Author Topic: The Kindness of Strange Women  (Read 3572 times)

Offline SoftGameHunter

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The Kindness of Strange Women
« on: November 13, 2021, 01:35:31 PM »
The Kindness of Strange Women

I woke up thirsty and with a bit of a headache. Bright light was everywhere, and I realized I was outside. Lying on some parched, dusty dirt. Somehow I was naked, dumped in a heap in some big empty commercial lot by the freeway. I saw trucks and cars whizzing by up and over, a few hundred feet away. I wasn’t sure how visible I was to them, but I was just lying naked on the ground sporting a killer hardon. My cock hurt, and I felt it to find signs of heavy use. I’d been having sex? Pretty rough, from the look and tenderness.

I looked around more. I saw light industry and commercial, not a lot of people. I had to be way outside downtown. I remembered clubbing it, which I don’t normally bother with. Some guys and gals from the office. No one sleazy. But here I was, maybe hours from home, naked. This was not fun. Not good. I got up and moved away from the freeway towards the warren of low-built industrial buildings. Which one, I had to wonder. Which one to walk into stark naked and erect to get ‘help’ from whatever band of teamsters ran the place? A naked girl in my place might fear being raped, but realistically it was a hundred to one she’d get some Galahad to wrap her in his jacket and drive her home himself before she was in any real danger. Me? Probably not a rape worry. But sympathy would be around zero. I’d probably see a jail cell before I saw my living room.

I got off the hot dirt onto hot cement and spotted what looked like a bus stop a way off. Good enough. I headed over, wondering if I was being watched. There were buildings and cars parked. It probably wasn’t lunch time. I saw no one in person and walked up to the bench. I checked the sign and saw it was a private shuttle line, not a municipal bus stop. It served the neighboring job sites, connecting to shuttle lots further out. The map looked expansive. And it was clear I was nowhere near LA’s urban center anymore. I hadn’t seen such sparse nothingness in years. I barely knew LA after living there a month. This was just boondocks.

I stood there and a bus came up. Now or never. Worse, the driver was a woman. Blonde. Older than me. She stopped and no one got off. It was running empty. I stood at the door. She looked down at me, at my bobbing cock, still saluting. It was a mixture of worry and amusement.

“Uh, hi. Sorry. I’m in a bit of a situation here,” I said.

“Yeah, I can see that.”

“Does this bus go into town?”

“Not a chance,” she said. “You’d need, um, four or five connections to get to a city line from here. And they charge.”

“Well, that was my next question.”

“You’d have to hire a charter,” she said. “And they also charge for that.”

“Uh, I’m really in dire straights here,” I said to her as she sat there trying not to grin. “I’m not some pervert. I don’t know what happened to me. I just woke up over there by the freeway. Like this.”

“Uh huh.”

“I’ve got nothing. No money. No debit card hidden up my butt. This is all I’ve got. I could really use some kind of help, ma’am.”

“So I gathered. But you’re twice my size. I could really regret letting you on, and I’m not giving you money.”

“It’s not like I’d go buy booze with it,” I said, but she didn’t respond. “Could you call it in at least? Report this to, somebody?”

“I think a squad car is the only option,” she said. Somehow it came to that.

“Yeah, I guess that’s better than nothing,” I said. “Go ahead. Please, call the cops. I’m out of options.”

She closed the door on me and I saw her getting on the radio. I just shuffled around in the heat, wondering if my cock was going to soften up at all, ever. The bus didn’t leave, though, and a while later, maybe ten minutes, a cop car pulled up to me. The tinted windows gave nothing away as my fate rolled up to me. This was going to be awkward. But then it got still worse when two women cops got out. They beelined straight for me. I put my hands up.

“You going to cause trouble?” one of them, officer Peroux asked me.

“Not planning to. I’m just kind of stuck here,” I said. “I woke up like this. I don’t know what happened.”

“Okay,” she said, taking out a pair of handcuffs. “I’m going to handcuff you, it’s for your own protection. Do you want to cooperate?”

“I’m not going to fight you,” I said. “But it’s sure as hell not for my protection.” I didn’t struggle as she locked my wrists behind me.

The other one, officer Vasquez, meanwhile had gone over to talk to the bus driver. I saw the two of them coming over to us. “Yeah, well it was reported as a sex crime,” Vasquez was saying. “And that means two women to make the response call.”

“Has he made any kind of threatening movement?” Piroux asked.

“Him? No. He just was standing. But his cock was hard already,” the driver lady said, pointing to my penis.

“Alright, what’s your story?” she asked me. I recounted everything, all five minutes. They just nodded. The fact that I was handcuffed naked with a hard-on on a public sidewalk didn’t seem to faze them in the slightest.

“Alright, we’re placing you in the back of the squad car,” Vasquez said. “It’s for your own protection.” I still didn’t argue. They put me in back and closed the door. I knew it was locked on the inside. So I sat there, cuffed and stark naked. Eventually the pair returned and let me out.

“I’ve decided to let you off with a warning to be more careful,” Piroux said.

“More careful? Ma’am, I don’t know what happened. Now I have no way to get home. I can’t even get arrested.

“You shouldn’t want to get arrested,” Piroux replied. She nodded to the bus driver and the two of them left. I was left just standing there in the heat.

“What the hell!”

“I guess you weren’t doing anything aggressive,” the driver said. “I told them you didn’t even touch yourself once.”

“Touch touch touch!” I said, poking my granite cock. She actually laughed.

“Come on, I guess I’m a sucker for a boy in distress. I’ll give you a lift to the depot. I’m done my shift.”

“Thank you!” I said. She opened the door and let me on. As I went to sit down, she interrupted me.

“So, do you know you have writing on your butt?”

“No, no I don’t know that. What does it say?”

“Hold still and let me read it,” she said. Then she giggled.

“What is it? This isn’t funny.”

“Sorry, I,” she laughed again. “It’s not that funny, I know. But, oh, here’s a picture.” Before I knew it she used her phone to take a picture of my ass and show it to me. I saw that in indelible ink someone had written a few arrows around my buttocks, all pointed to my ass. And ‘Insert Ladyfingers Only’ was written across it all. I also saw light marks, whip marks.

“Someone had a good night,” she said. “Go on, have a seat. If you can.” She laughed again.

“It doesn’t hurt or anything,” I said, taking a seat near the front.

“Who are you, anyway?” she asked.

“John,” I said. I saw her name tag and CDL license copy listed her as Lori Gladwell. Lori was enjoying her day. She started the bus moving we hadn’t gone more than a mile when she began to curse. Then she got on the radio.

