Author Topic: Take one for the team! {Gang}  (Read 18914 times)

Offline Algore

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Take one for the team! {Gang}
« on: November 15, 2015, 05:14:05 AM »
Warning!    You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt

This was the first rape story I wrote. It was inspired by a comment on this pic:

vil8r wrote: "Okay girls! Coach's whistle is missing! Against the wall and spread 'em. No one leaves this locker room until we find it!"

 Since cheerleaders and strip/cavity searches are two of my favourite subject I had to write about it.

Disclaimer: most of this story is based on the strip/cavity search theme, with a little rape action at the end. So to avoid boring members I have split it into chapters. That way you can read the parts that interest you (if any).

Chapter 1: "Team spirit"

 A brief introduction to remind us of what cock-teasing little sluts cheerleaders are. Not essential reading but I wanted to set the scene.

Chapter 2: "Thank you Sir! Please may I have another"

 Coach's whistle is missing: the cheerleaders are the suspects. Coach paddles the cheer-captain to show he means business.

Chapter 3: "Bend over and say ahhh!"

 Determined to find his whistle Coach subjects all the girls to a cavity search...

Chapter 4: "Take one for the team!"

 In order to placate Coach and get themselves out of trouble the cheerleaders hand over one of their own to be gang-raped. The rape scene isn't very long, but this is my first time writing something like this. I hope it offers some entertainment.

Story codes: MF,rape,slow,het

 Take one for the team!

A story by Algore





And Sarah!

Chapter 1: "Team Spirit"

Jordan and her cheer squad smiled broadly as they completed their victory dance, kicking their well-toned legs high in the air. All eyes were on them and they loved it. Being cheerleaders set them above all others, they were the most desired girls on campus. Shaking their asses in front of the whole student body gave them a special power. The mere sight of a cheerleader's uniform had boys rushing to carry their books, buy them lunch or "help" with their homework. Smart but socially awkward young men would happily "ghost write" their papers in echange for nothing more than a smile and a kiss.

 Turning their backs to the crowd they looked over their shoulders and pulled up their skirts to show the blue spanky-pants that hugged their firm round asses. Teasingly they pulled the pants down just a little before letting the skirts cover them again. The girls bent over, pulling off their spankies as they did so. The crowd went wild as the cheerleaders stood up and waved the spankies in triumph. Performance over the girls lined up to give Coach the traditional congratulations for a winning game.

 As cheer-captain Jordan went first. She was tall for a girl, long legged, green-eyed and with wavy blonde hair. Giggling she wrapped her arms around Coach's neck and kissed him full on the mouth, grinding her pelvis against his as she did so. She loved to feel him get hard, the fact that he was old enough to be her father merely amused her. She pulled her lips away and laughed as he gave her a firm - but not painful - slap on her ass. "That's my girl!" Coach said proudly.

 Jordan walked happily off the field, waving at the crowd. She heard more slaps behind her as each girl kissed Coach in turn. When she was almost at the passage that led to the changeroom she stretched her spankies between her hands and launched them into the crowd. A scrum erupted as boys fought to grab them. Soaked with cheer-sweat, scented with perfume and just a hint of pussy-juice the spankies were a prized item. The cheerleaders took great delight in knowing that the lucky winners would be holding the pants over their faces that night and savouring the smell as they jerked off furiously.

 One by one the girls entered the changeroom. Jordan smiled at her squad. "Looking forward to breaking the drought?" Smiles and laughter answered her.

"You know it!"

"Bring it on!"

 The sex strike had been Jordan's idea. For three days before each game the cheerleaders would tease the football team unmercifully, flirting and flashing at every opportunity. They would allow themselves to be kissed, groped, even finger-fucked - but wouldn't give so much as a handjob in return. By game day the sex-starved young men were little more than wild animals, eager to crush the opposition and take posession of the pussy that was rightfully theirs. After each win the girls made themselves fully available for post-game celebration. Of course they found walking afterward a little difficult, but it was their job to inspire the boys after all. Thanks largely to Jordan and her squad the team was having a record season.

 The happy cheerleaders were about to strip off and shower when the door banged open. It was Coach. He clapped his hands together to get their attention.

"Listen up girls! We have a problem!"

Chapter 2: "Thank you Sir! Please may I have another?"

"You can't come in here!" Jordan was shocked. The girls locker room was off-limits even to Coach. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"I CAN come in here if I suspect criminal activity and I'd watch that mouth if I were you!" Coach was stern. He was no longer the friendly father-figure the girls knew him as. He had been a defensive linesman back in his college days and his tall broad frame was still heavily muscled. As a matter of pride he ran laps with the football team and unlike most men his age he was in good physical condition with very little fat on his body.

His imposing appearence was made all the more alarming by the large wooden paddle he carried in one hand.

"My whistle is missing!" Coach declared. The cheerleaders gasped. The whistle was a trophy in its own right. After the college's first championship season it had been gold-plated, handed down from one coach to the next.

"And what makes you think we have it?" declared Jordan indignantly.

"I was blowing it right before you little vixens hugged me and it was gone by the time you'd finished, that's why!"

Jordan's heart sank. She had seen it around Coach's neck just before she kissed him. Which meant the cheerleaders were indeed the only suspects. She turned to face her team. "Does anyone know anything about this?" she demanded. She saw only blank stares and shaking heads in response.

"Alright then, it's time for a locker search." Coch strode to the door. "Come in boys!"

To the astonishment of the already unsettled girls the entire football team came pouring through the door.

"What are they doing here?" Jordan demanded.

"I can't check a dozen lockers and keep an eye on you at the same time" said Coach reasonably. "So the boys are going to conduct the search while I make sure you aren't up to any mischief. But first we have a disciplinary matter to attend to." He pointed the paddle at Jordan. "Come here young lady!"

"What?" Jordan was confused. "What do you mean 'disciplinary?'"

"You just swore at a member of staff. That's a paddling offense. Now come over here!"

Jordan couldn't believe her ears. She hadn't been paddled since Junior High. To get paddled now, in front of her own girls and the football team was unthinkable!

"But I-" Jordan grasped for words. "I mean you can't paddle me here in front of everybody!"

