they should be - and the others were somewhat lacking in enthusiasm. She brightened as a though occured to her - perhaps she could get Coach to "encourage" them with his paddle! Surely he would be happy to spank the cheerleaders if she asked him to!  Jordan headed towards the sporting grounds to make her proposal.

 Wrapped as usual in her cloud of self-absorbtion she though only of her future prospects. Everyone else was merely a means to an end - and she soon forgot about Sarah.

Two weeks later...

Jordan was in a good mood as she drove home after an evening practice session. Things were looking up again. Having Coach apply the paddle to any cheerleader who didn't perform to Jordan's high standards had had the desired effect - the team was back in form. Some of the camaraderie was gone of course, the girls had been highly indignant about having to bare their butts and accept discipline from the openly leering man, but Jordan didn't care. The football team was still on a winning streak and the cheer squad was famous by association. She only had to hold things together til the end of the year - she had spoken to a few agents and had a photoshoot lined up for the coming month, showing her in all her cheerleading glory. During the summer break she would begin modelling in earnest, next year she would graciously "step down" as captain so she could pursue her new career. If all went as planned she wouldn't even have to bother with the hassle of graduating - she could move straight into the high life of fame and fortune.

Her musings were interrupted by the sudden appearance of flashing blue-and-red lights in her rear view mirror. Dammit! had she been speeding? She hit the brakes and pulled over. No big deal, she told herself. She had talked her way out of tickets before - few men could resist her beauty and charm. As the officer exited his vehicle and began his slow, deliberate walk to her window she took a quick look in the mirror. Hair, make-up, lipstick - all perfect. She hit the button to lower her window and smiled sweetly. "Is there a problem officer?"

"You were speeding miss. Five miles over the limit. License and registration please."

Jordan handed them over. "I'm sorry officer. I'll be more careful."

He ignored her, his eyes scanning the documents she had provided. To her alarm he frowned. "Are you aware that your license has expired miss?"

Expired? Jordan was startled. Her father's secretary was supposed to renew things for her - she couldn't be expected to spend time on trivial matters like that! "Let me see - " she reached for the license, only to have the stern-faced man tuck it into his pocket. "Step out of the car please miss."


"Out of the car. Now!" His tone was harder. Somewhat disconcerted Jordan obeyed. She had never had this happen before.

"Turn around, hands behind your back."

"WHAT?" Jordan couldn't believe her ears. "Are you arresting me?"

"I have to miss. Just hold still."

"But I - " her protest was cut off when the tall and well-built policeman grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "Hands behind your back!" The bewildered cheercaptain complied and felt the cold steel cuffs snap around her tiny wrists. "Back to my car" She was marched to his cruiser and swiftly deposited in the back seat. Her mind was reeling. Arrested? For an expired license? This couldn't be happening!

"Don't I get a phone call? My cellphone is in my purse. If you just let me - "

"You can make your call down at the station miss. Now just stay quiet please."

Jordan slumped back in her seat, fuming. Someone had fucked up - either her father's secretary or someone at the DMV. Whoever it was she was determined that she would have their head on a platter!

The officer drove in silence for several minutes. To her surprise he made a left-hand turn at the next intersection - taking them further out of town.

"Where are we going?" Jordan asked. "This isn't the way to the station."

"I have to use the restroom. There's a bar a few miles down the road here - just be a few minutes."

"Can't you just pull over and go behind a tree?"

"Certainly not!" The cop was indignant. "That would be public indecency. I am an officer of the law you realise?"

A regular Dudley Do-Right thought Jordan. This detour was just drawing out the whole process - she wanted things sorted quickly. but she wasn't in any position to argue. As the miles rolled by and the road became steadily worse it became clear that the bar was more than "a few minutes away". After a couple more turns Jordan realised she had no idea where they were. She tried to protest but was quickly shushed by the increasingly irritated cop. Evidently his full bladder was making him impatient.

 Finally the bar came into view - a typical low-class drinking establishment of the kind Jordan wouldn't be seen dead in. The police car pulled into the dirt parking lot and officer "Do-Right" got out. Stepping to her door he opened it and motioned for her to get out.

"I'll stay here." Jordan told him.

"Can't leave you unattended miss. Regulations."

"What? You expect me to come into the john with you?"

"Of course not miss. But I'm sure I can find an upstanding citizen inside who I can deputize to keep an eye on you for a few minutes."

Looking around the collection of battered pickups and brightly polished Harley Davidson's that filled the parking lot Jordan got the impression that "upstanding citizens" were in short supply around here...

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:10:45 PM by The Claire »
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline Algore

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 12:28:22 PM »
Auctioned off

 The inside of the bar was exactly what Jordan had expected - a dimly-lit grimy-looking smoke-filled dive. Most of the tables were surrounded by overweight flannel-wearing "good 'ole boys" who sucked at pichers of beer and chain-smoked cheap cigarettes. In a far corner was a group of leather-clad bikers who evidently belonged to the Harleys outside. The backs of their jackets had a Grim Reaper emblem and the name of their club: "Sons of Agony". A few well-endowed waitresses in tight-fitting shorts and crop-tops walked disinterestedly around with trays of drinks, trying to evade the numerous groping and butt-slapping hands that came their way. The cop took Jordan over to the serving counter and called to the bartender. "Hey Bobby, do me a favour!"

"Bobby" was a large fat man in his late forties. He was trying to compensate for his receding hairline by growing his hair long at the back. An unkempt and grey-streaked beard covered most of his lower face. His eyes lit up with recognition when he saw the cop - evidently they knew each other.