“It’s out again,” she said. “What do you think I mean?” I couldn’t hear the other side, but it sounded like a recurring problem. “Hell yeah, gladly. Mark me down,” she finally said before putting the handset aside.

“Problem?” I asked.

“The onboard tracking computer’s died again. It doesn’t look like it’s coming up again.”

“So, are we going to stall out?”

“No, it drives fine. But it can’t do a shift without things like GPS, mileage tracking, passenger counts, all the shit with running the business. I have to go get it replaced, so huge overtime mileage for me.”

“Fuck. Do I need to leave?”

“It might be your lucky day. Service has to be done at the regional center. I’m driving to LA. Now. And if you don’t tell, I won’t.”

“Hell yeah. Thanks!” Finally, some good news. So we turned and got onto the freeway, and I realized how far out we were. It was going to be an hour just to get into the urban area, and probably another four or five after that to reach the city center given the usual jams. Maybe less on the weekend.

 “So, what to talk about,” she said. “I don’t get a lot of time with naked men on the job.”

“This is all new to me, Lori,” I said.

“Looks like you had a great night. I wish I’d been there.”

“Me too. I mean me being there.”

“But not me?” she asked.

“Well, sure. Never say no to the woman giving me a ride home. I mean, that’s just wise advice always, and doubly so now.”

She laughed again. “Oh, I’m safer than that. However much I’d love to sexually abuse a man, I don’t have the guts.”

“That’s good to know, because I’m really vulnerable here. You have no idea how humiliating and just plain frightening this is.”

We rode in silence for a while, letting the freeway pass below us. But Lori spoke up again. “I’m sorry, but this is driving me nuts. You’ve got to know how having a naked man trapped on my bus alone with me makes me feel.”

“Scared. I’m sorry,” I replied.

“No, not scared. Really turned on. My heart’s racing and I just want to do dirty talk with you. But that’s not fair to you. You clearly didn’t ask for this.”

“Well, you’re my rescuer,” I said. “I’m not a damsel, but I was certainly in distress. I can talk to you if you want.”

“Okay, but I still feel kind of bad about it. I mean, I’m sitting here in control of the bus, and I have all my clothes on. But you’re probably scared and confused. And naked. And you, you know, are having, um, a reaction.” She stopped, blushing. Funny, she’s blushing and I’m the naked one.

“Reaction? Am I getting a rash or something?” I asked.

She sort of laughed. “But, it’s about, um, being you. Like this. Like, are you really aroused like this, or is your penis just sort of bobbing there on its own without doing anything?”

“Both. It’s not going away and it really should have by now. I don’t know what’s going on down there, I really don’t. But yeah, I’m also feeling way more aroused than I should, considering, you know.”

“Well, John, I could always pull off somewhere and we could, um, have a moment.”

This was not what I expected. Or Lori, from her awkward delivery. I took a better look at her. About forty something. I didn’t actually have to guess. Her license copy listed her age as forty-three. Blonde, on the dark side. Thin and firm. Not much chest, really. A working woman without a lot going on, but easy on the eyes overall.

Right away she looked frantic, like she’d gone too far. Like she wanted me to decline so she could tell herself she tried. She didn’t let a chance go by without the effort to shag a naked guy on her bus.

“Is that really what you want?” I asked her.

“Never mind! Sorry!” she blurted out. I had a feeling she was now learning what lots of guys feel when they aim out of their league or something. We’ve all been there. But I was also learning something about how underdressed women have to put on a brave face even when they’re really fucking vulnerable.

I felt kind of bad. She actually would be a decent lay, it seemed. It didn’t occur to me she’d give up so fast. I wasn’t trying to shoo her away. Least of all because she was my ride!

“Don’t fret it,” I said. “I was just wondering.” Wondering what I was trying to do here. But then, I had more reason to be flustered and incoherent than Lori did.

“I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I don’t want to coerce you or anything. I’m not some cougar out to take advantage of younger men.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’m not in a position to be offended.” Again, no idea what I was saying by then. I actually was very much in that position. If our roles were reversed, Lori would be fearing for her life by then. I was just really humiliated, not endangered. I wasn’t offended, but sure was allowed to be. “Nothing wrong with aggressive cougars. Some young guys wouldn’t get laid without them.”

“I just wouldn’t dream of being aggressive. You’ve just got me wound up, you know? I mean, it’s not you! Not your fault, I mean. Sorry, I’m not handling this well. This doesn’t happen to me very much.”

“Naked men on the bus?”

“Yeah. Naked men on the bus. At least, one’s I don’t have to call the cops on and get kicked off.”

“You’re doing me a huge favor. Just relax and enjoy it. I won’t begrudge you that. For you, this is a good day.”


“Besides, you already called the cops.”


“Don’t worry. Wearing handcuffs was just what I needed to make my morning complete.”

“Really sorry.”

“Not necessary,” I said more directly. “You did what you needed. You should always look out for your needs. Always.”

“Uh huh.” She seemed more wound up than before. I think she really wanted to flirt. Or fuck. Or more. She was just shy and scared to try. And she really did seem like an okay lay. I wanted to make her feel comfortable with the situation. And I soon realized that she did. Maybe I convinced her to go after what she wanted. Maybe time worked in her favor.

I didn’t think anything of it when we pulled off the freeway. It’s not like I knew where we were going. Albeit, we were nowhere near home for me. She pulled into a light industrial area. It was quiet on a Sunday. I assumed the maintenance facility was there. But she pulled into a parking lot. Then she stopped the engine.

“What’s wrong now?” I asked her as she turned to face me better.

“Nothing. I just wanted to be face to face while we talk. That’s fine with you, isn’t it?”

“Uh, sure,” I said. She was staring at my body so hard I thought she might forget to blink.

“You’re talking a lot about what you owe me, aren’t you?”

“I do owe you,” I said.

“And I know guys are always looking for sex, so you should enjoy it too, if we stopped and got friendlier, wouldn’t you?”

“Um,” I said, unclear on what I could say. Lori was sending out mixed signals. Her tone was timid, like this was role playing. But we’d obviously discussed nothing. Was she hoping I would resist her? Or eagerly beg her for sex?

“Besides, you owe me. You said it yourself, John.”


She got up and reached under the seat for an emergency roadside maintenance kit. It was a big container and she opened it on the other front seat. “You don’t mind putting my mind at ease, do you? You seem nice, but you’re a big guy and could hurt me.”

“I won’t hurt you,” I said. But she got a role of duct tape.