"Well that's up to you." Coach responded. "You can take your swats now and I'll keep it off the record. Or I can send you up to the Dean and make it official." He smirked at her. The code of conduct for cheerleaders was very strict. Any disciplinary offence could see Jordan lose her position as

cheer captain - and with it her hoped-for modelling career. As a disgraced former captain she would have no "celebrity" value. The best she could hope for after that would be a Penthouse shoot. She either accepted her punishment now or kissed her dreams goodbye. Reluctantly she walked over to Coach.

"Turn around." Jordan turned her back to him.

"Pull up your skirt." Jordan's thin cotton skirt offered no protection against the heavy wooden paddle but the rules reqired all paddling to be done on the underwear, to make sure to "padding" had been placed underneath outer garments. She looked helplessly at her team, who could only stare at her with sympathy and dismay. She pulled her skirt above her hips, revealing the firm, toned buttocks beneath. Her white g-string covered nothing of her ass, only a thin thread around her hips and another that ran down between her cheeks, buried deep in her crack.

The watching boys whooped with delight.

"That's some nice booty sugar!"

"Shake it baby!"

Jordan waited for Coach's next command.

"Bend over!"

With a small sigh Jordan shuffled her feet apart and bent over to grasp her ankles, her buttocks separating as they were pulled tight. The tiny cord did little to cover her small brown asshole and she blushed to hear the crude comments behind her.


"Look at that pretty little pucker!"

Most of the football team had seen Jordan naked at one time or another, but this was different. Knowing that they were all staring at her prominently-displayed back door made her feel small and vulnerable. She flinched as Coach tapped the paddle on her butt, reminding her that she had something else to worry about. "Take those panties down Jordan!"he ordered.

"WHAT!" Jordan was outraged. "You can't make me do that!"

"I can't MAKE you, no" Coach agreed. "But I can give you a choice. Either drop them or this goes on your record."

Bastard! Jordan thought. He was going to take full advantage of her need to keep her record clean. This was humiliating! Breathing deeply she reached back and pulled her g-string down. Cheers and laughter came from the team as they admired the smooth cheer-pussy before them.

"Alrighty then. That's three for swearing, an extra two because you're a cheerleader" (cheerleaders received a two-swat penalty for all offences: they were supposed to set an example), "and I'm adding another because you're cheer-captain. That makes an even six!" Coach declared with delight.

 Jordan was less thrilled. Six swats! This was really going to hurt!

Coach drew back the paddle and swung it hard against Jordan's rear.


"AAAHHH!" Jordan couldn't contain the cry of pain that erupted from her lips. The boys cheered. Gasping for breath Jordan struggled to give her required response.

"Thank you sir! Please may I have another?"

Coach was happy to oblige.


"NNGGGGGHHH!" Jordan grunted through gritted teeth. The pain was worse than she had remembered. "Th-thank you sir! Please may I hav another?"


"EEEEYOOOWWWW!" Jordan's screamed, her knees buckling a little. She forced herself back into position. "Thank you s-sir! Please may I have another?"

Tears stung at her eyes. She had never been paddled so hard!

"WHACK!" The paddle smacked against her trembling buttocks once more.

"AAAHAHAAA!" Jordan was Sobbing now. It took her a few moments to pull herself together to ask for her next swat.

"Th-thank you s-sir! P-please may I have another?"


"AAIIEEEE!" Her shriek hit a higher note than before. Her ass was on fire, her legs felt like jelly. "Thank you-" her voice failed her and she swallowed hard before trying again. "Th-thank you sir!" She panted heavily. "Please may I have-" she choked on a sob - "Please may I h-h-have ano-another?"

"WHACK!" The final swat of her punishment almost made her collapse. She felt like her entire ass had been turned to mush.

"Thank you s-sir! P-please may I" she gulped, "M-may I have another?" She waited in dread. Coach had the discretion to administer additional swats if her "please's" and "thank-you's" had not sounded sufficiently sincere.

"Have you learned your lesson Jordan?" satisfaction was clearly evident in Coach's voice.

"Y-yes sir! Thank you sir!" Jordan's tense body relaxed a little.

"Very well. You may stand up now."

Slowly Jordan straightened up. Her legs were stiff and her aching bottom protested every inch of the way. She turned to face Coach - the ritual was not yet complete. She held her hands tight together in front of her - she wasn't allowed to touch her butt until given permission.

She looked at Coach through tear-blurred eyes and summoned the most grateful voice she could.

"Thank you for, (sniff!) for p-punishing me s-sir!" She could now see the delighted faces of the boys who had laughed and cheered at her ordeal. Her face couldn't get any redder but her shame deepened.

"Did you enjoy your spanking Jordan?" Coach asked.

"Yes sir! Th-thank you sir!"

"Good girl. You may rub your bottom now." Coach beamed as the humbled cheerleader rubbed furiously at her buttocks, oblivious to the fact that her skirt was still hiked up over her waist and her g-string was halfway down her thighs. The sniggering football team feasted their eyes on her crotch, a shaven mound with just a tiny strip of dark hair that pointed down to her pink pussy-lips.

"Okay then, lets get down to business! Girls line up facing the wall!"

Jordan stumbled to rejoin her now-demoralised team. Seeing their captain humiliated like this made them feel utterly helpless. Coach meant business all right!

"Hands on heads!" Coach barked. The girls slowly complied. At the last moment Jordan remembered that her skirt was still raised and her G-string was down. She reached to pull it up and the paddle smacked against her behind once more - Coach had been waiting for this.

"OOOWWW!" She forced herself to put her hands back on her head. "Thank you sir!"

"Now you girls just stay put while the boys check your lockers. No talking, no turning around." Coach said firmly.

The football team went to work eagerly, laughing as they pulled personal items such as underwear and tampons from the girls lockers.

"Hey Shelby, how does it feel when you shove these up your snatch?"

Shelby made the mistake of turning her head.


"OOWWW!" Shelby gasped. "Thank you sir!"

Encouraged, the boys made every effort to make the girls earn themselves a dose of the paddle.

"Nice thong Jenna!"


"AAAHH! Thank you sir!"

"Hey Kirsten, you're low on birth control!"


"EEEK! Thank you sir!"

"That's a pretty big vibrator Liz!"

"I don't have a-"


"AARGH! Thank you sir!"

A few minutes and several swats later the boys made their report.

"Nothing here Coach" said Dan Blanchard, the team quarterback. "No sign of the whistle. But we did find this." By now the girls had learned to keep still, they didn't dare look.

"Who's locker did you find that in?" asked Coach.

"Not sure" Dan admitted. "I just spotted it on the floor."