"Zack! What can I do for you buddy?" Bobby looked from Zack to Jordan, then back to Zack again, a smile on his face. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Zack" nodded. "Sure is Bobby. I need you to take care of this young lady while I take a leak. Consider yourself deputized."

"Don't worry - I'll take real good care of this little honey!" Both men laughed - there was a mocking tone that Jordan didn't like. Zack headed for the restroom while Bobby looked Jordan up and down. "Why don't you step around behind the bar gorgeous?"

Jordan didn't relish the idea of getting any closer to Bobby. "I'm okay thanks."

It didn't take long for the bar's patrons to notice a hot young woman - or the fact that she was handcuffed. After numerous lewd comments and several gropes that Jordan was powerless to stop she changed her mind. "Um, maybe I'll come back there after all."

Bobby laughed. "Sorry sweetcheeks. You had your chance."

Goddammit! Where was that cop! Jordan looked around: surely he should be back by now? She scanned the bar. To her surprise she saw what looked a cop uniform, but seated at a table with his back to her. A woman was sitting next to him, one arm around his shoulders. The two seemed to be having an intense conversation. Jordan took a step in their direction and then -

"Urk!" Bobby had grabbed Jordan's shirt collar and yanked her backwards. "Where do you think you're going young lady?"

"That cop! He's supposed to be taking me to the station. What's he doing - having a beer?"

"Well probably. This is a bar after all."

"He can't do that! He's on duty!"

"Well, that's not my concern. But until he says otherwise you're in MY custody. So sit tight. I'll be finished my shift in ten minutes."

"And then what?" Jordan demanded. What had his shift got to do with anything?

"You'll see." Bobby gave her a broad grin.

It was a long ten minutes for Jordan. She stood with her back to the bar to hide her cuffed hands - only to find that left her breasts defenceless against the drunken men who came to the bar for refills. Turning to face the bar left her ass similarly exposed. Her protests and insults made no difference - every man who came to the bar copped a feel one way or another. By the time Bobby finished his shift she was angry, humiliated - and sore.

At long last Bobby tossed his dishcloth over one shoulder and exited the bar. "Time for the main event!" he told Jordan cheerfully. He grabbed her arm and steered her through the crowd toward a low stage that occasionally held the few bands desperate enough to play here.

"What the fuck! What are you doing? Where's that cop?" Jordan was decidedly pissed off and none too happy about this new turn of events. "What the hell are you doing?"

Bobby scowled at her. "You talk too much." He pulled the dishcloth from his shoulder and tied it around her head, gagging her.

"Mmmmph!" was all Jordan could manage. The cloth tasted of stale beer and God knew what else. Her  struggles were useless against Bobby's massive bulk as he pushed her up onto the stage. He pulled a microphone from its stand and addressed the crowd.

"Your attention please!"  All eyes turned their way and a chorus of cheers and whistles erupted as the patrons admired the pretty young cheer-captain. She was the all-American girl: wavy blonde hair, green eyes, perfect face and a figure most women would die for. She had changed out of her sweat-soaked cheerleader's outfit after practice and was now wearing a close-fitting white blouse that clung to her perky breasts and showed a couple of inches of her flat belly. A blue miniskirt hugged her round hips and well-toned ass, leaving her long firm legs uncovered. Such a beauty was a rare sight in a dive bar like this! Normally happy to be the center of attention, Jordan was growing rapidly more alarmed. Something was badly wrong here - and there was nothing she could do about it.

 She scanned the crowd - where's a cop when you need one! There he was - sitting comfortably at a table, beer in hand and some brunette slut beside him. Zack caught her eye and raised his glass in a mocking toast before taking a deep pull at his drink. What was going on?

The slut beside him turned her head and flashed a wicked grin at Jordan. It was Eliza! Jordan hadn't seen her since her dramatic (and profanity filled) resignation after the "whistle" incident. A cold chill gripped Jordan. She was beginning to sense that this had all been arranged...

She was right on that count. Eliza had known Zack for nearly a year. He had pulled her over for speeding (something she did frequently). With her license at stake Eliza had resorted to her feminine charms to get herself out of another ticket. It hadn't taken much to sweet-talk Zack into accepting a blowjob in exchange for letting her off. Married and with a new baby Zack hadn't had any action at home for a few months - he couldn't resist a hot young woman who seemed eager to suck on his dick. What he hadn't realised was that Eliza had recorded the whole thing on her cell-phone. Zack had remained blissfully ignorant until a month later when Eliza had come to him with another ticket, requesting that he make it "disappear". He had been delighted - at first.

"You want the same deal as last time?" he asked with glee.

Eliza had smiled. "Not quite."

Zack's face went pale as she played the recording. Not only was his career at stake but if his wife ever found out she would divorce him immediately. Like most cops he had no other employable skills and paying alimony on a minimum wage job would leave him financially crippled. He had reluctantly taken care of the ticket - and the others that followed. Eliza wasn't stupid though. Blackmailing Zack with no compensation would breed resentment, and as a cop he could always find a way to screw her over if he had enough incentive. So she had given him the occasional blowjob, even fucked him a few times when she was in the mood. Despite her having the upper hand Zed had come to consider himself lucky. Arresting Jordan was a big ask - but Eliza had promised him a night in the sack - no holes barred! He was feeling pretty damn pleased with himself as he watched the scared cheerleader on the stage. She was a hottie all right - and he knew there was about to be a show he would remember for the rest of his life.