“Put your hands behind your back. Stand up.”

Could I have stopped her? Probably, though a knee to my balls would have ended any confrontation really quickly. But she was my ride and I had no choice, really. I crossed my wrists behind my back and she taped them, secure enough that I would not break free on my own. It turned back and caught her grinning before putting a serious expression on her face again.

“Lie down on the floor, in the aisle,” she said.

“Okay.” I started to lie down but she actually kicked my buttock. Not hard, but enough.

“Face down!”

Face down? This was getting severe. Maybe she wasn’t the shy lady I thought. I laid down with my stiff cock pressed awkwardly against my belly. She then literally sat on my ass facing away and used the tape to bind my ankles. Again, I wasn’t getting out on my own.

Now she slid up so she sat on my back, on my bound arms. “I think, I’d like to give you a fun spanking. You don’t mind that, do you?”

How nice of her to ask. “I guess not,” I said. What was I going to do? Object?

She began slapping my ass with her hands. She didn’t start light, either. Each slap stung and she wasn’t going slow, either. However playful she thought she was, I really couldn’t stop her. Not bound and sat on. So I had to take each slap and she was really getting into it. She was not a weak woman, either. My wincing turned to grunting. Then louder as I began to cry out with each slap.  “That’s enough!”

“No it is not!” she replied, spanking me faster and still harder. I couldn’t stop it. I tried to wriggle out from under her, but no go. So I had to lie there and just try to endure it. I couldn’t stop it. I could only cry out in pain as she beat on me.

But it finally ended. Lori was breathing hard from her exertions. I was just lying there trembling. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked.

“No, no, I guess not,” I had to say.

“Hey, want something cool and soothing for that ass of yours?”

“Oh, sure. Okay,” I said. I didn’t know what she was getting at until I heard her rummaging in the tool box. Cool metal. But before I could say more I felt the cool slick metal slide between my buttocks and press at my anus. I didn’t even see what she’d picked but I groaned in real distress as she jammed the tool up my ass, hard and deep. She wiggled it around and suddenly I felt like I might cum right on the floor. She’d obviously hit the prostate.

“What the fuck did you do?” I cried. She replied with a two-handed slap on my sore ass.

“No back talking!” Then she got up and pulled at one arm. I’d been lying face-down too long so I helped her help me to turn over. My cock aimed at the ceiling, harder than ever as I laid on the protruding part of whatever was in my ass, moving it around my innards and playing my prostate like a drum.

I watched her get undressed. At last I’d get something visual. And she didn’t disappoint. I feared she might just remove the pants or something, but she got naked. It was as I expected. She was a pretty good hardbody for her age. She was a strong working woman and her tits were pretty good. Not that I was in a position to be judging her. She sat back down, mounting me and wrapping her extremely slick pussy around my cock. It was so nice! She thrust onto me a few times and almost right away I blew my load up into her. But she just kept going, riding me hard, even as each slide became an overloaded feeling for me. I groaned more as she kept it up.

“Oh yeah, you like this, isn’t that right?” she asked. I nodded. She kept sliding and soon she cried out as she came as well. But it only slowed her for twenty seconds or so. She soon was thrusting over me again. She had to be multi-orgasmic. Whatever was in me kept me hard even though I was in agony after finishing. But she kept at it and a few minutes later had her second orgasm. And she still kept at it.

Eventually my cock recovered and I was feeling it right again. Lori came a third time. And a fourth. She must have really wanted it. She was sweating hard even with the bus AC still running, but I came again as she kept at it. I was more than done with she had her fifth. And finally her arms gave out and she fell forward onto me, her cunt still clutching my cock. I smelled her hair, disheveled and spread out over my face.

We both laid like that for a good five minutes before she shakily got back to her feet. She paused to use her phone to take some pictures of me lying there, bound and helpless. Then she got dressed. She stood over me for a moment, lost in whatever was on her mind.

“Penny for your thoughts,” I finally said.

“Yeah. Should I untie you?” I had no answer for her. Yes. Or no. I said nothing. And finally she sat down, started up the engine, and we drove off. We were soon back on the freeway. I couldn’t see anything now, with the windows up high.

“I’m going to remember this day forever,” she finally said after another hour on the road.

“I don’t think I’ll be forgetting it either,” I told her. We continued rolling into town.

The traffic wasn’t anywhere near what I thought it would be. After a while longer we were off the freeway and pulling into someplace. Lori stopped the bus and came back to pull the tape off me. “You’re a, um, good sport,” she said to me.

“That’s me. Good sport,” I said.

“I hope I read you right,” she said. “That was, well, a fantasy of mine. You gave the right answers, you know. So, um…”

“It’s good,” I said. I knew what I’d said. Arguably, I couldn’t have resisted her without a bad outcome. Arguably, I’d been raped? In truth, Lori had been so halting in her talk I didn’t know what to think. She might have just driven on if I refused her. Or she might have worked up the courage to force the encounter, and maybe leave my taped naked ass on the sidewalk back at the parking lot where we stopped.

She plucked the tool from my ass and back into the case. I never saw what it was. A wrench, probably. Maybe a ratchet.

Getting off the bus at the repair center was awkward, but there was almost no one there on a Sunday. She was just dropping it off. Still, awkward with the shift manager. We went outside.

“Okay, thanks,” I said. “I’m still miles from home, but…”

“I hired you an Uber,” she said. “I’m going back home. But this one is paid for. My treat. I hope you can get in the door.”

“There’s a main office for the complex,” I said. Manned mostly by women. Another thing to look forward to. Then both Ubers drove in. Sure enough, mine had the woman at the wheel. She glared daggers at me, but Lori had a quiet word with her first.

“Get in. In back,” the woman said. I did so and watched as Lori took off in her ride. The woman got it. “Got an address?” she asked. I told her. She nodded and got us on the freeway.

“So, your lady friend back there said you’re a dude in distress. Had a foggy night last night?”

“I don’t remember anything.”

“She also said you’re a good sport?”

“Is that what she said?”

“Yep. Her words.”

“I suppose so,” I said.

“Interesting. Very, very interesting,” she said. I looked out the window. Was this even my way home?
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

Offline To-Get-Her

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Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2021, 06:28:38 PM »
A great story that gives me the impression that the ladies had more knowledge that they let on. Wouldn't surprise me if there's a follow up where the Uber driver get a 'big tip' for taking him home eventually! Really hoping that he had been feed a large dose of Viagra to keep him hard for more than four hours! Merit for the entire scenario and handling it like a true confused man would!
When I get around to it, I'll write

Offline spunkjunk

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Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2021, 09:16:01 AM »
I so enjoyed this!! :emot_thedrool.gif:
Thanks for sharing and...if you have to distract you from your other works, this longed for  a nasty continuation >:D
Just one more merit from
your fan

Once God created the male. Examining each angle he thought: I can do better! And he did...