"Well, we'll get to that later. If the whistle isn't in their lockers then I guess someone's still got it on her." Coach replied. "You'll have to frisk them."

The girls gasped indignantly and looked at Jordan for some leadership. Surely she couldn't allow this! Jordan just shrugged in response. Her throbbing butt reminded her that Coach was in charge, and frankly she was eager for the whistle to be found. She wanted the culprit to be punished for causing all this! Besides, being frisked wasn't so different to being felt up, something all the girls were familiar with.

 The boys rushed to take position behind the nervous cheerleaders. "Make sure you check them carefully" Coach ordered. "That whistle could be tucked in a bra, or down their panties. You'll have to pull up their skirts and have a good feel."

His instructions were obeyed to the letter. Each girl had her skirt pulled up above her waist and every inch of her body checked carefully. Each breast was firmly squeezed, every nipple pinched, every pubic mound felt. Jordan flinched as eager fingers ran over her exposed labia and clit. But despite the most diligent efforts of the team no whistle was found.

Chapter 3: "Bend over and say AAAH!"

"I guess we'll have to take it a step further" Coach decided. "Turn around girls."

The cheerleaders turned around to face the grins and leers of the team.

"Take off your clothes and hand them over to the boy in front of you!" Coach said firmly.

"You can't make us do that!" Jordan was outraged. "There's no way we're stripping off in front of you!"

"Oh really?" Coach pulled a small plastic bag from his pocket. "Then I guess I'll have to report this to the police. Since we don't know who it belongs to they will have to drug test all of you." The bag held a small amount of what was obviously weed.

God Damn! Jordan fumed silently. Drug use meant automatic expulsion and she, like most of the girls, liked to indulge a little during post-game celebrations. Few if any of them would pass the test. They either complied with the order to strip or got criminal records.

She sighed heavily and pulled off her top. Realising their position the other girls began to follow suit. Except for Sarah. "I've never done drugs!" she exclaimed. "I don't mind being tested!"

"Good for you." Coach didn't sound impressed. But if I take you to the station then I have to take the rest of your team as well." Sarah suddenly found her fellow cheerleaders glaring at her. It was clear from their expressions that they didn't want that to happen. "Of course you'll all have to be arrested on suspicion of drug use" Coach added.

Arrested! Sarah had an impeccable academic record, she was on-track for a promising career in the financial sector. Any arrest record would make her untouchable from an employer's point of view.

She reluctantly decided to comply with Coach's order. It was so unfair! She was being forced to strip naked in front of a crowd of ogling boys because of her friends stupid partying habits! Face burning with shame she began to undress.

The football team happily took each item of clothing as it was handed over, checking and sniffing them with gusto. Soon the entire line of cheerleaders stood naked and embarrassed. They tried to cover themselves with their arms, but Coach was having none of that.

"Hands on heads! Feet apart!" he barked. The blushing girls obeyed, all their feminine charms now on display. The whistles and catcalls from their admiring audience heightened their discomfort.

"Found it yet?"

"No Coach, nothing here."

"I see." Coach mused. "That only leaves one option then."

With a wave of his arm he sent the boys back to the far side of the room. He walked to the wall and pulled the first-aid box from its hook before moving to one of the benches. "Jordan-" he pointed at her - "come here."

Uncertainly Jordan obeyed. Coach opened the first-aid kit and took something from it. Facing Jordan with a satisfied smirk he showed her a latex examination glove which he slowly, deliberately stretched over his hand. The footballers whooped and cheered as they realised what he was going to do.

"You can't be serious!" Jordan was aghast. Her face went pale and her legs felt like jelly. He couldn't do this! A fucking CAVITY SEARCH?

"Oh yes I am." Coach waved the incriminating baggie in front of her. "What's it going to be?"

Jordan looked at the bag with loathing. That tiny amount of weed could end all of her hopes and dreams if shown to the police. She desperately tried to think of a way out of this - but there wasn't one. "Please Coach, you can't!" she begged. "Not like this, in front of everyone!"

"It's either here and now or later on down at the station. Of course if you haven't taken any drugs you have nothing to worry about do you?" Coach grinned.

Jordan's stomach turned. She couldn't believe this was happening!

"Kneel on the bench, facing the other girls" Coach ordered. Jordan tried unsuccessfully to swallow the lump in her throat as she slowly complied. She faced her squad, seeing the horrified expressions that mirrored her own.

"Lean over and place your hands flat on the floor."

The mortified cheer-captain did as she was told. With her hands on the floor her head was now below her ass, her buttocks stretched tight and her no-longer-private area plainly visible. Appreciative cheers from the boys filled the room. But Coach wasn't satisfied. placing his hands between her thighs he pushed them wide apart. "Hold still Jordan. Just relax and this won't hurt a bit." Stepping slightly to the side of her so as not to block the view he placed one hand on her back and the tip of his gloved finger against her pussy. "Say 'Aaah!'" he chuckled.

Jordan gasped with shock and humiliation as the gloved finger was driven forcefully into her. "AaaaaAAAHHH!" she cried. Coach's finger was long and thick, and he worked it all the way into her snatch. "OOOOOHHHH!" she wailed as he twisted it around inside her. He searched far longer than was neccessary, thrusting his finger into her again and again. By the time he withdrew she was sobbing, the sound lost in the hoots and applause of the delighted boys.

"Time to check the back door!" Coach squeezed some KY jelly onto his finger. Jordan screamed as her asshole was violated, the probing digit rammed full-length into her. She felt hard knuckles grinding against the tender skin between her cheeks as Coach sought to go as deep as he could. Eventually he concluded there was nothing to be found and removed his finger.

"Okay Jordan, we're done." Coach stripped off the glove and pulled her to her feet. With a slap on her ass he shoved her back to the line of terrified cheerleaders. "NEXT!"

The next unwilling victim was Kirsten. Her body was slender and her breasts small and perky. Her blonde hair was straight and shoulder-length. Like Jordan she had a narrow strip of hair above her shaven pussy - Kirsten liked guys to know that she was a natural blonde. Tears ran down her face as she took her position on the bench. Watching Jordan's search had left her weak-kneed, and she trembled with fear.

"Bend over!" Coach pulled on another glove. Like Jordan she was soon gasping and sobbing as her tight little holes were vigorously searched. "All

clear!" said Coach after an extensive probing. "Back in line." SLAP!