Eliza had come to know the bar fairly well in the last couple of years, having "dated" a couple of the Sons of Agony. It was a hotbed of vice - there was enough illegal activity here on any given night to keep the local cops busy for a month - but it managed to stay under the radar. The "Sons" acted as unofficial bouncers in exchange for a comfortable location to conduct their illicit dealings so despite the rough-and-ready nature of the patrons fights were extremely rare. The few cops (like Zack) who were privy to the real goings-on were easily paid off and there was a flourishing trade in drugs, guns and cheap whores. Bobby collected a modest cut of the action, but it was still more than he made selling drinks. So when the distraught Sarah had come to Eliza begging for help in taking revenge on Jordan the bar had been the obvious location. Eliza had been furious at having to submit to a cavity-search by Coach, but like most of the girls she wouldn't pass a drug test and had reluctantly decided to let it drop. But Sarah's impassioned pleas - and her graphic description of her degradation - had convinced Eliza that Jordan shouldn't get off scott-free. A few words to Zack and Bobby was all it took to set up tonight's fun...

 "We have a special treat for you tonight!" Bobby continued. "You might of heard of those high-society 'slave girl' auctions where pretty young women raise money for the poor and needy. Well our lovely young Jordan here has volunteered herself - " Jordan struggled and tried to protest to no avail "- and you can be sure that all proceeds will be going to a very poor and needy bartender!" Laughter swept across the bar. it was obvious that Jordan hadn't volunteered for anything - and most of Bobby's patrons knew he was far from poor, despite what he claimed to the IRS. "So for tonight only, this sweet little thing can be yours!" Bobby told the delighted crowd. "Cash only folks, only bet what you've got. Do I hear twenty dollars for this fine piece of ass?"

Twenty bucks? Jordan couldn't help but be offended. There was a frantic opening of wallets as each man - and some of the women - checked to see how much cash they had on them. A hand waved in the air. "I'll bid twenty!"

"I hear twenty dollars, do I hear twentyfive?" The bidding continued in small increments. Bobby's clientele weren't rich at the best of times, and most had near-emptied their wallets in the first couple of hours of drinking. Jordan watched dismally as she was bid on by the dregs of society. She looked imploringly at Eliza and Zack, but saw no sympathy from either of them. She was going to be sold off - and some some fat, smelly redneck would have her for the night. This couldn't be happening! Not to her!

The bidding rose to a hundred, then one-twenty. The Sons of Agony were huddled together at their table as "Jubes" one of their younger (and more intelligent) members tried to explain to them that if they pooled their cash they could outbid everyone else. The Sons were not intellectual men and frowned as they struggled to deal with the advanced concept of "addition". Eventually Jubes simply grabbed the banknotes from each of them and began counting.

"Going for one-twenty! Going once, going twice - "

"One-forty!" Jubes had finished counting. He looked around and was pleased to see the few remaining bidders shake their heads.

"One-forty, any advance on one-forty?"

"Two hundred!" a woman's voice, coming from a darkened corner.

Dammit! Jubes decided to go all-in. "Two-thirty-five and -" he fumbled with some change "sixty-one cents!"

"Three hundred!"

Jubes shook his head and slumped back into his seat. A delighted Bobby made his final call. "Any advance on three hundred? Going once, going twice, and sold!"

A slender figure emerged from the corner to claim Jordan. Dressed in jeans and a hooded top, her face concealed, the woman strode over to Bobby and handed him three hundred-dollar bills. Only when she pulled back her hood did Jordan realise who she was. It was Sarah.

Jordan's first thought was that she was saved - Sarah was getting her out of here! But the look on Sarah's face made it plain she wasn't here to help. She smiled cruelly at Jordan and leaned close to her face.

"Let's see how you like it Jordan Daigle! It's going to be a long night for you..."
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline Algore

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2015, 12:29:20 PM »
Payback's a Bitch!

Bobby grinned at the scene before him. Two beautiful young women - one bound and helpless, the other evidently quite angry. This was going to be fun! "Will that be takeout or have here?" he asked Sarah.

"I'll have her here" she responded. "Do you think you could be a dear and make sure she doesn't go anywhere?"

"Sure can!" Bobby had hoped Jordan's ordeal would be public - he was prepared. A couple of minutes later Jordan had a noose around her neck, the rope slung over one of the rafters. A spreader bar held her feet wide apart. She could shuffle a little but with her hands still cuffed and her neck in the noose she was going nowhere. Her eyes pleaded with Sarah and muffled sounds came from her gagged mouth - but Sarah was unmoved. She turned to the appreciative audience. "Jordan here needs to be taken down a peg or two" she told them. "Seems she thinks she's better than the rest of us!" Cheers and whistles indicated the crowd was all in favour.

Sarah stood behind Jordan and pulled a six-inch switchblade from her pocket. She held the handle up in front of Jordan's face and pressed the release. Jordan flinched as the blade snapped into place. Sarah pressed the tip gently against Jordan's cheek and slowly slid it down her face. Jordan's eyes were wide with fear but she dared not move. Sarah brought her mouth close to Jordan's ear and whispered gently.

"How does it feel to be helpless?"

She brought the blade down to Jordan's blouse and began to slice off the buttons one by one. The crowd cheered as more and more of Jordan's soft white flesh came into view. With the last button gone Sarah pulled Jordan's blouse open to show her firm round breasts, held high in a white pushup bra. A few quick slashes of her knife and Sarah removed the remnants of Jordan's blouse. Applause filled the bar as Sarah tossed the scraps of fabric to the floor. Jordan was flushed with embarrassment but the cold chill of fear gripped her. She didn't know what Sarah was capable of - the girl she had known was obviously a changed person. Jordan trembled as the knife slid down over her belly and underneath the waistband of her skirt. Another slash and it fell to the floor between her wide-spread legs. The men in the crowd turned their lustful gazes on Jordan's crotch. As usual she wore only a tiny g-string, white to match her bra. A small triangle of cloth over her mound was all that protected her modesty - and she feared that she wouldn't have that much longer.