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2021, 09:49:25 AM »
Thanks to you both. I must admit that the ending was a last minute thought and would allow for a sequel. The bulk of the story was played straight as I wrote it.

Of course, surprises can always occur, and maybe I'll have a harder time getting home yet.
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2021, 10:20:20 PM »
Alright, you've all convinced me. I give you:

Part 2

So there I was. Naked. Erect. Strung out emotionally, what with the whole memory loss and being kinda-sorta raped by Lori the bus driver. Rather hungry too, I came to realize. And I wasn’t really sure if we were headed the right way home.

“Is this the fastest route home?” I asked the woman. She was in her twenties, so a lot younger than Lori. Not that I should have been thinking that way but I was.

“Is that your address?” she asked, pointing at the screen in the dash.


“Then this is the way home,” she said curtly.

“I just, sorry, it just seems like we’re going around, and, never mind. Sorry. I’m a little out of it.”

“So you think I’m cheating you?” she asked.

“I’m just trying to get my bearings.”

She took the next exit. “We’ll go a different route if that’s what you want,” she said.

“Look, I’m sorry. Okay, really. I am. I don’t know the city and I’m weirded out. I apologize.”

“Well we’re committed now,” she said as we passed through the interchange and onto a different freeway. I don’t even know which was which. But we cruised along for a good minute before the traffic slowed and finally crept to a near halt. And now, sitting there in the back seat of a low-set Acura, one with no window tinting, I realized that I was in prominent view of most of the other cars. It was a tight squeeze to get me into that seat. My shoulders popped up over the seat back and my upper chest was easily seen through the side window. These alone were no big deal. A guy shirtless in summer was hardly unknown. But the traffic was moving at about five miles an hour and there are lots of trucks and SUVs and larger cars in LA. Lots of time to glance around to the other cars while bored.

And they did. I sat there with everything sticking up or out or whatever, and the looks I got! Some had windows down and there were certainly some shouts about male bodies. Everyone had an opinion. I glanced over in time to see a minivan with windows wide open. Several girls in the back stared and giggled, but the mom in the driver’s seat glared at me with her mouth open in shock and anger before braking and falling back.

“Don’t worry. This only lasts about six miles,” the driver, Kimberly, said to me. Kimberly Morgan. She had to have known about the traffic. She couldn’t have just said “There’s a traffic jam?” But I was in no position to argue with her. We crawled along with me in view of every other car on the road, at least in the lanes on either side of us.

Sure enough, it was an hour later that we got past it and sped back up. “Want to try it my way now?” she asked.

“Whatever you like,” I said.

“You got it, sport.” We drove along for a bit. I was going to just stay quiet. But then she was pulling off again.

“Hey, I know this is not the right exit!” I said.

“It is if you don’t want us to run out of gas,” she retorted. “That delay got the tank a little low, thank you. I do know how to operate a motor vehicle!”

I sat and said nothing as she parked dead center in the pumps. She got out to pump and I sat there as the cars came around us on all sides. I stood out like a goldfish in a bowl. “Hey, that delay left me needing a bathroom break!” she called in through the closed window. “I’ll be back in a couple. You feel like going?”

I shook my head and she walked off. Now alone, I just sat there in the busy station, trying to salvage what dignity I had. And it was the women around that seemed more eager to make that difficult. I was in full view of everyone, but the men had mostly no interest in checking out the pervo sitting naked in the little Acura. The women, though. Different matter.

Five minutes later Kimberly returned and we set off. I just sat there, enduring her tormented driving. “You’re awfully quiet back there, sport. Come on, my job is boring. Talk to me.”

“I’m really not feeling that chatty,” I said. “I’m sure you can understand.”

“What, being gawked at and objectified? Being humiliated, sexually, for what I wear? Nah, no woman could understand that.”

“Come on, why the sarcasm? I said you could understand.”

“I understand that I’m driving my fucking car around town on a Sunday instead of studying to finish my doctorate like I should be. And what do I get for my troubles? Some naked dude with a hard-on sitting in my car! I don’t think I deserve this crap.”

“I’m just going to be silent now,” I said. “Thank you for the ride.”

Just then her phone rang. She adjusted the earpiece and began talking. “Yeah. Yeah. Jeez, Michelle, do you examine my every move on that GPS? Oh, oh. Yeah, it’s your job! Well the guy I’m carrying didn’t want to go the route I tried to take. I didn’t ask for it! Oh, fine, fine. Yeah, fine! Oh Jesus Christ, Michelle!” She paused and hit a button. “My supervisor wants to talk to you. It’s on speaker phone.”

“Hi, am I speaking to, um, Lori? Wait, that can’t be right.”

“She paid. I’m John,” I said.

“Your driver said you requested a different route. That’s going to add to the cost. Are you aware of this?”

“I just asked if we were going the right way. I really wasn’t trying to be confrontational.”

“Okay, I see. Kimberly, take it off speaker.”

“Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay! Okay, yeah. Well I don’t think he’s paying more. The guy is bare assed naked! Yeah, he showed up that way. Yeah, because you said, no, no, no you said!...” She paused. “Yeah, well, he doesn’t have a fucking wallet. The guy is naked. Okay? N, A, K, E, D!” She drove faster as she argued, and the car began swerving more.

“Fine, fine! Fine, take your report slips Michelle and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine!” She veered off at another exit and slammed the brakes at the last second. We were, well, somewhere in LA. She turned off and into some mini-mall with half the shops closed up. “Yeah, I stopped! I quit. I’m fucking done with this job! I don’t deserve to be humiliated like this! Oh, well not my problem, Michelle. You care about your ‘liability’ so much, you come get him! You’ve got the GPS!” She hung up the call and then turned off a bunch of the electronics on the dash.

“Um,” I started to say.

“Get out!” she yelled. “Get the fuck out of my car you fucking perverted asshole!”

“Hey, we’re out, here…”

“If I have to grab my gun,” she said coldly. I didn’t wait. I got out of the car. She peeled out but only went about thirty feet before stopping. I stood there. This could have been gangland for all I knew. Naked white guys with hard-ons don’t do well in gangland. But then Kimberly got out of the driver’s seat.

“You want a blanket, there, naked boy?”

“Yes! Very much.”