After her came Eliza. A tall busty brunette with a rebellious streak she prided herself on being tough, and was determined not to give Coach the satisfaction of making her bawl like a baby. She looked at him with open contempt as she knelt on the bench. Bending over and spreading her legs she clenched her teeth hard. Coach was unmerciful as he searched her, and Eliza moaned with pain as her pussy was roughly explored. After ten long seconds of forceful "searching" Coach switched to her other entrance.

"NNNNNNGGGGGHHHHH!" Eliza grunted through her teeth. The finger in her ass felt hard as wood, the thick knuckles stretching her protesting anus. Coach twisted around inside her, hoping to make her cry. To his disappointment he forced only moans and gasps from her lips - Eliza wasn't going to crack.

Reluctantly he withdrew his finger. "All clear!"

Eliza's eyes were moist when she stood up, her breathing ragged, but she retained her fiery spirit. Glaring at Coach she placed her hands back on her head and raised both middle fingers to make "fuck you!" bunny ears.

Coach laughed and slapped her ass. "Back in line!" Eliza limped somewhat bowleggedly back to her position and turned around. She kept her head high and her dark eyes flashed with anger as she stared down the boys who met her gaze.

"Shelby, step up!"

Shelby looked imploringly at Jordan, but saw little sympathy in her eyes. Jordan was hurt and humiliated, a part of her wanted the other girls to suffer the same fate.

Shelby was a small girl with platinum-blonde hair, wide hips and B-cup breasts. Out of all the cheerleaders she had the most pubic hair - a small triangle that covered the upper third of her pussy. Shy by cheerleader standards she was too embarrased to show her clit - but now she found herself embarrassed for a different reason.

"Nice rug Shelby!"

"It's a carpet sale!"

"Someone call search and rescue - I think there's a cheerleader lost in that bush!"

 Shelby was crushed - she wasn't used to hearing anything but compliments. Next time she went to the beauty salon she was going to get a full Brazillian wax! Crying with shame she took her position. Not satisfied with her "spread" Coach pinched the iside of her thighs.

"OOWWWW!" Shelby's legs sprang wide open. "That's better" Coach told her. "Deep breath now."

Shelby squealed as he worked his way into her body. "OOOOHHHHH! AAAHHHHH! Stop please!" Coach had no intention of stopping but he was a little more gentle as he felt around her tight little love-tunnel. She was aready giving him the satisfaction of her tears and sobs, there was no need to be rough. Her vaginal search complete he lubed his finger and got to work on her asshole.

"NOOOOO! You can't! PLEEEEASE!" Shelby screamed as her backdoor was violated. She was saving her ass for marriage! Nothing had ever gone up there before and the pain was excrutiating.

"Damn, she's a tight one" Coach said with delight. There were fresh cheers from the football team. Shelby howled as he delved inside her, feeling parts of her body that had never been touched before. She wept bitterly at the loss of her anal virginity.

Coach had to help the devastated girl to her feet when he'd finished with her. She reached to rub her pussy and asshole to relieve the burning sensation but he grasped her wrists and placed her hands back on her head. "Be a good girl" he said almost kindly.

Shelby staggered back to her friends, bawling loudly. All eyes turned to the next girl in line - Sarah.

Sarah had watched the searches with growing anger. This was outrageous! Worst of all was knowing that she was innocent of either theft or drug use - she was being victimised because of someone else's actions. But now her anger turned to fear and dread. With a resentful glare at the rest of her squad she went to her fate.

Finding herself now the center of attention made her feel naked all over again as the boys ran their gaze up and down her body. She was average height, with pale-blue eyes and long wavy dyed-blonde hair. Her breasts were a firm round C-cup, her nipples small and pink. A jeweled silver piercing hung from her navel, framed in the soft curve of her tummy. Her waist was slender and her hips matched the size of her breasts, giving her a perfect hourglass figure. Between her toned thighs was a smooth-shaven mound, her pink inner lips just visible.

She swallowed nervously as she stood before Coach. The leer on his face made it plain that he wasn't going to make this any easier for her. "You've been looking forward to this, haven't you slut!" he chuckled.

Sarah was shocked. He hadn't been this way with the other girls - why was he being so mean? What she didn't know was that Coach had a personal dislike for her. Like most not-so-bright people he instinctively resented anyone smarter than him, and Sarah's academic record made it plain that she was far more intelligent than he was. While she could look forward to a career as a highly-paid executive in the financial sector he would never be more than an ex-jock on an average wage. In his small jelous mind this was unfair and he was determined to bring her down a peg or two. He slowly pulled on his next glove, deliberately making the rubber stretch and creak. Sarah's lip trembled as she anticipated what was going to happen next.

Coach let the rubber go with a loud "snap" and pointed to the bench. "Up you get you little whore! And I want you to spread those legs WIDE!"

Tears were brimming in Sarah's eyes as she knelt on the bench. She moved her knees apart and bent over to place her hands on the cold concrete floor.

"I said SPREAD THEM WIDE!" Coach slapped his hand back and forth between her thighs, making her cry out with pain and shock. Her legs spread further apart to try and escape from the stinging blows. Her charms were now fully presented, her outer lips open. Her asshole was small and pink, drawing lewd remarks of appreciation from the watching boys.

"I bet this slut's so loose we can see all the way up her!" declared Coach. He placed his fingers either side of her pussy and stretched it wide.

Sarah felt fresh humiliation at being exposed even more to the crowd behind her. She began to cry softly.

"Crying's not going to save you" laughed Coach. "But don't worry, your cunt is so big I bet you'll hardly feel it." He placed his finger against her opening and angled it carefully before ramming all the way in.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Sarah screamed in pain. Losing her virginity had been nothing compared to this! Coach hadn't placed his other hand on her back to hold her in position and her body jerked forward in an attempt to escape the rough penetration. She found herself teetering on the edge of her balance, any further and she was going to fall on her head. She struggled to hold her position and realised the only way to keep her head from hitting the floor was to push back - forcing her aching pussy harder against Coach's finger.

"That's a good little whore. You like to be fucked don't you? You like to spread you legs and get pounded hard don't you!" Coach continued to verbally degrade the helpless girl as he thrust his finger into her again and again.

"Bwaaa ha haaaa!" Sarah sobbed loudly between gasping for breath. Coach revelled in her humiliation. This would teach her to put on airs!

"She's loose" he told the team. It was a lie of course, she was tight as any of the others. "I'll have to go extra deep!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sarah yelled desperately. But there was no escape. Coach held her firmly in place with one hand and increased his efforts.

"AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!" Her shriek was almost deafening. She felt like she was being split open! "STOOOOP PLEEEEASE!"

Coach was deaf to her begging. He twisted his finger around, stretching her in all directions. "Stop complaining you little slut! You know this is all you're good for!" He kep going until Sarah could no longer form words, just sobs and moans.

Finally he withdrew from the girl's violated pussy. "One down, one to go!"

The rectal search was just as painful. Despite Coach's claims that "This slut loves it in the ass!" Sarah had only done anal a few times as a special favour. She cried and wailed as her little pink ring was roughly expanded, Coach plumbing her depths as far as he could reach. After what seemed an eternity of finger-rape he had to admit there was no whistle here either. He slapped Sarah's ass extra hard as he sent her on her way. "It's about time you learned your place" he told her.

Sarah continued to cry as she returned to the line, head down in shame. Never had she been treated so badly! Coach's insults echoed in her mind: while she had never been a "slut" she certainly felt like one now.

"Jenna, your turn."

 Jenna was half-mexican, with flawless light-brown skin and dark wavy hair that flowed halfway down her back. Her body was slender, her hips small and her breasts were barely more than an "A" cup. Her lack of "T&A" had not been a disadvantage though, her enthusiasm between the sheets was legendary and any man who saw her lusted after her slim girlish body. Unlike the other girls Jenna had been watching the proceedings with growing arousal. A natural exhibitionist she was unfazed by her nudity, and her pussy had begun to moisten in anticipation of her search. By far the sluttiest of the cheerleaders (quite an achievement given the standards of the group), she had decided the best way to deal with the situation was to enjoy it as best she could. She smiled flirtatiously at the cheering footballers as she walked to the bench, batting her eyelashes and swinging her hips suggestively.

Her efforts were not wasted - instead of the crude remarks that had been thrown at the other girls she recieved supportive comments and applause.

"Atta girl Jenna!"

"Love your work!"

Thus encouraged Jenna was excited but not scared as she stood in front of Coach. She had the crowd on her side and was going to do what she did best - play the whore. She looked demurely at Coach and used her best daddy's-little-girl voice. "Please be gentle."

"I don't know if I can Jenna, I have to be thorough."

Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck and held her face close to his. "Pleeeease!" she begged softly, her breath warm and sweet against his face.

Planting a quick kiss on his cheek she whispered in his ear. "I'll blow you later!"

Coach couldn't believe his ears. He hadn't expected this! Maybe she was lying, but he couldn't pass up a chance to get one of her famous blowjobs.

Rumor had it that she would happily stay on her knees for up to an hour, was extraordinarily skilled and could deep-throat like a porn star. "Alright sweetie, you just open wide and I'll try to be gentle."

 Smiling Jenna stood on the bench and spread her legs apart. She could easily have done a full split but stopped with her ass six inches above the
wooden planks. Leaning over she placed first her hands then her elbows on the floor. "Is that wide enough sir?"

 Her wide-spread legs gave a fantastic view of her tiny dark brown asshole and neat little pussy, the outer lips open. Her clit was small, her labia
thin and delicate. Cheers and claps erupted behind her. Jenna smiled to herself. She knew exactly how she looked like this and how much it turned men on. She thrived on attention and knew that the show she put on today would never be forgotten by her appreciative audience. Her cavity search would be just one more happy memory.

Coach swallowed hard, his forehead glistening with sweat. He couldn't believe how eager she was! If only the girls back in his own college days had been like this...

"That's perfect Jenna." His voice was hoarse. "Now you just hold still."

"Yes sir." That little-girl voice again! Coach placed one hand on her ass and teased her labia with his fingertip. Jenna sighed softly. She

knew that she had gained a measure of control over her situation. Coach would be gentle (no-one passed up one of her blowjobs) and the boys would desire her even more than they did already. She had long ago learned that the best way to control men was to lead where they wanted to follow.

"Ahhhhhh" Jenna moaned softly as the gloved finger slid into her pussy. She was ready, no pain or discomfort. Coach found himself buried full-length within her, the heat of her aroused body taking his excitement to a new level. She was so wet! Jenna tightened herself around him, gripping with surprising strength.

"Ohhh, yess" she murmured as his finger explored her. "Just like that."

The watching boys had fallen silent, totally fixated on the sight before them. Erections strained against their uniforms and their breath was ragged.

Coach made several circles within Jenna's hot little snatch before switching to long, regular thrusts.

"Yes, yes, YES!" Jenna cried. "Give me more!" She sighed in disappointment as Coach withdrew. She was fully aroused now, her nipples hard. "Please sir, will you search my asshole now?"

"With pleasure honey!" Coach's hand trembled as he placed his finger against her rear entrance. Jesus Christ! This girl was unbelievable!

Utterly convinced now that her blowjob promise was sincere he pushed in slowly, carefully. He had enjoyed hurting the other girls but Jenna's willing submission inspired other feelings. Long divorced, Coach's sex life was limited to the occasional cheap, disinterested hooker. He had long forgotten how exciting it was to have a beautiful young woman offer up her body like this.

"Ohhh, God!" Jenna loved anal and her body thrilled at the sensation of her back passage being penetrated. "Ahh, yesss! That's it, right there!"

Pre-cum was seeping from Coach's hard cock. He hadn't been this horny for years. Momentarily forgetting that he was supposed to be conducting a search he stuck his middle finger in Jenna's juicy little gash and finger-fucked both her holes at the same time.

"Oh, yes, just like that, yes! YES! YES! THANK YOU DADDY!" Jenna screamed in climax, her vaginal muscles rhythmically squeezing the finger within. The football team went wild, cheering and whooping at the spectacle in front of them. Coach nearly came in his pants, his arousal beyond words. He gazed in astonishment at the panting, screaming girl impaled on his fingers. Struggling to catch his breath he pulled out of her and removed the glove.

"Good girl Jenna" his voice was faint. "You can stand up now." He took a cotton bandage from the first aid kit and wiped the sweat from his face.

Jenna got to her feet. She beamed proudly: she had taken this on her own terms, turning humiliation into triumph. She kissed Coach briefly on the
mouth. "Thank you Daddy!" she purred. The stunned man watched as she ran her tongue around her open lips - confirming the promise she had made earlier. Blowing a kiss to the boys Jenna returned to her place in line. Hands on her head she smiled happily, basking in the warm afterglow of her orgasm and the praise of her lust-crazed admirers. Her fellow cheerleaders shot accusing looks at her. How dare she enjoy this while the rest of them felt nothing but shame? Jenna shrugged dismissively. "Might as well have some fun!" she told them.