 Cheers and whistles met Jordan's ears.

"Shake it baby!"

"Take it all off!"

The crowd didn't have to wait long. Smiling, Sarah slid her knife under Jordan's bra straps and cut them. With her hands still cuffed behind her back and her head held up by the noose Jordan's breasts were now fully exposed. They were as perfect as the rest of her, round and firm with prominent pink nipples.


"Jiggle them funbags sweetie!"

Jordan's eyes began to moisten with shame. Exposed like this in front of a bunch of rednecks! But it was only going to get worse. Sarah slid the knife down under the strap of Jordan's g-string. Jordan shook her head in a desperate plea but Sarah was unmoved. She cut first one side then the other - and the last shred of Jordan's decency fell limply to the floor. She was now fully naked, all her charms on display. She wailed into her gag as the watching men clapped and cheered. The humiliation! Jordan was used to using her body to get what she wanted - but not like this.

Sarah pocketed the switchblade and slid her hands slowly over Jordan's body, bringing them up to cup her breasts and bounce them up and down - much to the delight of the crowd. She then slid them back down toward Jordan's mound, teasing the tiny strip of hair above her slit. Placing her fingertips either side of Jordan's opening Sarah pulled the lips wide apart - giving the front few rows of the crowd a clear view of Jordan's pink insides. Jordan twitched and writhed but could do nothing to stop her exposure. Sarah held her open for a good half-minute, enjoying Jordan's shame and the crude comments from the audience. Releasing the cheer-captain's aching pussy lips Sarah stepped out from behind her and turned the helpless girl side-on to the crowd. She opened her mouth and moved it slowly toward Jordan's right nipple, as though about to suck on it. Just as her lips were about to close around the soft pink skin she bared her teeth instead and bit down. Jordan's body arched back and a shrill scream forced its way past the gag. Sarah pulled her head away, stretching Jordan's breast out and biting harder. The crowd roared its approval as the tender mound was pulled out into a narrow peak.

"Gnnaaaagh!" Jordan moaned as Sarah shook her head from side to side, increasing the pain in her nipple. Sarah looked gloatingly at the tears running down Jordan's face and relaxed her jaw slightly, allowing Jordan's nipple to scrape between her teeth as the breast sprung back to its usual position. Jordan shrieked again, but Sarah wasn't finished. She leaned in to bite the other nipple. Again she pulled the breast out as far as it would stretch, pulling it taut. Jordan shrieked as Sarah shook her head - harder this time. The pain! Her nipple felt like it was being bitten off! Sarah eased up on the pressure and let the nipple scrape clear of her teeth.

"Uunnnnggghh!" Jordan was shaking with pain and fear now, her makeup running with her tears. Sarah smiled. "I'm just getting started honey!" She turned Jordan to face the room once more and crouched down behind her, reaching one hand up between Jordan's legs and scraping her fingernails teasingly over the girls smooth mound. Jordan's head was held up by the noose - she could only look out at the whooping, jeering crowd as Sarah's fingers began to explore deeper.

"Nnn, nnn! NNN!" Jordan tried to protest as she felt Sarah's fingertips work their way into her pussy. She was dry, and even Sarah's soft skin felt rough against her insides. With a sudden hard thrust Sarah drove two fingers all the way up into Jordan.

"NNNggaaaaaahhhh!" Jordan's body bucked and danced, trying to escape from the rough penetration. Sarah twisted her fingers around, then began to curl them toward her, scraping her nails against Jordan's vaginal walls. "AAIIIIEEEEEE!!!" Jordan's eyes widened and she screamed at the pain. Sarah worked her way around Jordan's snatch, scraping every inch of her. Jordan's muscles tightened involuntarily, trying to keep the fingers from moving, but this only increased the pain. "GNNNNNNNNNN!!!" Jordan's body jerked and twisted as she tried to escape the fingers inside her. It felt like she was being skinned from within! Sarah smacked Jordan's firm ass with her other hand. "You like that Jordan?" Jordan shook her head vigorously. "Well too bad!" Sarah shoved her fingers in deeper. She could just reach Jordan's cervix with her nails. Jordan bucked her hips and screamed again as Sarah scratched and gouged.

 Satisfied that Jordan was properly "tenderised" Sarah pulled her fingers out and stood up. Her fingers were covered in a thin smear of pussy-juice and blood, which she wiped off on Jordan's cheek. "I think you're ready for some good-old-fashioned fucking!" she told her distraught captive. She untied Bobby's grimy towel and Jordan gasped for breath.

"Sarah no!" she pleaded. "I'm sorry, please, no more, that's enough - "

SMACK! The back of Sarah's hand hit Jordan across the face, stunning her momentarily. "It will NEVER be enough!" Sarah hissed. "You're going to know exactly what I went through!"

Sarah waved to Bobby. "Bring me a table!"

Bobby was quick to oblige, he couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next! He placed a low table on the stage. "Bend her over it!" Sarah commanded. Bobby released Jordan from the noose, spun her around and forced her face-down onto the table. With her legs still in the spreader bar and her body flat on the table Jordan's beautiful ass-cheeks were separated, giving the bar an excellent view of her pussy and asshole. Bobby held her down with one hand on the back of her neck while Sarah walked over to the pool table to take one of the cues.

