Part 3
The van arrived at Inland Correctional Facility under the shroud of darkness. Earl and Bucky, the two guards who had raped her on the way up, hoisted her out of the van and were met by two women in full uniform. One was a blonde with long, stringy hair, and the other a woman with jet black hair. Both were stern looking women.
“Well what do we have here?" The blonde remarked as she marched around Madison mentally critiquing her naked body.
The other female opened the manila folder the guards had handed her. “We got a real trouble maker is what we got. DUI, starting a fight in the women’s cell, prostitution with male inmates.”
“Is that so?” the blonde remarked. “Thanks boys, we will take it from here. We know just what to do with a bitch like this.”
The two men smiled as they watched the women marching Madison into the back entrance, her hands still bound behind her back. The women led Madison into a semi-darkened room.
“Now, let’s get things straight from the onset,” The blonde cop remarked as she removed her outer jacket. “This is a correctional facility. That sweet little ass of yours belongs to us now. Me and my college here are going to give you a preview of what happens to trouble makers here.”
The two sadistic guards led Madison to a small wooden table about waist height and made her bend over it.
“What you are you going to do?” Madison remarked tearfully as the dark-haired officer looped a large leather restraint around Madison’s lower waist and tightened it firm. She then walked to the front of Madison and knelt as she bound her wrists to the legs of the stool.
“We’re going to introduce you to Mr. cane,” the woman sneered as both officers retrieved a long, slender wooden cane and began tapping it against their palms as they slowly circled Madison’s body.

“AWWWWWWW!” Madison yelped as the cane landed across her bare ass with a sizzling impact. At the same time, her shoulder blades felt the stinging sensation of the other cane.
“Stop! Please stop,” Madison wailed as the two female’s caned Madison’s body with twisted delight. When her ass, legs, and bare back were glowing red, the women stepped back and admired their work.
“Think she has learned her lesson?” The blonde remarked to the other.
“I most certainly do not. I think she needs to meet Mr. Whip.”
“Nooooo! You can’t do this to me. Let me go,” Madison wept.
The two women loosened Madison and stood her on her feet, where they walked her over to the center of the room. Madison watched helplessly as they put her wrists into a leather-like cuff suspended from the ceiling by heavy chain.
“She’s got a big mouth. I think we should gag the bitch,” the brunette stated. The two women looked around and when they found nothing, the brunette pulled off her panties and tossed them to the blonde.
“Let her taste my cunt!” she grinned. Madison cringed as the stale taste of the panties was absorbed on her tongue. With the panties wrapped tightly around Madison’s head, the blonde picked up the whip and directed it right to Madison’s shapely ass.

“MMMMMPHHHHHHHH!” Madison groaned into the panties as her body recoiled and bent in the middle from the fiery sting of the whip. Madison got it from both ends. As one whipped her bare back, the other would strike her tits, legs, and even her pussy until Madison was sobbing wreck.
“We are going to leave you here for a bit while we go find a suitable place for you. Meditate on your sins,” the blonde remarked as she reached down and rubbed Madison’s sore pussy, laughing sadistically.
Madison’s body was literally on fire and her legs trembling as she hung there, head bowed and sobbing from the cruel treatment she had just received.
A good hour or maybe more lapsed before Madison heard their footsteps returning. Her head was pulled up roughly by the hair as the guards began loosening the restraints around her wrists. She was then led by them into the main cell areas.
Madison cringed as she passed the rows of male inmates, all shouting obscene things, grabbing their dicks and telling her what they would like to do to her. She thought about that bible verse she heard in Sunday school about a lamb led to the slaughter.
The two women stopped and began opening a cell in which a half dozen men were leering at her.
“You can’t put me here!” Madison screamed defiantly.
“Why do you think you are here for bitch? You are here to offer these men your holes. Here to provide their sexual needs. Hell, we can't have the men butt fucking each other now can we? Don’t worry, we will be right out here watching the show. We won’t let them hurt you…too bad,” The blonde growled as they tossed Madison into the cell and shut the door.
The two sadistic guards grabbed two metal chairs and leaned them up against another cell as they took a seat to watch.
The men grabbed and pawed at Madison. Hands were everywhere on her body as they walked her backwards towards one of the cots. These were not older men with beer guts. They were lean, muscular men. All had their heads completely shaved and their arms sported bulging biceps. She even noticed ink on them.
“Come on boys. You got pussy in there, quit stalling and fuck the bitch,” the two guards yelled laughingly.
Madison was tossed roughly onto the bed and held there by strong hands as the men began to strip down. Soon, she was surrounded by a sea of hard bodies, and thick, meaty cocks. She felt her tits being slapped roughly, and her legs being pried apart.
“Help me!” She wailed only to hear the mocking laughter of the female guards sitting outside watching her rape.
A hand pried her mouth open and a huge black cock slipped inside. The cell was home to violent sex offenders. There were white, Latino, and black men inside, all wanting a piece of Madison.
She gagged, her face turned red, and her eye widened in terror, as she found her air cut off. The musky male scent of the man’s crotch filled her nostrils as she forced it further into her straining mouth. Like savage cave men fighting for a woman, the lust-driven prisoners shoved and jockeyed for the first shot at her available holes, pinning Madison to the messy mattress beneath.
The mattress reeked with the scent of piss, sweat, and body odor as she struggled in vain to free herself from their animal-like clutches. A gut-wrenching pain shot through her body as a cock, long, thick, and hard, thrust its way inside her pussy, while on either side of her, other naked males stroked their meaty cocks as they waited on their chance to fuck her.

Her forehead broke out in beads of sweat as she strained on the black cock meat stretching her mouth painfully wide. With the cock still banging away at her cunt, she was rolled to her side and another cock forced itself against her asshole. She tried to scream, but her voice was muffled against the dick inside it. Her asshole stretched lewdly, the cock began pummeling it mercilessly. Outside the cell, the two female cops were watching the degrading rape with glee.
As one would cum, another would ram his engorged cock into her. Her body felt numb as they ravaged her abused holes no stop.
Two hour later, her body covered in cum and sweat, the two female guards walked a weakened and disoriented Madison to a small cell and shoved her onto a bare mattress with nothing but a wadded up curtain on top, and locked the cell door.

“Welcome to inland. You are the new bitch of C-block, at least until a replacement comes along. Sleep well darling. You are going to need the rest; these rapists are insatiable,” The blonde remarked as the two cops walked away laughing.