 Coach was grateful for the distraction. He needed time to clear his head. Eventually he composed himself enough to take charge again.

"That's enough!" He clapped his hands together. "There's still several more girls to search." The team settled down, there was still fun to be had but they knew that nothing would eclipse Jenna's performance.

 One by one the cheerleaders stepped reluctantly forward to have their tight little bodies violated. One by one they returned crying to their place in line. Eventually Coach pulled his finger from the last asshole on the cheer squad and sent its weeping owner on her way with a hard slap on the ass.

"Well I'll be damned" he said in mild surprise. "We've done searched everywhere and we STILL can't find it."

The girls waited anxiously. They knew it wasn't over yet...

Chapter 4: "Take one for the team!"

"What shall we do now?" Coach mused.

There was a few moments of silence, then Dan spoke up. "Maybe your fingers aren't long enough Coach" he suggested. "Perhaps we should search them all again - WITH OUR COCKS!"

The boys responded with enthusiasm.


"I volunteer!"

"Stick it to them!"

Jordan was spurred into action. "NO WAY!" she yelled firmly. "That's NOT going to happen!"

"Why not?" Coach asked. "They won after all - isn't that the deal? You give up the pussy?"

Jordan was momentarily dumbstruck. She had never expected the sex deal to backfire on her like this. Her mind raced.

"Because if you fuck us now, we're all going to march down to the police station and cry rape. I don't care about the weed, there's no way we're letting you do this."

She had a point, Coach thought. The cheer-sluts were skilled little manipulators and a dozen sobbing girls were sure to elicit sympathy from the cops. Even if nothing was ever proven the scandal would end his career. "So what do you suggest? My whistle is still missing, and you can't expect me to overlook this:" he held up the bag of weed again. "Someone has to pay - one way or another."

Someone! Jordan finally saw a way out. Someone - but not everyone! A sacrifice play...

"I'll make you a deal" she told Coach. His raised eyebrow suggested that a naked cheerleader facing a drugs charge had nothing to bargain with, but Jordan was a woman. While men - especially men like Coach - thought in terms of brute force, she was used to using her charm and her sex appeal to get what she wanted. Except this time it wouldn't be HER pussy up for grabs.

"I'll give you one girl - just ONE. You can do what you want with her. You leave the rest of us alone." The cheerleaders looked at her in shock.

Surely she wasn't going to hand over one of them to be a fuck-toy for the football team? But Jordan was resolute. It was better to hand over one girl than have all of them turned inside-out. The boys were growing restless and she feared that if she couldn't strike a bargain soon there would be a mass-rape orgy that Coach wouldn't be able to stop even if he wanted to.

"And how do we know that the girl you select won't go to the cops?"

"Because the rest of us"Jordan gave her team a meaningful look - "will swear on a stack of bibles that she was a willing participant. Right girls?"

 Despite their reluctance to support her plan the cheerleaders could see the logic. One girl or all of them. They could all sense the mood of the football team, and knew that a sexual stampede was imminent. Slowly they began to nod their heads.

"Okay then. One girl." Coach nodded his agreement.

The boys weren't entirely thrilled at Coach's acceptance of Jordan's deal.

"One girl? C'mon Coach, we could have them all!" Coach shushed them. "Do you know why I'm the coach here? Because I'm smarter than you that's why. And this is the smart play." He motioned to Jordan. "Make your choice."

 Jordan turned to face her girls. Eleven pairs of eyes pleaded with her to pick someone, anyone, - just not them. She considered carefully. Several of the girls had wealthy and well-connected families: their parents would raise hell no matter what story the cheer squad told. She had to pick someone without that kind of protection.

Jenna? As the team slut she was an obvious choice, but the look of dread in her eyes told Jordan that she wasn't up for this. Having been spit-roasted and double-penetrated countless times Jenna knew it was all fun and games as long as she was in control - but whoever Jordan selected would be nothing but a piece of meat for the amusement of the football team, completely helpless in their hands. Besides, Jenna was a loyal friend - after today's events Jordan would need her support to maintain her position.

 Shelby was out of the question. The cavity-search had left her devastated, a gang-rape on top of that would pretty much guarantee that she would be slitting her wrists in the bathtub that night.

 Eliza? She was undeniably tough, maybe she could survive the ordeal without being permanently damaged. But she was wild and independant, with a number of shady boyfriends in her past. If she was handed over Jordan could expect some kind of payback. Severed brake lines perhaps, or even (Jordan shuddered) - being used as a party favour by some outlaw biker gang. Eliza was simply too dangerous to consider.

Jordan's gaze fell on to Sarah - and stopped. Sarah had no rich family, no connections, no bad-ass friends who might avenge her. She was just strong enough to take what would come, but not so strong or aggressive that Jordan would have to fear retaliation. And because of her academic aspirations she was an outsider in the eyes of the team. Jordan's eyes narrowed. If there was one girl she could hand over without losing the support of the others it was Sarah.

Sarah saw the change in her captain's eyes and realised that Jordan had chosen her.

"No! Please! You can't!" she begged. But the decision was made. Jordan stepped up to Sarah and patted her gently on the shoulder. "Sorry sweetheart. Sometimes you have to take one for the team."

"NOOOOO! It's not FAIR!" Sarah's protests fell on deaf ears. She was suddenly surrounded by the other girls, pushing her toward the crowd of horny young men.

"Take her!"

"Do what you want!"

"She's all yours!"

Sarah's faith in her friends was shattered by their betrayal. They were giving her up eagerly, encouraging the boys to take and use her. How could they do this? For months they had trained and practised together, changed and showered together. She had even begun to explore her sexuality with them, kissing and cuddling, enjoying the soft touch of other girls and what she thought was the kinder, more gentle side of sexual intimacy. Now they proved themselves to be cruel and ruthless, throwing her to the wolves.

 The shaken, bewildered girl found herself face-to-face with Coach once more. "I hoped it would be you!" he exclaimed. Grabbing her around her slender waist he tossed her easily onto his shoulder, her legs kicking helplessly in the air. Holding her in place with one strong arm he addressed the rest of the cheer squad.