 It was obvious to all what Sarah was about to do. Fresh cheers and applause filled the bar as she took position behind Jordan, placing the blunt end of the cue against the  terrified girl's exposed lower lips. Sarah pressed hard and twisted the cue back and forth, drilling it slowly into Jordan's body.

"AAAHH! STOP! NOOOO! AIEEEEEEE!!" Jordan howled with agony as the cue rasped against her already scratched and bleeding membranes. "NOOO! PLEEEEEASE!"

Sarah was merciless. Neither her pussy nor asshole had been the same after her rape and she was going to make damn sure Jordan had the same experience. She continued to twist and push, enjoying Jordan's screams. The cue worked its way deeper and deeper until it reached the end of Jordan's pussy, pressing painfully against her cervix. 'Ready for a fucking?" Sarah asked the writhing, sobbing cheer-captain.

"NOOOO! YOU CAN'T - UHHHNNNGGG!" Jordan's protests were brutally interrupted as Sarah pulled the cue back and then slammed it hard into her victim. "AHHH! OOHHH! FUCK!!!" Jordan screamed and moaned as Sarah pounded her with the cue, driving it in over and over again. "You like that BITCH?" she yelled. "You like to get a good hard FUCKING?"

"NOOO! JESUS NOOO! STOP PLEEASE!" Jordan had never felt anything like this. She forgot about her humiliating position, forgot about the cheering men behind her - she could only think about the wooden shaft that was violating her previously tight pussy. Like Sarah she was finding out what it was like to get stretched beyond her limits, to feel herself being torn. "EEEEEE!!!!!"

Sarah continued to punish Jordan's snatch, driven by anger and encouraged by the appreciative crowd. Eventually she ppulled the cue out of Jordan with a swift yank, and waved the bloodied end triumphantly. "Was it good for you Jordan?" Jordan could only sob in response. Sarah smacked the bare buttocks with her cue. "I said WAS IT GOOD FOR YOU?"

"WAAAAHHHH!" Jordan  was bawling like a baby. Sarah smirked. "I think its time you gave the nice man a thank-you!" she declared. "Be a good girl and suck his dick!"

"Nooooo!" Jordan shook her head. She couldn't do that - it was unthinkable! "Let me goooo!"

"Seems like our little Jordan needs to learn her place." Sarah looked around the bar. "You!" She pointed to a tall man in a red flannel jacket who had a large buckle-plate securing his leather belt. "Think you can teach this slut some manners with that belt of yours?" The man grinned. "Ah surely could li'l lady!" He rose from his seat and stepped up, pulling his belt from his pants. Wrapping it round his hand a couple of times to get the length right he mounted the stage behind Jordan. "This is a whuppin' you won't forget!"

Jordan's ass was nothing short of amazing. She exercised every day and her perfectly round buttocks were delightfully firm. Being bent over like this stretched her smooth skin tight over the well-defined glutes.  Having been raised by an abusive father after his mother's early death "Big Al" was well-versed in the effects of a belt buckle on bare skin. This was his first opportunity to be on the "giving" rather than receiving end, and he went to work with gusto. Jordan screamed and howled as he beat her, forehand and backhand, covering her buttocks and thighs with red weals. The edges of the buckle bit into her soft flesh, drawing blood.

"AAAHH! NOO! GOD! HELP!" Jordan shrieked with each impact, feeling her skin being split and torn by the hard metal. Big Al continued until there was no part of her "target zone" that wasn't reddened by the impact of his buckle. He paused, letting Jordan think he was finished - then swung the last two blows - forehand and backhand - across her kidneys.

"AAHHHHGGG!!" Jordan collapsed, any remaining fight driven out of her. The pain radiated through her back and seemed to shut down her muscles, leaving her limp and breathless on the table. Sarah nodded with satisfaction. "Try her again" she told Bobby.

Jordan offered no resistance as Bobby unzipped his pants and slid his cock into her mouth. Grabbing a handful of her hair he began to face-fuck her. This was the life! he thought. Having a cheerleader suck his dick was a dream come true!

Sarah patted Big Al's arm. "You can have some too" she said. "I think I've worn out her pussy but her ass is still tight!"

Big Al was thrilled. He was already rock-hard from belting Jordan's ass and now he got to fuck it as well! He freed his thick shaft from his jeans and forced the tip into Jordan's still-tight asshole. Jordan moaned at the intrusion but could do nothing as he stretched her open, wider than ever before. A few hard thrusts and he was buried full-length inside her. Sarah watched happily as Jordan was fucked from both ends. About time! she thought. Turning to the crowd she spread her arms wide in a gesture of giving. "She's all yours folks! Do whatever you like!"

The men went wild, and there was a mad scramble to form a que at the edge of the stage. Sarah went to the bar to grab a drink, then joined Eliza and Zed at their table. She clinked glasses with Eliza. "Thanks for the help!"

Eliza smiled "A pleasure sweetie. You were nasty up there! I didn't know you had it in you!"

"I didn't use to" Sarah was momentarily grim. "You go through what I did and it changes you." She looked at the stage. Bobby and Big Al had shot their loads and been replaced by the next two men. "Let's see if our little Jordan is the same stuck-up bitch after she's had a train pulled on her ass!"

The two girls settled back to watch Jordan's ordeal, Eliza massaging Zed's cock through his pants. She was feeling both smug and horny - giving Zed his reward tonight was going to be fun.