She paused, looking me over, and looking around. It was a dead strip mall.

“Earn it!” she said, unzipping her shorts and sliding them and her panties down partway down her thighs. “Lick me off!”

I hesitated. But a blanket! I couldn’t pass it up. As much as Kimberly Morgan was the last woman I wanted to pleasure at that moment. I went over, knelt down low, and pushed my face up into her crotch. Her pussy smelled of sweat but otherwise was okay. It was a hot day and she’d probably been driving all day. So I shoved my tongue out and into her, finding her clit as quickly as I was able. It was an awkward position. She was a little short. And worse, I was kneeling on old asphalt. But I steadied myself on her fenders as she leaned against the car and let me give her head. I tongued her deep. I went way in, lapping at her juices. Her copious juices it was turning out. I licked and sucked them into my mouth and I swallowed her juices and tasted everything she had down there.

She breathed harder a bit. “Hey, take a picture, bee-atch! It’ll last longer!” she suddenly shouted at someone. I was so startled I almost fell over. But I kept at it, aware that it wasn’t completely dead out there. There were shops and there were some shoppers. Mostly women, as they were mostly food shops with the requisite hair salon and nail salon and all that stuff.

If Kimberly came, she didn’t show it much. With all my movement and the road noises, including honks, I couldn’t tell. But she suddenly shoved me away. I fell backwards onto my ass. “Good enough,” she said. “Worth a blanket, I guess.”

She turned and got back in the driver’s seat. The engine started up.

“Hey, hey!” I shouted.

“Fuck off, pervert!” she shouted as she drove away, leaving me there with a half-dozen Hispanic and one black woman gathered around, about twenty feet away from me. They were eying me, keeping their distance. For a moment I just sat there, but I hurried back onto my feet, trying not to point my erection at any of them. One of them stood there, one hand clutching a purse and the other in the purse, keeping hold on either mace or a gun.

“This wasn’t my idea!” I sort of cried out. It sounded more pathetic than I wanted. “I’m kind of stuck here. Call the cops if you want!”

“Hey, white boy, come on inside.” I turned and saw a Hispanic lady at the door of one of the shops, some little herb market. “Come on, before you get yourself arrested.”

“Thank you!” I said, hurrying over. At that point I didn’t care as long as I got out of the parking lot. The notion that yet another strange woman, let alone some forty-something Hispanic woman, would want to sexually abuse me for a third time did not cross my mind. I ducked inside where two more women of about the same age and appearance were shopping.

“Wow, you like you’ve had a really bad day!”

“Or a really good one!” one of the other women chirped up. But my rescuer turned and hurled a bunch of angry Spanish at her. The woman just smiled and returned to the chili powders.

“So, is someone coming for you? Or you want to make a call?”

“I think another ride might be coming,” I said, thinking about Kimberly’s ‘liability’ line to her boss. It made sense. They didn’t want lawsuits.

“So what happened to you, poor boy? How’d you end up all like this?”

I had no reason to hold back. I told them about waking up and getting a ride north. I left out Lori’s manipulations and fantasy. I’d led her on. It didn’t really seem like rape to me. Kimberly, though, I told all three of them about in detail. They saw the nasty parts already.

“So you been wandering all over So-Cal stark naked all day? With an erection? Oh, man. My cousin Maya once got locked out naked when her boyfriend got all in her face and smacked her. She had to go across the street for help. But that was, wow.”

“Are you at least horny?” one of the other two women asked me.

“I don’t know what the hell I’ve been drugged with,” I said. “I still don’t remember jack all.”

“I’m Rosa,” my savior lady said. “And those perverted old maids are Juanita and Carla. We’re really glad you aren’t all traumatized now, um, uh.”


“John. Yeah. I mean, if you were hurt or something, we’d probably have to take you to a hospital. I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. They were getting closer to me, all three of them. And now I began to get, something. Nervous? They weren’t the hottest chicks out there. They’d lived obviously tough lives. But, but I didn’t know. Was I going to run naked out into gangland to avoid sex with willing women? But, was I going to let more women just exploit me like that. Rosa spoke soothingly. The other two just grinned a lot. Everything about them was nice and friendly and soothing. And so, so phony.

“Hey, John,” Rosa said, grabbing my cock suddenly.

“Yes, Rosa?” I asked her.

“You’re not hurt. You’re not eager to leave here. Let’s just do what we all want without a fuss, okay? Don’t act like you don’t want it. That pasty tramp who drove you in left you high and dry. We won’t do that. We promise.”

“I’d really rather, um, just kind of, wait. Here.”

Now Carla gently but firmly grabbed my arms from behind. “Just let it happen, you pretty boy you,” Rosa said. They walked into the back, and I pretty much just went along to avoid being pushed over. There was a table there, wooden, sturdy. Covered in crap but Rosa quickly swept or moved it all away. Juanita shoved me over onto my back and she and Carla pulled me further up. My cock, well, it was as stiff as ever, bulging and throbbing.

These ladies were obviously quite traditional I saw, wearing skirts instead of pants. So it wasn’t hard for the undies to come off and them to get busy on me with no loss of dignity. Rosa had the honors. She mounted me and rode me, wrapping her hot pussy over my cock and sliding over me, slick and tight enough. Juanita did the same up at my head, which dangled over the side of the table. She just pushed my head down and angled my face back, flipping her skirt over me so I was faced in the dark with another cunt. She pressed down and I stuck my tongue up into her, like it or not.

They were right. I couldn’t fight them. It was happening to me and that was that. Rosa rode me, grinding at my cock as she squatted down on me, her powerful thighs lifting and dropping, lifting and dropping. Juanita had the lazier option, just leaning into me and making me do the work. She was even wetter and squirtier than Kimberly had been, oozing all over my face as I tongue lapped her clit and deeper regions. She did cum quite noticeably, squeezing my head between her thighs when she did, gasping, and full-on squirting, dousing me with her fluids. I had my first genuine facial from her.

“My turn!” Carla said, pushing Juanita out of the way, followed by some Spanish. She too lifted her skirt to get my face in her crotch. At that moment I came hard, shooting cum up into Rosa’s vigorously pumping pussy. She didn’t stop or slow for a second, and now her cunt was sliding over my sensitized cock head far too hard. I squirmed and tried to cry out for her to slow down for a moment. But Carla pushed her cunt harder to me while Juanita held me down firmly. Now each riding slide was turning into pure hell on my dick.