"Alright girls, you're off the hook. Sarah is going to set things right. Aren't you honey?" He slapped her bare ass for emphasis, promting fresh screams from the struggling cheerleader. "NOOOO! PLEEEEASE! HELP MEEEEE!" Sarah beat her tiny fists against his solid back to no avail. Coach strode to the door with his prize. "C'mon boys, it's time to celebrate!" He turned around just before exiting. "Scrub up girls, you're still on duty for tonight!"

The cheer squad gasped with indignation. After all this they would still have to put out! But at least it would be the regular kind of fucking, not the brutality that Sarah was going to be subjected to.

The team followed Coach out, laughing and slapping each other. The girls heard their footsteps fade away, accompanied by the frantic screams of the one they had so willingly sacrificed.

With a combination of guilt and relief they looked at Jordan. She stared back at them defiantly. "Did anyone want to volunteer?"

Their downcast eyes indicated that they did not.

"I didn't think so. Let's hit the showers."


 While her former friends were relishing the feel of warm water against their skin and comforting each other with lovingly applied sponges Sarah was being carried to her own personal hell. Soon she found herself in the boy's locker room. It smelled harshly of sweat and male scent, aggressively different from the softer perfumed odor of the cheerleaders quarters. Coach dropped her carelessly onto a bench and pinned her down with one hand, his immovable weight behind it.

"Time to party boys" he yelled. "Strip off!"

Sarah watched in horror as the team undressed. The hard edges of their armour were replaced by the softer lines of their smooth muscular bodies - all the more intimidating because of what their naked skin implied. She was surrounded by a ring of athletic young men, the weakest of which had three times her strength. All had hard erections - after several days of abstinence and the events in the girl's changeroom they were ready to fuck anything that moved. Sarah was terrified. She knew that they were all going to take turns with her defenceless body. Coach grabbed her by the hair and forced her onto her knees in front of him. "Get to work whore!" he ordered.

"Please!" she begged. "Please don't make me-"

Slap! Coach's hard hand smacked across her face. "That wasn't a request!"

Shaking, the hurt and intimidated girl unzipped his pants. She pulled out his cock, large and almost fully hard. Closing her eyes she prepared to take him in her mouth.

Slap! "Look at me while you do it you little slut!"

Sarah looked up at him and saw the gloating expression on his face. She could expect no mercy here. She wrapped her lips around him and held his gaze as she ran her tongue around his swollen head. Her only thought now was to make this as quick as posssible so she could stop looking at him. She sucked and licked as best she could, gagging occasionally as Coach forced himself deeper into her mouth. With one hand on his shaft to stop him going too deep she massaged his balls with the other. The coolness of her hands was a delicious contrast to the heat of her mouth and soon Coach was near climax.

"That's it, suck it baby! You were born to be a slut!" His eyes closed and his body shook as he shot his load into her mouth. "Swallow!" he grunted.

Shuddering at the taste Sarah managed to gulp down his seed. At last he let go of her hair and allowed her to take her mouth away from him.

"Blanchard! Coach waved at the quarterback. "You're up!"

"I sure am Coach!" Dan laughed. "Put her on the bench and spread her legs!"

A few seconds later Sarah was on her back, hands pinned above her head and her legs pulled wide in a full split. Her ass hung just over the end of the bench, granting easy access to her snatch. She struggled as Dan worked his cock into her but she was held fast by several boys and could do little more than twitch. "Nooo! Stop! Pleeeeease!" she begged. Having to blow Coach was bad enough but now Sarah found herself sunk to new depths of shame and despair - she was being REALLY raped, her body taken by force, a hard dick ramming into her tight and too-dry pussy. She began to cry again, her humiliation overwhelming her. Shutting her eyes she tried to imagine that she was somewhere else but the cheers of the team and the hard thrusting inside her made it impossible. She moaned between sobs as Dan picked up the pace. Young and horny, he didn't last long before emptying himself into her. He stepped back, panting heavily. "Damn that was good!" He pointed at one of the offensive linesmen, a hulking black with a particularly fat member. "Your turn!"

"Thanks Dan!" He looked uncertainly at the cum that seeped from Sarah's pussy. "Don't like sloppy seconds much though."

"No problem!" Coach tossed him a water bottle with a long spout. "Just flush her out with this!"

"Your the best Coach!" Sarah screamed again as the hard plastic nozzle was shoved into her. Squeezing the bottle hard he soon had her flushed of Dan's cum and got down to business. Sarah wailed as she was opened wider by his thick cock, she had never had one like this before! He drove into her again and again, stretching every inch of her channel. The screams and pleas of his victim only heightened his excitement. "You love that big black cock don't you!"

 "Nooooo!" Sarah yelled. "It's too much! Stop!" Her pleas were ignored or course and the powerful young black man continued to fuck her. "I'm going to stretch you out girl! Ain't nobody ever going to bottom out in you again!" Sarah believed him. Each thrust seemed to make her pussy deeper. The terrible pounding continued for several minutes until he finally came, bellowing in triumph. When he was done another boy took his place. Then another, and another. Each one hurt a little more, her delicate insides raw from the friction. Soon the pain of her rapes became as bad as the humiliation of being used. But one at a time wasn't enough for them. "Turn her over" someone suggested. "Lets do her from both ends!"

Sarah was turned onto her stomach and her hands were tied together underneath the bench. Her legs were pulled forward and tied in place so that both her pussy and asshole were readily available. She found herself sucking on another cock while the boy behind her forced his way into her ass. Shrill screams came from her throat as she experienced her first (but far from last) spit-roast. She had never enjoyed anal even when lubed and ready, to be forced like this was agonising - and all the more shameful. She had only ever given up her ass reluctantly, to those few boys who she thought deserved something "extra special". Now her most carefully-guarded opening was being used casually, brutally, with no thought for her physical pain or emotional distress. She felt the press of his body against her buttocks as he buried his full length inside her, grinding against her flesh before beginning to thrust, long and hard. The lubricant left over from her cavity search gave only slight relief from the sensation of her anus being reamed. She tried to move away from her anal rapist - only to find that this pressed her face harder against the guy she was sucking. "That's it baby!" He cried. "You LOVE to suck dick don't you!" More laughter from the crowd. Her hair was held tightly so her head could be pulled back and forth over the cock in her mouth. She gagged as the tip went deep enough to explore the upper section of her throat.