Neither of them noticed the Sons of Agony holding a hushed discussion around their corner table...
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline Algore

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2015, 12:30:19 PM »

Sarah finished her drink and smiled happily. Over a dozen men had been through Jordan, with plenty more lined up. For the first time since her rape Sarah was beginning to feel some joy in life - indeed, she was starting to feel aroused. She looked over Eliza, who had her head on Zack's shoulder and her hand at work between his legs. Zack was a tall, hunky sort, and he looked good in his uniform. Perhaps she could join them for a threesome? She was just about to make the suggestion when she heard a voice behind her.

"That was quite a show you put on missy." Sarah turned around. Several men in biker leather were standing behind them. The speaker was in his early fifties, with close-cropped grey and white hair. His brow ridge was quite prominent, the eyes below set surprisingly deep in his face. This plus his large jaw gave him a distinctly simian appearance.

"Uh, thanks" Sarah wasn't greatly interested in chatting to them. "Glad you liked it."

"Very kind of you to make that girl available to everyone too."

"Well, she deserved it."

"I'm sure she does. But you see the que's kinda long and she'll be pretty loose by the time we get to her."

Sarah laughed. "She sure will!"

"Yeah... so that's why me and the boys were thinking that you and your little friend here could help her out."

"What?" Sarah was a little unsettled. "What do you mean 'help her out?' I want her to get reamed!"

"Well sure you do, but you see, if there were three of you up there then the line would move faster. Wouldn't want to disappoint all these folks here would you?"

Sarah stared at him in astonishment. He was suggesting she and Eliza should get up there and spread their legs for the entire bar?

"Oh very funny Ron!" Eliza interjected. She knew Ron from her time with the Sons, and she was used to hearing jokes like this. "You'll just have to wait your turn on Jordan. I can't help it if you don't like sloppy twenty-seconds!" she giggled.

Ron looked at her tthoughtfully and rubbed his chin. "No," he said slowly "I don't think we have to wait at all."

Eliza felt a chill in her stomach. He wasn't joking! She turned to Zack "You can't let - HEY!" The Sons of Agony had sprung into action, grabbing both girls and dragging them to their feet. "ZACK!"

Distracted by the stage show Zack had been a little slow to grasp what was going on under his own nose. He started to rise. "Hey Ron, you can't just -" a pair of hands came down on his shoulders, forcing him back into his seat. "Actually I think we CAN!" said Ron firmly.

Zack reached instinctively for his gun - only to see those Sons who weren't holding the girls move their hands pointedly toward their jackets. He froze. It suddenly occurred to him that he was a) outnumbered, b) outgunned, and c) tolerated at Bobby's, but not liked. If push came to shove the Sons would have no qualms about killing him - and they had enough practice at body disposal to make sure his remains would never be found. Nor would any of the bar's patrons be inclined to turn them in, even if they wanted to. The Sons had a way of making people keep their mouths shut. He slumped back in his chair and raised his hands in defeat. "Ok, ok, I don't want any trouble."

Eliza realised that Zack had abandoned her. "Zack you ASSHOLE! I'm gonna get you for this! You're career is FUCKED you hear me?"

"No-one asked for your opinion" Ron stepped over and punched her in the stomach.

"Ooooph!" The air was driven brutally from Eliza's lungs. By Ron's standards it was little more than a playful tap but to her it felt like a sledgehammer. Her chest heaved and her mouth gaped as she tried to breath. Sarah meanwhile was was trying to free herself, with no success. "Let me GO!" she screamed. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! It's not FAIR!" Memories of her gang-rape in the boy's locker room came flooding back to her. Not again! God NO! She bit at one of the hands gripping her.

"Ow!" the hand let go of her - only to return with a hard slap to the side of her head. "Behave yourself bitch!" She was shoved through the crowd toward the stage. "ELIZA!" she yelled. "You stupid bitch! This is your fault!"

The two girls were hauled onto the stage. "Strip 'em down!" said Ron. Eager hands reached for them and in seconds their clothes had been torn off. "Get a couple more tables up here!" Ron told his friends. "Let's put these young ladies in their place!"

It soon became apparrent that their "place" was flat on their backs, with their legs spread wide open. Ankles and wrists bound to the table legs with belts, Sarah and Eliza were laid out for all to see - and rape. The que for Jordan swiftly divided into three - one for each girl. Naturally the Sons were at the head of the lines for Sarah and Eliza.

Ron looked down at Eliza, gloating as he inspected her luscious young body. She had never accepted that as a biker slut she was supposed to be available to any of them - and he as club President was entitled to make use of any woman who wasn't actually married to a club member. But now she would learn how a woman should behave... He squeezed her large breasts painfully. "You just love showing them off don't you?" he smiled. "You loved to bounce those jugs around my clubhouse - but you never let me touch them." He dug his fingers deep into the soft flesh. Eliza spat at him. "I'll cut your balls off for this you - AHH!" Ron's hand slapped across her face, stunning her. "You talk too much. Didn't I always tell you the only time a whore should open her mouth is when she's giving head? He ran his hands down her body and stuck a finger hard into her defenceless pussy. "EEEYAAAAHHH!" Eliza's back arched as she tried to escape the thick and rough-skinned digit. "Nice tight little cunt you've got here. Glad I'm gonna have you first - it won't stay tight for long!" Ron unbuckled his pants and prepared to treat himself to the best piece of ass he'd had in years.

 At the next table the club's Vice-President, "Jox" was getting ready to mount Sarah. He liked his girls blonde, and this little honey was perfect! He would have liked a turn on Jordan but she had already had too many men through her to be tight - getting first go on Sarah was a far more attractive option. He slapped his cock to get hard while feeling up Sarah with his other hand.