“Stop that!” Juanita snapped, smacking my balls firmly. And a second time. I cried out more and tried to keep still for them while continuing my cunnilinging on Carla’s twat. Rosa was having a time of it, riding and riding and riding. Carla enjoyed my mouth, cumming twice that I could tell. She didn’t squirt like Juanita did but she was sloppy enough. Rosa was still going when Carla stepped back but finished up as her friends were getting smoothed back over. She left me about to cum again. Not desperate enough to masturbate in front of the women, though.

“Oh, John, that was good for all of us,” Rosa gushed. “You should be proud of yourself. You can wash up in the sink over there if you want.” I had to wait for Carla, but then they let me rinse off and drink some water. I cleaned up as well as I could. They’d been at me for a while. I was sweaty and covered in pussy slick. They didn’t even lock the front door. I had a feeling there wasn’t much foot traffic.

I went back out front. “So, what now?” I asked.

“What what now?” Rosa asked. “Take a load off. Wait for your ride.”

“That’s it?”

“Funny boy. We aren’t kidnapping you. That was consensual sex for all of us. You can chill out. Here,” she said, holding out a jar. “Snack on some chili pepper cookies.”

I was famished and tried a bite. They were hot, as I expected. I chugged a glass of water with each bite. The ladies returned to their ‘shopping’. Their conversation was in Spanish. That was really it. No concern on their part for my reaction. They never considered I would report their raping me. And the fucked up part was they were right. Where was this ever going to lead? A big trial? Me as the star witness recounting my naked adventures through LA?

The door opened and a woman in her thirties popped her head in. “Hey, did anyone see…” She stopped, seeing me there with my ever-present erection and no clothes. “John?” she asked.


“Michelle Turner. I believe you had an unpleasant encounter with a former employee.”

“Yes! Thank you for coming for me! Really!”

“Bye John,” Rosa said with a smile. “Come back again someday, okay?”

“Sure, you bet,” I said. There was no point of fucking around. They didn’t know me. I could lie. They knew I was lying. We walked out across the parking lot to a big Lexus.

“You can sit in front if you like,” she said.

“Okay. Thanks,” I told her.

“This is the address we had on file from earlier,” she said, showing me. I nodded. It was my home. A route flashed on the GPS. Still a ninety-minute ride. We got going, and I noticed almost right away that Michelle was glancing at my penis as much as she could. Well, whatever.

“So, there seems to be some confusion. What happened to you?” she asked. So I told her the whole story. Most of the story. I left out the ladies in the shop raping me. And I left out Lori having her fun. I did point out Kimberly’s, though.

“I apologize for her, though at that point she had quit so she wasn’t working for us,” Michelle said.

“I’m not suing the company, don’t worry. I just want to get home and forget all this.”

“Still, it’s too bad she couldn’t have just relaxed and enjoyed the situation. Not that it’s right, what happened with you, being left out there stark naked, drugged up with no memories and a hard cock. Exposed like that for the whole damn world. But Kimberly could have at least enjoyed the sight, right? I mean, you can’t fault us for that, right? Like a man would be any different with a naked stranded damsel in distress. Does that make you a dudesel in distress?” she asked with a chuckle.

“I really don’t know the word.”

“We should come up with one. I’m sorry, am I embarrassing you? God, you must be humiliated out the wazoo by now. I can’t even imagine. Stranded hundreds of miles from home with no clothes on. And you couldn’t even get arrested?”

“Nope. They let me off with a warning,” I said.

“A warning! Can you believe it? Still, what did you take, anyway?”

“I really don’t know at all. I’m not into party drugs. Or anything else, really. I wasn’t even hung over.”

“Could you have been roofied? Do you think some women might have raped you? It would explain the erection pills or whatever’s in your system.”

“I have no way to know. Just that my ass was whipped and written on.”

“Mind blowing, I’ll tell you. That’s just trippy. Hey, be honest. If you don’t mind me asking, are you going to, you know, jerk off to these memories later? I mean, no one’s threatened you, so it has to be a little erotic, doesn’t it?”

I had no answer. I also had a burning desire for her to stop talking about it. “I’ll just process it in my head,” I said. That should be bland enough of an answer.

“Hey, are you hungry?” she asked.


“There’s a lunch packet in the back seat. Want to grab it? I’ve got some snacks I’m happy to share.”

“Thank you!” I reached around to get the bag and opened up the container. There were a bunch of little sandwiches.

“Lady fingers,” she said. “Have all you want. Put those lady fingers into you, John. My treat.”

Lady fingers. Like the writing on my ass. She had lady fingers just sitting around in some Tupperware waiting to share with me. I tried to look at her closely, which was tough because she was still staring at my cock as much as she could get away with without crashing the car. Did I know her? Had I met her before? Like, last night?

“John? Oh my lord, I know what you’re thinking! Christ, do you think I arranged for you to be in that exact strip mall when my driver quit on me? Can I make it rain, too?”

“Okay, sorry. But the way you said lady fingers just a moment ago,” I said. “Like the writing on my butt.”

“Well, okay, I was having some fun. At your expense. I guess that wasn’t very nice of me. But come on, it’s like I’ve been saying here. If the situation was reversed and a man had a naked woman in his car, you don’t think he’d be having a grand time of it? And no one would fault him for saying it was a great day, even if he sat still and drove like a monk. Well, guilty. I’m really happy today happened to me. I’m going to brag to all my girlfriends about it. And maybe some guy friends just to watch them squirm. But I shouldn’t poke fun. After all, I’m rescuing you. So, eat. You must be starved.”

I did eat. And they were quite tasty. I had a feeling I was eating her lunch, or supper, or something. It was obvious Michelle was going to keep on peeking looks at me and I guess I couldn’t fault her. Not directly, even if it was pretty embarrassing. I tried to relax. It had been an exhausting day. I was actually getting kind of tired.

I guess the question is obvious. Did she spike the ladyfingers, or did I just doze from fatigue? There was no way to know. Was she a planner, or just an opportunist? But I dozed off and woke up when the car stopped moving. I opened my eyes to see we were in a garage for a house.

“This isn’t my apartment building,” I said.

“No. You looked so peaceful there. I checked your complex’s web site and the office was already closed this time of day on Sundays. You could not have gotten in. So I brought you home.”


“Don’t look alarmed! I’m the one taking a risk, bringing a strange naked man into my home. I’m the one who should be wary, not you.”

“They have a lock-out phone. I can get it. Please take me to my home.”

She opened the door and got out. “It’s a fifteen-mile drive still. I never did eat lunch. You can come join me for supper or you can wait out here for me.” She went into the house. I sat there, thinking, for maybe two or three minutes. But finally I got out of the car and walked inside. Maybe she’d be kind enough to loan me something to wear. Anything. A towel.