 None of the boys lasted long with her but there were so many of them! Soon her breasts and ass were red from slapping and squeezing, and her holes were loose from the multiple penetrations, gaping obscenely when each spent cock pulled out of her. The team quickly found that her nipples were especially sensitive and would pinch and twist them if she didn't suck to their satisfaction. But worse was to come.

"Time for some DP action!" Sarah was untied from the bench and pulled upright. By now she was exhausted by her stuggles and couldn't resist as she was taken in both pussy and ass, her body sandwiched between two muscular young men. She could only cry and moan as she felt their hard members filling her body, pumping her vigorously. Never had she felt so full! Her pussy struggled to accomodate one dick, her asshole burned with agony as the second violated her back passage. They co-ordinated their thrusts, one going in while the other pulled back, giving Sarah the unbelievable sensation of being continuously penetrated. All she could feel was hard cock going into her body, over and over. Then they changed to simultaneous pumping, both her holes being fucked in unison.

 "OOOhhhhhh!" SARAH moaned. "Please NOOO! I can't take any more!"

"You'll take plenty more!" she was told harshly.

Sarah found herself thinking about the other girls, safe in their changeroom while she was being violated. Those bitches! They had handed her over to save themselves, knowing full well what she would have to suffer. Anger and hatred swelled within her - she wanted them to feel what she was feeling, to get forced, taken and humiliated. All this was because some stupid cheerleader had been dumb enough to keep weed in her locker and now Sarah was paying the price. She had done nothing wrong, and the injustice of her rape compounded her misery.

 Eventually the entire team had had her - some a couple of times. They dropped her limp body back on the bench and began to shower.

Coach took out his cock once more. Spreading her unresisting legs he began to fuck her pussy with long hard strokes. "How does it feel to be a whore?" he asked.

Sarah was too exhausted to reply. Her body ached, her holes were on fire and her mind was numb, unable to even form coherent thoughts. Coach continued to pound into her. At his age it was difficult to come again so soon, and he was still going as the boys dressed and left the locker room.

"Thanks Coach! That was great!"

"Lets do it again sometime!"

Coach smiled happily at them. "You have a good time with the other girls tonight. And remind Jenna that she owes me one!" The last boy left and he was alone with the cruelly used cheerleader. He squeezed her breasts and pumped harder, finally reaching his second orgasm. Panting heavily he lay on top of her for a couple of minutes before standing up again. But he had one last surprise for young Sarah.

"Look at me!" he slapped her face again. Her eyes opened and she gazed dully at him. Coach pulled something from his pocket and held it close to her so she could see.

It was the missing whistle.

"I had it the whole time!" he chuckled. "But finding that weed was a stroke of luck! I've been teased by you little cheer-whores for years - it's about time I got some satisfaction!" He puffed cheerfully on the whistle as he walked out.

Sarah lay motionless on the bench. She was covered in bruises and streaks of cum. Blood seeped from her pussy and ass, the delicate membranes torn by the abuse she had received. Young and healthy, her body would eventually recover - but nothing would ever heal the damage to her soul. For the rest of her life she would be a broken woman, driven by her inner demons to seek out abusive men and submit to their desires. All pride gone she would forever regard herself as the worthless slut Coach wanted her to be.


« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:05:53 PM by The Claire »
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline vile8r

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 08:30:40 AM »
I remember this story the first time you posted it! I loved it then and I still love it now. Welcome to RU and thanks for re-posting Algore! I look forward to more. :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif:
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline cartman13

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2015, 03:14:22 PM »
Can i visualize Hayden in Bring it On while i read this?  8)

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2015, 04:17:22 PM »
Yes, a delightful read. Thanks for posting

Offline Algore

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2015, 11:01:23 PM »
Can i visualize Hayden in Bring it On while i read this?  8)

I should have posted some pics with this one. "Kirsten: was based on Kirstin Dunst (Bring it on) Eliza was based on Eliza Dushku (ditto). Jenna was based on Jenna Haze - a now-retired porn star.

Thanks for the feedback, always nice to know someone enjoyed a story!
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline lee265

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 05:28:45 AM »
This was a fun read. is there going to be more at some

Offline Algore

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2015, 05:37:21 AM »
This was a fun read. is there going to be more at some

Glad you enjoyed. I wrote a sequel some time ago. I'll post it soon.
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline Rainbow
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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2015, 07:06:36 AM »
Well done !  ;D
If she can‘t breathe, she can‘t scream !

Offline scarleth

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2015, 03:18:06 AM »
I'm reading this story slow, savoring... Because everytime I stop to read, I cum within 5 minutes and never reach the end.

I just wanted to register that... I couldn't finish it yet, but so far, very hot story!
Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?
Fuck your white horse and a carriage

Offline Algore

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2015, 03:24:49 AM »
I'm reading this story slow, savoring... Because everytime I stop to read, I cum within 5 minutes and never reach the end.

I just wanted to register that... I couldn't finish it yet, but so far, very hot story!

AHHHH! Music to my ears... so to speak. Always great to know I've made a woman happy!  ::):

BTW: there's a sequel -

A slow build because I like to write a story, but I hope you'll like it!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 03:29:21 AM by Algore »
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!

Offline andypandy

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2015, 01:41:05 PM »
Prolonged, unfair humiliation like this is most enjoyable! A lovely read indeed. Please keep up the good work!   :emot_thedrool.gif:

Offline scarleth

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2015, 09:15:24 AM »
AHHHH! Music to my ears... so to speak. Always great to know I've made a woman happy!  ::):

BTW: there's a sequel -

A slow build because I like to write a story, but I hope you'll like it!

I read it all and the story is really good, the sex scenes are so hot! Thanks for sharing your depraved thoughts with us  :emot_kiss.gif:
Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?
Fuck your white horse and a carriage

Offline Rainbow
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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2015, 06:31:19 AM »
 :emot_bravo.gif: :emot_bravo.gif: :emot_bravo.gif:
If she can‘t breathe, she can‘t scream !

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2017, 07:16:48 PM »
So wanna try out for the team!!!!! Open auditions?  Damn this was sexy hot

Offline Algore

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Re: Take one for the team!
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2017, 09:12:54 PM »
So wanna try out for the team!!!!! Open auditions?  Damn this was sexy hot

 Well I think a few of the cheerleaders are going to quit after this - so yeah, there will be vacancies to fill!  ;D
I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through... I'm gonna do bad things with you!

See my profile for a list of my stories!