"Please!" Sarah begged him. "Please don't do this! I can't take it again!"

Jox shrugged. "Didn't you just invite us all to have a go with your little friend? Seems you think you're better than her!" He was almost ready, his dick feeling  firm and thick in his hand.

"She deserved it!" Sarah exclaimed. "She let me get raped! She's a bitch!" Goddammit! How could this be happening again! She was supposed to get even with Jordan, not end up beside her like this!

"You're ALL bitches sweetie. And you're only good for one thing." Jox leaned over and positioned himself. "Open wide!" He thrust into her.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Sarah howled with pain and humiliation. She sobbed as he worked his way deeper. She had just begun to pull herself together after the horror of being raped by the entire football team - now she was being victimised again. Was this all men did? She was a toy again - a helpless girl with no control over her fate. Why did this keep happening to her?

Eliza groaned as Ron slammed his hard cock into her over and over again. She tried to keep quiet, she hated to let anyone know they were hurting her - but the pounding went on and on with no respite. "Unnnghh. Ahhhh! Eeeeyaaaarrrrghhhh!" Her gasps and moans grew louder as the pain inside her steadily grew. Ron was in no hurry to come, he wanted to see Eliza break down and cry. He couldn't stand women who thought they were anything other than fuck-meat, Eliza's attitude had been galling to him. Worse, she had actually made jokes at his expense - disrespecting him in front of the club! He was going to teach her some manners - after this she would never backchat him again! He continued his steady rythym while going through the Harley maintenance procedures in his head. It was something he did when he wanted to give his old lady a good fucking - being just a little distracted helped him last longer. He wasn't going to shoot his load until Eliza was begging him to stop.

Jox on the other hand was simply out for fun. Sarah's tears didn't bother him, but they didn't excite him either. He had no grudge against her, all he wanted was to get his rocks off and go back to drinking. He picked up the pace, pumping harder and faster.

"AAAAHHHHH!! OOOOOHHHH! STOOOOOP!!!!" Sarah's screams grew louder - and finally caught Jordan's attention. Overwhelmed by the pain and degradation of being raped she hadn't given thought to anything else. She kept her eyes closed so she wouldn't have to look at the endless procession of lowlifes who were raping her - or see the filthy, smelly dicks they were shoving in her mouth. But hearing another woman in evidently the sam position made her look around. She was treated to the sight of Sarah, tied down and legs wide, being vigorously fucked by an enthusiastic biker. Serves you right! Jordan thought to herself. Her satisfaction was short-lived however. The man taking her from behind withdrew, his balls empty - only to be replaced by a woman.

Unlike Jordan, Martha had not been blessed with good looks. As a fat and spotty-faced girl she had been ignored by boys and bullied by other girls. Her prom night had been a predictably sad one: she attended alone, wasn't asked to dance, and had no friends with whom to pose for photos. Now aged forty she was still bitter about her high-school years. She had never managed to slim down and the only way she could get laid was to hang out at Bobby's, waiting until closing time when she could find a man so drunk he could barely see her, let alone criticise her looks. Despite their intoxication her one-night-stands always managed to wake first - and promptly fled when they saw who they had slept with. Martha had never in her life known the feeling of waking up next to a man. Jordan stood for everything that Martha resented: women who were naturally beautiful and never had to worry about their weight, girls who were popular and always surrounded by friends and admirers. To Martha, Jordan was every bitchy girl who had ever put her down, every shop assistant who looked disdainfully at her overweight body - and (most especially) the prom queen who had laughed at her as she cried quietly in the corner of the school hall.

 Martha rolled up her sleeve and flexed her fingers. Jordan's pussy was already loose thanks to Sarah's pool cue and the half-dozen men who had been up it - but Martha's hands were large and meaty - she was going to make this bitch gape open like a railroad tunnel! She stuck her fingertips in Jordan and got to work...

Sarah wailed as Jox shot his load inside her bruised pussy. He slowed his thrusts, then stopped, panting heavily. A couple of seconds later he pulled out. Women were nothing more than warm holes to him, and by the time he reached the bar to get another drink he had all but forgotten her. Sarah watched in despair as the next biker eagerly replaced him. It was obvious she would get no mercy tonight. All she could expect was a parade of hard cock driving into her body.

 Her next rapist was a tall man with dark curly hair. His friends jokingy called him "Twiggy" - because he had the largest cock of any of the Sons. He grinned at her as he pulled it out and slowly stroked it to hardness. Sarah's eyes widened in shock - it was huge, and getting bigger.

"No!" she whimpered. "I can't take it! Please!"

"That's what they all say!" Twiggy chuckled. "But they take it anyway!" He pushed it into her, the swollen head stretching her wider.

"Aaaaahhhhgg!" Sarah groaned. Twiggy shifted his weight forward and put his hands on the table, steadying himself. He adjusted his angle and then -

"YEEAAAHHHH!" Sarah howled as Twiggy gave her his full ten inches in one hard thrust. He bottomed out in her with an inch left to go - and stretched her the rest of the way.

"Told you so!" said Twiggy proudly. "Now just lie back and enjoy the ride!"

Sarah shrieked as he drew back and began to pound her savagely.

Eliza's groans turned to yells under Ron's relentless onslaught. He watched with satisfaction as her expression changed from defiance to pain - and finally to humiliation. Her pride gone, her resistance inefectual she began to plead."Noooo! Stoooop! NOOOOO!"