“Hello?” I called out when I got inside.

“In here, John,” she said. I followed her voice and walked into a living room with Michelle and two other women, all waiting for me. My heart jumped on seeing them.

“Oh, so this is your catch of the day,” one of them said, walking right at me and grabbing my cock with one hand. “He is a pretty one!”

“Hey!” I cried out, pulling back.

“He’s a bit shy, can you blame him?” Michelle said. “Poor guy blacked out and woke up naked on a street, somewhere down almost in San Diego, or so I hear.”

“Yeah, something like that,” I said.

“John, these are my roommates, Madison and Tiff. Don’t worry, I warned them you’d be with me and naked, so they won’t be shocked.”

“You might have warned me,” I said.

“I don’t think anyone needs a warning I’ll be in my own home,” Tiff said abruptly. I didn’t believe she actually thought that. It was time to see where I really stood with Michelle.

“Since we’re in your house, could I borrow a towel at least?” I asked. “Hell, I’ll buy it from you.”

“I don’t think you have any money,” Michelle said.

“Then borrow one. Out of just basic kindness, can I borrow a towel?”

“Oh, relax. We’re just enjoying the day,” she said. “The blinds are closed.”

“I’d like to borrow a bath towel, please.”

“Maybe you owe us some beefcake,” Madison stated.

“Will you loan me something to cover up with or not?”

“Fine, John, fine. Be that way,” Michelle said. “Not!”

Now there was a silence. A short one. I glanced around. I suspected the doors were locked. From the inside, but it would take a few seconds to unlock them. And there were three women here. All of them looked like they hit the gym from time to time.

“What are you going to do to me, then?” I asked them. They were slowly surrounding me.

“Nothing you won’t enjoy, if you let yourself,” Michelle said.

“Almost nothing,” Tiff muttered.

“If he’s really, really open-minded, he might like all of it,” Madison suggested. Tiff snorted.

“You really don’t want to do this,” I said. “Please, just don’t go down that path.”

“Let’s get him into the playroom,” Tiff said.

“Yes!” Madison agreed. Then they all grabbed at me, all at once.

“No! No way!” I shouted and tried to fight them off. I went straight for their defeat, even if there were three of them. I elbowed Madison hard right in her gut. I was going for a punch to Michelle’s head when blinding pain erupted in me. I screamed and fell over, clutching my nut sack.

“They never learn,” I heard Tiff say. I just went limp except to cradle my balls as the three of them hauled me down the hall into a room with fully covered windows. It had been a master bedroom of their house once. Now it housed a sparse but functional bondage room. They yanked my hands away and cuffed my wrists to chains, up and out above me. They pulled my legs apart and affixed my ankles to more short chains at the base. And that was that. I was helpless. Totally vulnerable.

“Oh this is good!” Tiff cackled with glee. “And nobody knows where this asshole is?”

“Not quite. He’s in the company records and I can’t delete those. But I’m sure he’ll keep his mouth shut if we catch and release him,” Michelle said.

“I’m going to report everything,” I told them. If my ride to my home address was recorded, then I couldn’t just disappear.

“Not if it’s too humiliating,” Michelle said. “Now calm down and take what’s coming to you. This is no different than a man finding a naked woman. He would rape her. Don’t even try to deny that!”

“I don’t know your story, but I do deny that!” I cried as they gathered their whips and crops.

“Shut up!” Tiff shouted, being the first to land her crop on me, on my cock. I winced and she hit me again higher up. “You aren’t talking your way out of this!”

“How did you get our boy here, anyway,” Madison asked more calmly, aiming and whacking my ass hard enough to make me yelp. “You didn’t say anything yesterday.”

“Dumb luck,” Michelle said. “You know Kimberly, the one who was on her way to being canned.” She landed a hard whip across my chest.

“Miss Prissy grad student?” Tiff asked.

“That’s her. I called her today about a route deviation and she ranted about how her fare was a naked guy with an erection some broad bought a ride home for. Just a random naked man. Well, it wasn’t hard to push her buttons and make her quit on the spot. Then I just swooped in and gathered him up.”

“Nice,” Madison said.

“Gah! Stop hitting me!” I cried. All three of them were at it. Somewhat casually, but they were flogging me all at once.

“Don’t fight us!” Tiff snapped. She began bringing her crop down on my cock. Right on the head. Hard, again and again. Her aim didn’t fail her once. I winced and screamed and then, to my disgust, came hard. Ropes of cum shot out of my dick, mostly hitting Michelle’s leg as I had a huge orgasm that strained my balls to pain.

“Well that’s part of the trial defense,” Madison laughed.

“You disgusting monkey!” Tiff shouted, re-aiming her crop for my balls, making the real pain start. I screamed and pulled on the cuffs so hard my wrists were bruising. But there was no escape. After the fifth strike Michelle blocked the blow.

“Leave him intact for us, damn it!”

“And speaking of helping him along,” Madison said, stepping away. She returned with a butt plug, smearing Vaseline over it as I watched.

“No!” I cried. “No! Don’t put that thing in me! Don’t do it!

“It’s going up your butt, John,” she cooed. “Nothing you can do about it. You may as well relax and enjoy it, since it’s inevitable, right?”

“Why do you keep saying that shit?” I cried as I felt it sliding between my buttocks. I tried to wiggle out of the way but I didn’t have enough space and Tiff slapped my face hard with her open palm. And then I screamed in real pain. It was a big plug and even lubed it was larger than anything that ever went past my anus. And in the wrong direction. Even when it settled in place it was an unholy agonizing intruder and I couldn’t shake it loose or push it out on my own. The ladies stood back and laughed.

“That’s it, boy-toy. Now you know how we feel!” Michelle said with another laugh.

“I guess it’s not for ladyfingers only,” Madison commented. She was the first to resume hitting me, laying into me with her whip. Tiff and Michelle followed suit, with all three of them thrashing me as I jerked around helplessly, screaming in pain. Tiff was having the most fun, laughing uproariously as she hit me the hardest. But none of them were kind or merciful. They just made a sport of it, hitting me over and over. I never had time to bundle my thoughts or even catch my breath as they went on and on and on and on with it.

By the time they moved me off I was just a wreck. I couldn’t stand or talk. They moved me. I remember just quivering and blubbering as they moved me onto the bondage bed, a sturdy wooden platform with modest padding and lots of security where they spread me out wide again, on my back, ready to ride. The butt plug was still in me, hurting like a demon but also tickling the prostate. Michelle had the honors of raping me first. She stripped down and mounted me, sliding her pussy over my cock. I blew my load before she was even on all the way.

“Wow, I’m the popular one today,” she said, laughing as she began the agonizing slamming, sliding over my now-hurting cock head. Tiff entertained herself biting my nipples. Madison took pictures.

“Don’t get my face in those if you’re putting them online!” Tiff snapped.

“Calm down, I know that,” Madison replied testily. But I couldn’t even think about that. My rape was so uncomfortable. I writhed and cried as she ravaged me, soaking me through three orgasms before giving up.

“Me next,” Tiff almost shouted, getting on me quickly. She glared down. “And if you cum in me I’ll break your teeth!” Maybe it was perverse fate. As soon as she said it I came again, squirting up into Tiff’s twat. “You! You!” she cried, turning red with rage.

“I’m sorry!” I cried in desperation, too late. She landed two hard punches to my face before Madison and Michelle stopped her.

“Just fuck him! We do have to return him you know,” Michelle said. Tiff scowled and began slamming me hard, smashing her pelvis down on mine, and stroking my pain cock extra hard. She came quickly, and again, and more after that. She milked a bunch of orgasms for herself off me. I think she quit because she was tired finally.

Madison was up next. I was too drained to cum fast, and recovered enough that it was not so painful. But she settle into an easy position, lying on me, and took her time. “You guys know this is going to take a while,” she said.

“Just do what you want,” Michelle said. “You deserve happiness from his cock too.” Tiff wandered out. Michelle took a big iron dog cage out of a closet and set it up in the corner. “Just put him away when you’re done.”

Now it was just me and Madison. She was slower, gentler. But I don’t think it was based on caring. She just needed time to reach an orgasm, and I wasn’t in a position to cum and go. I managed to cum again, making my dick super-sensitive once again. But Madison just went calmly about it, ramping up so slow it was almost impossible to notice that she’d gotten a lot harder since starting. She was sweaty and breathing hard. She’d been on me at least an hour, an hour of her pleasure and my agony and desperation. I came again in her, repeating my process of agony. But finally, eighty minutes after starting according to the clock on the wall, she managed her own orgasm, stopping and stiffening up as she shook with pleasure.

She got dressed quietly. Without all the moaning, I could hear the other two watching some movie elsewhere. A loud movie. Madison unlocked me and turned me over, even pulling the butt plug out, though the exit was agonizingly painful. I eyed the cage. It seemed inevitable.

She leaned down and almost whispered. “Tiff won’t let you leave so easily. If you want to end this, just come with me.”

I just nodded. She helped me to my feet and we quietly walked out. I never saw Michelle or Tiff. We went out a side door and walked out to the street. It was dark out by then. She was parked out front and let me into her car. Soon we were on the road.

“Thank you,” I said, dully. It seemed appropriate. Thanking the woman that raped me last, slowest, and longest.

“It was fun for me too,” she said. Not at all what I meant, but whatever. “So, where do you live?” I gave her the address, and twenty minutes later we were at the front office to the complex. I still had one more awkward encounter left. Before I got out, Madison took out a sharpie, and I didn’t even resist as she wrote on my chest. “If you want to have a drink sometime, call me,” she said. She’d written a phone number. I stumbled out and she drove off.

I went to the emergency phone and picked it up. “I’ve been locked out. I don’t have my keys,” I said. It was a simple explanation, one they got often enough. But the weird part would be when the security guard got there. I waited around, hiding in shadows. It was not that late yet. People came and went for a time while I waited.

But finally the uniformed guard came. Of course. It had to be a woman. And what a woman! She was the most drop-dead gorgeous chick I’d seen in ages. Mid twenties at most. Tall. Busty. Sleekly toned. Blonde hair. If she was going to abuse me like the others had, sign me up! Still, now I had to expose myself to her, and she was out of my league. I do recognize the absurdity of thinking that way in my situation, but it’s what went through my distressed brain at that moment. I stepped into view for her.

“Sorry, sorry. This is really awkward.”

“I’ll bet,” she said, looking me up and down.

“I don’t have any ID,” I said. She walked over and held up the i-pad, comparing my face to the one on the leasing file.

“That’s why they take the photo when you move in. Alright, stud-muffin, come on.” I followed her indirectly to my place, avoiding going past the pool and volleyball pit, both with people still using them. We went up to my front door and she opened it for me. I expected her to make her move on me. That was when I recognized her. I’d seen her face before. Not in person. Not until now.

I was being led around naked by Bethany Millman, the former near-supermodel who was dropped from her first and only modeling contract offer after some comments she made to her campus student paper. She was a student at CSUN, a youth pageant champion, and about to make her first real money when she told the student reporter that more women needed to chill out about sex, including drunken, groping sex. That boys will be boys and not worry if they get frisky even after a ‘no’. She volunteered that if more women just did what their boyfriends and husbands wanted sexually and didn’t get so hung up over porn collections, fewer men would cheat on them, beat them up, or both. She concluded by saying that if a girl trusted a man enough to get in his car or go to his home alone, she should trust him enough to let him take her clothes off and decide what to do with her body. They would surely not regret it, just as she never did, wink wink nod nod.

The blowback had been incredible, and her future career in modeling and possibly in Hollywood had vanished, leaving her job-seeking in the neighborhood for part time work in lieu of the lost scholarships. I’d read her story a few weeks before and it stuck in my mind for obvious reasons.

“Well, here you are, safe and sound. Good night,” she said once the door was open, walking away. I limped into the bathroom and showered long, hard, and hot. I didn’t care about evidence. There was no way I was reporting any of what happened. Ever. I finally shuffled out, nuked a frozen pizza, and fired up the computer. I almost didn’t notice.

The date. It was Sunday, the twentieth. But my last memories, from last night, Saturday, had been on the twelfth.

What the fuck had I blacked out?
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

Offline To-Get-Her

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  • But would you really want her?
Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2021, 02:30:53 PM »
Man he can't catch a break at all! Love how the women are turning the attitudes of rape back onto him! Also love the mystery you introduced us to with the dates- out for a complete week. Once more this screams "CONTINUE ME!" merit awarded from me in hopes you do just that!
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: The Kindness of Strange Women
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2021, 03:50:23 PM »
Man he can't catch a break at all! Love how the women are turning the attitudes of rape back onto him! Also love the mystery you introduced us to with the dates- out for a complete week. Once more this screams "CONTINUE ME!" merit awarded from me in hopes you do just that!

Absolute agree. A fun to read.
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