Her cries were music to his ears. He'd broken this proud little bitch - beaten her into submission with his cock. It was the ultimate expression of his masculine superiority. He smiled down at her. "You want me to stop sugartits?"


"Not til I've finished." He put his face close to hers. "And I won't do that til you tell me you like it!"

God almighty! Eliza shuddered at the thought - but Ron was pounding her like a machine, with no sign that he was going to finish. She couldn't take any more. Gritting her teeth she forced the words out of her mouth.

"Yes, I like it!"

"Can't hear you!"


"Tell me what a dirty little whore you are!" Ron was loving this. She was his now, she would say anything to make him stop. He knew that she would always remember how he had broken her. She would never be able to look him in the eye again, much less give him lip.

Eliza heaved a deep breath and gave Ron what he wanted. "I LOVE IT BECAUSE I'M A DIRTY LITTLE WHORE WHO LIKES TO BE FUCKED BY YOUR BIG HARD COCK!" She raised her hips off the table, offering herself up to him. It was the moment he had been waiting for. "EEEEEYAAAAAARGHHHH!" He bellowed in triumph as he came, grinding his body against her. After several long seconds he relaxed, letting her body fall back to the table. Eliza gasped for breath. Thank God he was finished! But Ron wasn't done with her yet. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head toward him. "I'll be back you little cunt! And next time I'm going to stick it in your ass!"

Eliza groaned. She had never been fucked like this - the thought of taking the same in her ass was just too much to bear.

"AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!' Jordan was beyond words as Martha's hand drove into her once-tight pussy. How could anything hurt so bad? Martha laughed at the cheerleader's anguish. "That's it bitch! not so proud now are you!" She clenched her hand into a fist and began to thrust hard. "You feel that you stuck-up little queen?"

"AAAHHHH!!!!!!" was the only answer. Martha relished the feeling of Jordan's cunt-muscles tearing under her onslaught. "You'll never be tight again!" she told the devastated girl. "You'll never forget Martha!" Her powerful arm pistoned back and forth, destroying Jordan's most treasured possession.

Sarah's face was wet with tears and her throat was now hoarse from screaming. Her pussy was torn by Twiggy's brutal thrusts, blood now trickling out of her. "PLEEASE! STOP! PLEEEEASE!"

Twiggy had heard the same desperate entreaty from every woman he'd ever fucked. None of them could take his monster cock! He continued to fuck, hards and fast before exploding inside her.
"GOD YESSSS!" he roared. "You love Twiggy's bick dick don't you baby!"

Sarah could only moan and cry in response. She hoped the next man would be content with a blowjob - her pussy felt like it was torn. Twiggy pulled out of her and walked away, proudly swinging his dick for all to see. He loved to make other men jelous, and see how women reacted to the sight of his mighty erection. He was replaced by "Jubes", who looked ruefully at Sarah's stretched and battered pussy. "Goddammit! I never get them while they're still tight!"

Sarah managed to speak. "Let me blow you!" she begged. "Please! I'm good at it, I can deep-throat!"

Jubes decided a willing mouth was better than a loose pussy. "Ok, sounds good to me!" He released Sarah's wrists and ankles so she could kneel on the table. She grabbed his dick with one hand and balls in the other. Taking him in her mouth she forced herself to look up at him. If she did a good job she could maybe keep him here a while, earn herself a break, let her pussy recover a little. She should have known better. Kneeling on the table raised her peachy ass up in the air - an irresistible temptation for the next man in line. Sarah flinched as a pair of hands grabbed her waist and pulled her hips back. She felt the tip of a cock probing at her little pink ring and shuddered. She was going to get spit-roasted again! But there was nothing she could do to stop it. She couldn't fight, only surrender. Breathing deeply she tried to relax her asshole so it wouldn't hurt so badly. This was her fate, all she could do was accept it.

But there were dozens of men in the bar, all keen to get their dicks wet. This was going to be a long night for all three of the girls...

I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline vile8r

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 04:11:55 PM »
Loved this!  :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif:
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline cartman13

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2015, 04:00:10 AM »
I approve of this story... :sign_a+:

Offline Algore

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2015, 04:10:43 AM »
I approve of this story... :sign_a+:

Thank you!

I've been posting all my previous stories on here and I'm gratified at the response. It's a lot of work writing something like this and an authors only reward is the comments of others.
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline cartman13

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2015, 04:39:25 AM »
I know its a lot of work as i recently started writing a couple of stories myself. 8)

For the record....if it involves Hayden you'll always be getting a  :emot_101010.gif:

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2015, 09:00:02 AM »
I LOVE it!
As a fan of Sons of Anarchy, having the bikers in was sooo much fun!!

My special enjoyment came in the fisting part. Well done! :)
Please, post more, your style is awesome.
Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?
Fuck your white horse and a carriage

Offline Rainbow
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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2015, 06:30:12 AM »
I love it too ... !!! And the girls are still enjoying their rest of the night ....
Anyhow, your writing is excellent, as is your fantasy ...
Please tell us more !  :emot_thedrool.gif:
If she can‘t breathe, she can‘t scream !

Offline Algore

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2015, 11:57:03 AM »
Thanks for the feedback!

I don't think there will be another story about these girls though - they've already been pretty well used! I have some more ideas to write about. Meantime, check my profile page for links to my other stories.
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

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Re: Payback's a Bitch!
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2019, 09:51:10 AM »
Yeah ... that would be a lot of loose ends to tie up ... but that was a HELL of a ride.  Thank you for sharing it.
It's what they're FOR! 
Grendel's Tales